The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 566: Self-investment

Kayang stood up, and Sorge immediately made the same move.

"Servant, are your subordinates really trustworthy?"


"This is very important! Something is lurking around this little ruined house, and we are all fooled."

Sorge swallowed, his internal organs all resembled an ice cellar.

"How could it—"

"Quiet, there may be a serious loophole in your plan."

Kayang walked to the window and looked out through the blinds. There seemed to be nothing but darkness outside.

But he was able to reach that restless heart.

Sorge walked to the door of the guest room, lowered his head, and said something urgently to a miniature communicator microphone.

Kayang didn't stop him, because after meeting, he was able to confirm that his servants could still be trusted 100%-anything could be disguised, but the imprint on the soul could never be disguised.

After the call, Sorge turned to look at Kayang.

"Master, we have to go, I have a more hidden alternate location."

"what happened?"

"As bad as you were worried, the whole city has become quiet. The Astral Knight must have discovered something and used you as a bait to catch us out."

"Do you think the problem is with me?"

Kayang sneered.

"Well, no matter what, since it has been discovered, then there is no point in hiding it. Let's act directly and go to the mechanical church that you said."

"This... okay."

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from the outside living room.

Then, the door was opened, and three people walked in. They were all ordinary humans, wearing black individual armor, masks, and guns in their hands.

"Master, the enemy may have surrounded this place, we have to leave immediately."

One of them said so.

Without waiting for Sorge to speak, Kayang's heart suddenly moved, and the three of them floated in the air at the same time, and the weapons in their hands also clanged to the ground, and they struggled as if they were strangling their throats by an invisible big hand.

"Don't kill them! Please, master!"

Sorge said loudly.

"They are all carefully selected by me, they are very precious, and each has a special skill."

Kayang was silent for a while, and then the three fell to the ground at the same time.

"Go and run."

Kayang left the room, greeted the scarlet letter below, and walked out quickly along the corridor.

Although the situation was urgent, Kayang did not appear to be very flustered. He even had time to stamp a spiritual mark on every mortal present, and quickly glanced at the surface consciousness of the three people with his psychic energy.

It turns out that they are all from the bottom of the nest, some are famous thieves, and some are deadly poison experts. Indeed, as Sorge said, they have unique skills.

Soon, they reached the bottom of the house.

Sorge raised a hand to activate his communicator.

Suddenly, the shutters were suddenly opened, and the windows were exposed, and the hot and scorching glare suddenly poured into the airtight room.

When every shutter was suddenly torn open, all the mortals present couldn't help but twitch, only Kayang remained calm.


A large amount of light yellow smoke began to pour into the house, flowing down the window sill like water, and silently when it fell on the ground.

"poison gas!"

Within five seconds, they watched as thick gas rushed into the room like a flood from the window frames and door cracks, as if being dumped out of a trolley.

"Back! Go upstairs!"

They rushed up the stairs, and the poisonous gas behind them quickly flooded the floor of the living room like a tide, and then surged up the stairs like a river against gravity.

However, the scarlet fighters remained motionless in the poisonous gas.

Kayang could feel the heavy malice in the air, a raging anger that permeated all around, which marked the existence of a powerful psionicist.

"We are in trouble."

He whispered, his voice almost undetectable, but only Sorge glanced at him.

The shutters on the first floor have all been torn open, and thick fog surging around the furniture wrapped in dust-proof cloth, covering the entire floor.

Everyone's thoughts were disturbed by this critical situation, and Kayang was aware of the superficial thoughts of mortals, and there was only fear inside.

Everyone started to run wildly. But that speed is far from enough.

Before the person with the slowest legs climbed the last step, the thick yellow fog climbed up his legs and torso, covering his whole body.

The man screamed and waved his arms frantically, then lost his balance, fell down the stairs and fell into the bright yellow ocean.

Within a few seconds, he disappeared, engulfed by the surging waves.

Ignoring the miserable end of his agents, Sorge continued to run along the corridor, the old floor screaming under his weight.

He ran to a door, stopped, and was about to kick it away.

But the next second, but the door was broken from the other direction first, knocking him back.

Kayang heard the sound of an assault gun, which also heralded the appearance of an interstellar warrior.

The fierce firepower instantly tore the walls of the corridor, one of them wailed like a broken toy, and blood and internal organs covered the surroundings.

"There is armor out there! We must think of another way!"

Sorge, who got up, roared, his arm dripping blood.

Just after speaking, a bright and hot blue light beam lased out, exploding the head of the attendant who led Kayang to pieces, and blood and bones splashed around.

"Master, go!"

Sorge shouted.

But Kayang is still calm. Don't look at the situation now. He can already feel that there are at least three predators outside and five Rand raiders waiting for him to appear.

The number of enemies exceeds at least one hundred.

The twelve scarlet letters won't last long.

At this time, the roar of the explosive gun sounded from the bottom of the room.

Kayang made a decisive decision.

"We go directly to the destination."

Speaking he drew out his weapon, a battle axe named Sacramenton, originally belonged to the Space Wolves Champion.

Saw him lightly stroked in the void, a small crack appeared in front of him, and the purple spot of light constantly oozes from the crack——


After speaking, he stepped forward into it. Although Sorge didn't want to experience this kind of travel, he eventually followed.

Just as Kayang disappeared, the Scarlet Letters stopped their attacking movements one after another, and froze in place like a corpse——

Within a few seconds, a group of giants wearing silver-gray armor broke into the door. After seeing the dead scarlet warrior, one of them connected to the communicator in his neck.

"Team commander, I am Ustad, the mission is complete, the goal has left."

A few seconds later, he received the communication from there, nodded, turned and said to the other fighters:

"Clean up here, put this bunch of things in the car, and seal them with psychic isolation facilities."

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