The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 572: Battle of the trapped beasts

【the host】

At the critical juncture, the demon Lynx Nagua, who had been hit hard before, threw himself out of the shadows again.

It's just that its present manifestation is much smaller than before, only a little bigger than ordinary domestic cats.

Nagua jumped directly onto Saul, his jaw gnawed at the armor-sealed neck of the opponent, and the sharp long teeth plunged deeply into the metal, while at the same time it was still tearing the opponent's shoulder armor with its giant claw palm. .

Saul didn't look too nervous, but quickly backed up two steps, then grabbed Nagua's head that was biting on his shoulder and inserted his fingers into it.

The devil's roar instantly became like a crazy cat cry.

【the host! 】

Kayang stood up immediately, trying to support his familiar, but the spear stabbed behind him stopped him.

Soshyan got out of trouble faster than he expected.

At the same time, Saul had thrown Nagua to the ground, and used fierce slashes again and again to continuously take out ashes-like viscera from the devil's abdomen, each blow was accompanied by a large amount of splashing viscous body fluid.

Nagua's broken body hit the ground not far away, and Kayang was anxious. The sharp sword in his hand became tighter and tighter, but he still couldn't defeat the enemy in front of him.

In the end, the extinction power brought by the inaccessible field made the demon lynx lose its last power.

Nagua raised his eyes and stared at Kayang, with nostalgia and dismay, he saw this in her eyes——

She has saved his life many times, and has served him allegiance to him during such a long time. It is also the last thing he should cherish in the past.

Gone forever.

Under the influence of the power of the gray marrow, Nagua screamed and spit out **** ashes, and at the same time Thor's sword fell.

Kayang’s last remembrance, at this moment, with the disappearance of Nagua’s corpse, it has completely become a cloud of the past——

"Do not!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kayang roared, trying to reach out and grab the last strand of essence that Nagua had dissipated.

But the smoke, like a tulle, passed between his fingers and returned to nothingness.

At the moment when he was distracted, the soul spear crashed down, cutting off his golden left arm--

There is no pain, no feeling, Kayang can hardly feel anything at this moment, only the last hatred and anger supports him in his heart.

"Ah!!!!!! I want to kill you!!!!!!!!!"

With a sharp roar from the sky, Kayang vibrated with a powerful force, directly forcing Soshyang and Thor back a few steps.


Soshyang gripped the soul spear tightly and sensed that there was a powerful force condensing in the space, and even his gray marrow could not restrain it.

In his watchful eyes, Ka Yang, who was half kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up.

As Qianzi slowly raised his head, Suo Shiyang saw that the opponent's mouth, nose, eyes and ears were shining blue light outwards. Although the expression was no longer visible, the anger went straight into the sky.


The billowing thunder overflowed from Kayang's slightly opened mouth, forcing Talos's heart, who had just rushed in, to burst.

"What's the situation!"

Glancing at Talos next to him, Thor said softly:

"He is going desperately."

"Such a powerful psionic power, I am afraid Magnus is nothing more than this--"

Their voices were suddenly covered by a sonic boom, and the ensuing powerful force directly blew the two to the ground, and the impact even cracked the slate ground.

The interior of the corridor was completely shrouded by a burst of dazzling white light, the roof was directly torn apart by the explosion, and the skyrocketing glow pierced the clouds and mist above the nest.

Even Soshyang was blown away fiercely, hitting the wall in the distance, and finally stopped, leaning forward violently to resist the whirlwind of primitive energy.

When he looked up, he saw that Kayang's body had been submerged by countless dazzling spots of light, and his silhouette was obscured by the call signs and screams of the subspace energy surge.

The mixed screams passed through the layers of curtains—there were roars from painful souls, roars of pain from far away, and other things, intertwined with each other in layers, mixed with a broken scream.

Afterwards, Thor stood up, nailed his swords into the ground to fight the vortex, squinting his eyes to observe the hellish scene.

"He... How did he do it."

Saul gasped.

At this moment, the ether’s shining light is finally exhausted, revealing the scene in the center of the vortex—a humanoid creature is staggering, burning like the sun, like a white hole in the longitude and latitude of the world, twisting Flashing, constantly changing contours

There were thunderstorms, like a storm on the planet releasing.

It is still screaming, its back bends with pain, its limbs are constantly twitching and trembling, and the curved plasma beam rushes out of his eyes.

Soshyan strode towards it, as if heading against the wind.

"Wizard! Accept the emperor's punishment!"

Talos also got up and put the sword on the floor to withstand the raging wind.

"No, this thing is not easy to punish."

As soon as the voice fell, the creature's hot eyes stared at Soshyan, rapidly expanding and absorbing the surrounding energy into his body, until his body was almost as big as a fearless one.

It shouted in pain and anger, stretched out its arms and waved its fists shrouded in lightning, pushing out a force field barrier and hitting Soshyang.


In the sound of surprise, the latter was hit and flew out, crossing the bumpy ground.

After retreating more than 20 meters, Soshyang supported himself with his knees.

Blood dripped from his wrist, and the unclean creation spewed its soul into a whirlpool of pain and suffering, and cracked a few cracks in the bones of Soshyan's arm.

Soshyang had never felt this kind of powerful psychic power in the Great Demon.

After repelling Soshyang, the creature waved its big hand again, and the flames hurried along the corridor in an instant, forcing Sol and Talos to turn around and run backwards to avoid them.

The flames like white phosphorous even burned the walls of the alloy cast to white.

The temperature in the corridor soared to nearly a thousand degrees in an Soshyan's power armor began to sound harsh alarms. If it were not for the power of gray marrow, he would have been roasted in his armor.


With a low growl, Soshyang's soul spear turned and pointed at the existence.

"You are not allowed to be presumptuous here!"

After speaking, the power of gray marrow was also urged to its limit.

Under a certain invisible command, the air crackled due to the turbulence of the ether, and the large rune spreading over the creature's body began to dim.

Soshyang stood up straight, the soul spear in his hand bathed in layers of twists.

But I didn't think that when the two forces clashed, this weapon also changed unexpectedly!

On the original smooth body of the spear, many runes punched into the steel became clearly visible, burning in the carved grooves, and had a mysterious resonance with his breathing.

But focusing on the enemy Soshyang in front of him did not notice this, his eyes now only have the shadow of the fiery soul——

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