The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 574: Jackal Heart (Part 2)

This is not the first time that Nefitali has shown her desire to kill. Kayang looked at her without speaking.


When Nefertari struggled to get up, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and her wings were caught behind her, shaking and closing.

She shook and fell again.

Ka Yang stepped forward, gently holding it in his arms with his arms.



It was silent again, this time it lasted for a few minutes, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, the dignified air was separated by a beam of flashing lights, the storm generated by the convection whistling, and countless ghosts also neighed in the strong wind.

Kayang could feel them trying to reach out their hands, scratching Nephitali's skin and hair.

Unwise desires are driving them, and these wicked heirs long for her soul all the time.


It was an apologetic greeting. He saw himself through Nefertari's eyes: a tall silhouette surrounded by a hot golden halo.

"are you OK?"

And Nifitali responded to him with a cold stare.

"I'm thirsty."

She stretched out her hand, gently lifted Ka Yang's face, and said weakly.

"I'm thirsty."

Just a repetition.


"I'm thirsty."

Her voice rose a little, from barely audible to whispering.

Nefitali was dying, and Kayang could feel this.

He could feel this since a long time ago.

Her heartbeat was scattered and weak, and her pulsation became weak, beating intermittently in her chest, pain soaking every inch of bone and flesh, even the soul.

Even the proud wing feathers have become sparse and messy. The blood vessels under the translucent skin look like black marble lines. Those slanted eyes are no longer bright and vibrant. Bleak and sluggish.

Ka Yang gently wrapped his hand around the other's hair with a heartache.

"I am sorry....."

Nefertari looked at him, her expression suddenly became gentle, put her face into his arms, and whispered:

"Promise me, let me die right now, okay?"

Hearing these words, Kayang felt a pain in his chest and didn't know how to answer.

Yes, without his permission, Nefitali didn't think she would die.

Because she was already dead.

Nifitali was once killed by the evil demon once. It was an irreversible death, but Kayang abruptly withstood the torrent of fate,

Nefitali's soul was bound in her dead body.

Moreover, he infiltrated half of his spirit into Nifita Li's body, and used his psychic energy to control her dead organs to continue to work, so that every nerve of her was back online.

In a sense, Nefertari is his marionette, life and death cannot be controlled by himself.

But Kayang does not regret doing this, even if it makes him consume a lot of energy every day——

Without receiving a response, Nefertari lifted her pale face and showed a bitter smile.

Ka Yang was heartbroken by her weakness, the storm in the void was her curse, and the new **** was drawing her life from her body, every second.

If it weren't for Kayang, she would never have come here, because this is her kind of restricted area, and no Ada is willing to follow here.

This is Kayang’s Nefertari, a descendant of the cursed race, her race no longer has a place in the universe.

"Kayang, you can't change your destiny, I'm already dead."

Suddenly, she backed away from Kayang, spread her wings, and wanted to fly back to a high place.

"No! I forbid you to leave!"

Kayang's heart tightened, immediately stretched out his hand and slowly clenched it.

The mental power of psionic energy restrained Nefertari's ankle and wrist, dragging her back to the ground.

Nefita struggled hard, screaming in resistance.

Trapping her is just a trivial matter, but it is difficult to appease her soul. The mental instability of Nefitali means that Kayang must use extraordinary means.

And she was rare, one of the things he didn't want to hurt at all.

Kayang ignored Gaia's scolding gaze and Niftali's crying, and scattered the mental power into her mind-such a subtle mental power operation is by no means simple, and he is better at violent destruction.

Following the sixth sense, I passed through those superficial thoughts, angry emotions and deep pains, as well as all emotions and memories, to the deepest part of her mind.

There are tens of thousands of bio-electrical signals connecting consciousness and body. Nephthali relies on them to manipulate the body, and only a simple mental shock can cut these connections.

But on the contrary, Kayang carefully controlled them, clearing these connections.

Gradually, Nefertari's heartbeat slowed down, her eyes gradually closed, and she lay on the deck again, like a broken puppet.

Kayang regained his mental power, and the artificial deep sleep would not last long.

Yes, no race is more pathetic than the Ada people cursed by the gods.

Kayang stretched out his hand to pick up Nefertari, but as soon as he touched, the opponent's body was shattered and moved upwards like ashes.

"no no!!!!!"

Qianzi yelled in horror, desperately trying to gather the fragments, but no matter what method or witchcraft he used, the fragments would continue to split into smaller pieces.

Kayang knelt on the ground weakly on his knees, and then squatted on his knees, beating the ground vigorously.

"Why! Why! Why! What did I do wrong! I hate you! I hate you!!!"

Suddenly, a burst of ice-cold golden light shone on Kayang. He raised his head, and his teary face instantly solidified——


He opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.

There was a small whisper in the space, and Kayang listened, gradually frowning.



In reality, the huge impact shook Soshyang flying more than ten meters away, and the spirit spear speared out of his hand, reinserting into the ground after spinning several times in the air.

When he stabilized his figure, he saw which creature just took a step back.

But it still straightened its arms, as if to catch an invisible nightmare, and the flames on its body began to flicker.

The transformation of countless faces gradually slowed down In the end, there were only two faces left-one sad and the other angry, and they were alternately changing at an unpredictable speed.

Not far away, Sol and Talos also approached carefully, with expressions of foresight and curiosity on their faces.

Afterwards, the monster began to change again, and stains and sprays gradually appeared on its body.

Its skin gradually dimmed, first the burning spiritual fire sucked inward, and then the tiny bursts of flesh and bones, the screaming became pitiful, as if a real horrible creature was weeping.

Flesh and flesh are fused, tendons are connected, bones are shattered and quickly rebuilt, everything is recast in the white-hot dense ether.

Although it was very slow, the eruption of energy began to roll back, forming solid bundles of matter, and finally took shape——

He squatted at first, then stood up awkwardly, dispelling the traces of space fire.

Kayang took a deep look at the opposite Soshyang, his lips squirming as if to say something, and then his eyelids closed, and he fell forward and fell heavily to the ground.

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