The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 582: The old man is in trouble


The name    is a bit strange to Soshyang. He seems to have seen it in the archives file, but he can't remember it.

  Talos wiped his mouth with the silk in the hands of the pilot, and relieved Soshyang of doubts.

  "Azek Aliman, the former company commander of Thousand Sons, the commander of the Sekhmet Elite Terminator force, and the leader of the Raven Feather Sect

...Some people claim that he is the chosen one of the evil **** Tricky, but he is most famous for the "scarlet letter" spell, which directly destroyed the entire army of Thousand Sons and turned 80% of Thousand Sons into armor. Puppet, because of this, the Thousand Child Primordial Magnus directly banished Aliman and his followers. "

   "Kayang hates Aliman because of this?"

"of course not"

  Talos shook his head.

   "I also heard that Kayang once had a serious conflict with Aliman, and both of them started, but no one knows the result."

   "That's it."

"That Aliman was not honest after he was banished. He formed a war gang called the'Wandering Sons', and built a large fleet through fraud, plunder, etc., and gained a lot of fame, but he Unlike other war gangs, he only focuses on imperial museums, libraries, scholastic schools, hermits, and religious sites, and only seeks to obtain psionic objects, cultural relics, data, and even ancient books."

   "According to you, since Abaddon wants to win over this wizard in a short period of time, he shouldn't come to trouble us in a short period of time."

   Soshyang breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned again.

   "Talos, if I remember correctly, Abaddon’s twelfth black expedition, did you participate in it?"

"Yes it is."

   "Can you talk to me."

   The Twelfth Dark Expedition, also known as the Gothic War, was a battle that engulfed the entire Gothic region. It was launched by the Black Legion led by Chaos Warmaster Abaddon. Its scale is far greater than the previous eleven.

   The war consisted of hundreds of planetary invasions and fleet operations. The war did not end until the arrival of Imperial reinforcements and forced Abaddon back into the void.

   During the war, several planets and four-sixths of the Blackstone Fortress were witnessed to be destroyed, and hundreds of billions of imperial citizens died.

   At 139.M41, the Reconnaissance frigate of the Imperial Navy received an illegible distress message sent from the Akers site, indicating that it was attacked by an unknown attacker.

   When the reinforcements arrived four months later, the Imperial Guard soldiers stationed on the planet had been wiped out, and their bodies had been horribly chopped into pieces.

   The trial court sent an experienced Judge Horst to Ackles to investigate the matter, but there was no evidence for him to understand what happened.

   And just shortly after the Ackles attack, several reconnaissance teams made a terrible discovery in the Athena sector-many starships and battleships of the imperial merchants were found floating around uncontrollably in space.

   When the boarding fleet arrived, it was discovered that all the crew on these ships had died, and terrible germs had grown on the corpses covered in the aisles, many of which were still in their posts.

   A rumor began to circulate among the ships of the Imperial Navy in the star field, saying that these attacks were launched by the Chaos Battleship Plagueclaw, an ancient ship that dedicated its body and soul to Nurg.

   Inquisitor Horst became convinced that the Chaos forces were preparing to launch a dark expedition against the Empire. The observation posts around the Cardian Gate began to enter a state of high security, and the Imperial Navy warships in the entire hazy star field were mobilized to defend the airspace near Kadia.

   But three years after the Akers attack, that is, 142.M41, a huge subspace storm engulfed the entire Gothic area, cutting off the Gothic fleet's warships from the rest of the empire.

   This incident also marked the beginning of the Twelfth Black Expedition.

   In the ensuing tragic war, the Black Legion dispatched a large number of warships, including their flagship Vengeful Soul and powerful planetary killers, while the empire was forced to ally with the spirit race against terrible enemies.

   Due to the stubborn resistance of the empire, the war gradually turned into a stalemate from one side at the beginning.

When time passed by 151.M41, the high-ranking admiral von Luvansberg began to fight back. He organized a team consisting of 17 battleships (including two battleships and two battlecruisers) and 20 auxiliary ships. The huge ship went straight to the Ximani galaxy, broke out a decisive battle with the main chaos fleet, and finally defeated its opponents.

   This battle marked the beginning of the end of the Gothic War. The Great Predator Abaddon had achieved his goal and ordered the fleet to withdraw.

   But the war did not end, and it continued for several years until 155.M41, the last wandering chaotic battleship was destroyed, and the twelfth Black Expedition ended with the "victory" of the human empire.

   Recalling this war, Talos looked a little embarrassed, because it was also in this war that the war gang he once belonged to began to collapse.

"Actually, there is nothing to say. As a mercenary, we are only involved in a small battle... But Kayang is also telling the truth. We sold the big predator once, which also caused us to be chased by the full galaxy behind us. Kill and become a bereaved dog."

After   , he told everything he knew.

   Including the real strength of the Black Legion and the real intention of Abaddon's deployment in the Battle of Kesimani-most of the people who were eliminated this time were actually considered troublesome by Abaddon.

   After listening to these, the haze on Sosh raised his brows deepened.

   "But if what Kayang said is true, then this thirteenth black expedition will be different from the past, how should we respond."

  Talos sneered, and patted Soshyang's chest with the back of his hand.

"Our corps commander, your corps can’t even make up five companies now. Do you need to worry about this kind of thing? Gutera has an old saying that when the sky falls, there is a tall man against it. No matter how weak the empire is, it’s not. Randomly squeezed soft persimmons, Abaddon’s plan is not so easy to succeed. I have seen too many seamless strategies on paper, and the final implementation is a mess of examples."

   "Also, it is not our concern."

   At this moment, the servant in charge of the communicator in the courtyard suddenly made a monotonous sound.

   "Captain Soshyan, respond urgently."

   Soshyang walked over immediately.


   Soon, Ustad's voice rang from the other end of the communicator.

   "Commander of the battle group, a battleship of the Ebony Holy Grail Order has arrived in port."

   "Oh? It's them..."

   Then he suddenly thought of something.

   "Sister Willets won't be on the boat too, right?"

   "It's but her condition—"

   Twenty minutes later, Soshyan appeared in a hurry in the orbital airport that had been restored for most of the time, and the outline of the cruiser belonging to the Sisters' Order was particularly conspicuous in the void.

   A group of nuns were already waiting in the airport square, and when they saw Soshyang approaching, one of them immediately greeted them.

   "Captain Soshyan, hello, this is Yanis Bozovic."

   She looks very young, even immature, with short black and white hair and a delicate face, but there are two fresh scars on the right side of the face near the base of the ears.

"Where is she?"

   Hearing Soshyan's words, Sister Yanis turned her side, and the flight attendants lifted up a frozen life-sustaining cabin.

   Soshyang stepped forward, bent down hard, wiped away the fog on the glass cover of the survival capsule with his hand, and then saw the familiar face.

   Willets closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep, but the once beautiful face was carrion-like blue-gray, and the blood vessels under the skin were clearly visible, but it was ominous black.

   Soshyang frowned immediately.

"what happened?"

   Then, Sister Agnes will follow the events that happened not long ago.


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