The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 611: Sanctuary Star

After sending away the dark angels, Soshyan led the team to search the planet for a whole week, but it was a pity that they did not find anything of value except for the destroyed former human colonies-mostly during the M37 year period.

On the other hand, Talos didn't get any foresight from this, and the result was obvious.

In the end, after realizing that he came to the wrong place, Soshyang could only lead the team away, but he did not return to Nathan 4, but went straight to the Sun Star Field.

Eight years ago, the White Temple invited him to the Sanctuary Star, but Soshyang didn't rush to go because he didn't know the details of the other party.

He also went to see Brother Said, but somehow, Brother Said had fallen into a deep sleep ten years ago. No matter how the technicians called, he couldn't wake up.

Under this circumstance, after 8 years of delay, Soshyang decided to see what medicine he sold in the gourd.

Along the way, Soshyang stayed on the command deck, fully armed as if rushing to the battlefield, standing still on the command seat, his stern expression sowed a little anxiety among the crew.

For some reason, the whispers of noisy conversations kept coming from the communication radio. It seemed that the route of the empire was suddenly filled with starships, and the activity of the entire star field reached a level of enthusiasm.

As for the reason, Soshyan can't tell.

After spending nearly three months, they arrived at Sanctuary Star at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, time has also come to the Terra calendar, 941.M41

As the spacecraft approached, the planet gradually appeared. At first it was like a star, and then the single reflected light split into dozens of places, and then hundreds of smaller lights.

A fleet is mooring at the high-level anchors of the supply depot and dry dock. The ships are all printed with the emblem of the White Templar. When the Unbound Soul suddenly appeared, there was a hint of chaos in the entire track.

The weapon system was activated, the Void Shield was activated, and various codes were sent back and forth.

Afterwards, the astral knights revealed their identities and drove straight to the planetary orbital station before the alert was completely lifted.

Soon, the battleship was docked with the orbital station, and after a few words with Gabo Drum, the company commander of the White Temple who came to greet him, they went directly to the monastery fortress of the White Temple.


With a scream from the air pressure valve, the transport plane landed on the flight deck, and Soshyan left his seat before the engine had completed its cooling cycle.

When the ramp lowered, a roar of industrial noise rushed into Thunder Eagle.

The clashing sound of metal moving, the complaining sound of mechanical tools, the endless screaming sound of the blade cutting plastic steel, they all hit Soshyang's hearing.

Although it is very open, the whole place is full of the smell of burning metal.

The gushing sparks drew out arcs, like a fountain formed by lava, and accompanied by the hot wind blowing from the depths of the tunnel, the plastic felt cloth as high as the banner of the Titans slowly floated.

Workers of all kinds can be seen everywhere, they wear heavy protective clothing when they work, only the servants, only the simplest goggles.

Soshyan stepped off the ramp of Thunderhawk, when a heavy repair truck rumbling past the central road, made him stop at the bottom.

The servant driver of the truck was connected by a wire in the cab, staring emptily forward. A group of mechanics taught technicians followed closely, directing their machinery to move forward by remote control, and an operating console was placed in this big guy’s. The chest is connected to the meditator on the machine, and the cable in the middle is like an umbilical cord covered with rubber and plastic steel, long and soft.

After the machine quackled past, Soshyang finally set foot on the greasy deck.

The place was so dark that he thought it was a malfunction of the lighting circuit, but when he looked at the dispatch area above, he saw that every luminous ball of the chandelier was intact.

Obviously, it was dimmed deliberately.

It was not until his eyes adjusted to the darkness that he saw how busy the casting area near the apron of the monastery was.

Various repair teams and heavy equipment were everywhere. People chanted various commands. A transporter was unloading the poles of the metal scaffolding. They crashed into the deck with a clanging sound and made a long, piercing noise.

In a sense, this place is not like a monastery fortress of a warband at all, but more like a busy battlefield factory.

Everyone seemed very urgent, and the atmosphere of war lingered above their heads.

"Hey, I thought I was in some casting world."

Talos, who followed Soshyang down, was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

Sanctuary Star is actually not an industrial world, it is just an ordinary planet that has broken away from feudal society and has just entered the pre-industrial era.

"What exactly happened—"

Soshyan was thinking, a group of workers ran past him, their breathing even covered the mask with water vapor, and the brass boots banged on the metal.

When they passed by, he saw a tall figure standing on the opposite side of the main road, staring at him.

And he was not there before.

That was an Astarte, that's for sure.

It took more than ten seconds before he recognized that it was Muthari, the white temple champion who participated in the blade feast.

"Mutari, is that you?"

"Yes, Captain Soshyan."

Muthari stepped forward and stretched out his hand, while Soshyang held his forearm, Tao Gang and Tao Gang held tightly together.

"Sorry, it took me so long to visit."

"The captain has been waiting for you for a long time."

After that, Muthari led Soshjan and the others of the Astral Knights into the depths of the monastery. Although it was much quieter than the outer area, Soshjan saw some damage, although it was not so obvious.

But there is no doubt that there has been a war here.

After that, they climbed the ancient stairs and took the elevator again.

In about ten minutes they finally arrived at the core area of ​​the monastery.

Standing here, through the towering windows, Soshyan can see a monorail truck roaring past, passing through countless gates to various areas, including the astrology zone, astrology zone, weapon control zone, training zone and other vast areas , But the sense of wartime is still very strong.

In the core area of ​​the monastery, a huge stone carving is erected every few hundred meters, all with the image of Astarte, standing like a sentry.

Along the way, Soshyan rarely saw other fighting brothers until they reached the assembly hall of the monastery, where many people gathered.

Most of them wear the same power armor as Muthari, but the specific styles are somewhat different. For example, their power armors are all stormy gray, and they are decorated with a pattern of a two-winged manticore monster, which is surrounded by monsters. Flame, still holding a broken sword in his mouth.

This badge made Soshyang blink. He is no stranger to it.

Because Brother Said gave him popular science, this is the symbol of the Eleventh Army’s former elite destroyer unit "Manticor"!

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