The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 664: Lonely city

   Chapter 665

  Standard Terra calendar, 942.M41

  Amageddon planet, main continent, Hades nest

  After 4 months of siege--

  When he woke up, Hartman Paul found that his head was on someone’s thigh, or that part should be someone’s thigh, if the other person still had legs.

   But there is no doubt that his regiment leader is completely dead.

  But he is still alive, incredible, he survived again

   Turning his head, he found that the priest was also dead. The stump in the white priest's robe was pressed on Hartman Paul, with a large piece of broken metal passing through his forehead, as if it had a twisted horn.

  The metal wall of the warehouse where they were the position was leaning exaggeratedly, blood was splashing in the room, and he could not move.

  After that, he heard someone moving something, and then the sound of the item box being closed.


   Hartman Paul shouted in a hoarse voice.

   "Who is there? Please, come and help me."

   "Sorry, company commander, I thought you were dead too."

   was the voice of the recruit Lunent, and then he and I saw the big hairy hands stretched out, and then the big guy picked up the priest's body from him and clamped it under his armpit, and then randomly threw it aside.

  Lunent was just a chef not long ago, but four months after the siege broke out, there was nothing left for him to cook in the nest, so he was naturally recruited to the front.

   "I don't know why I didn't die, is there anyone else alive?"

   "Yes, the correspondent is still alive, but injured, Neck is also alive, but the injury is very serious."

   Luneng said regretfully:

   "Vannis and Glass seemed to be fine. One gunner also survived, and everyone else died."

  So, after the 26th attack of Greenskins, only seven members of their entire regiment survived, which is incredible.

   "This is a miracle."

  Hartman coughed twice and said softly:

   "The emperor has blessed us."

  Lunent shrugged and helped him sit up.

   "Then next time Greenskins attack again, can the emperor and his old man come to help us personally, otherwise there will be only seven of us, and it is estimated that a bunch of **** can't handle it."

   "How is the position?"

   Hartman murmured and tried to get himself to stand up, trying to wipe the blood off his face.

   "Sir, that's it for our position, a few pieces of broken bricks and shreds, and a heavy bomb that can't be shot a few shots. Our last commander was also very angry, and directly called the artillery to smash the position."

  "This is the only way to defend."

   shook his head, Hartman stumbled, took two steps dizzy, and then seized a nearby debris to stabilize himself.

   "Stand firm, leader."

   Lunent said, and at the same time the big hand grabbed Hartman's arm all at once.

   "All the legions are dead. Now that you are our leader, your head must have been smashed very badly. You may have been in a coma for several hours. That's why I thought you didn't survive."

  Hartman, who was successfully promoted from company commander to regimental commander, murmured in response. In these days, he himself had changed more than a dozen regimental commanders, but he did not expect that the last position would fall to him.

  Since he withdrew from position 39, Hartman has truly grown from an ordinary person to a "warrior", and there is only one reason for him to grow like this——


  He witnessed the tragic death of his comrades-in-arms under the green leather wheels, and also heard the news of the destruction and ravages of his hometown. He has nothing left, and what is left is the boundless hatred of aliens.

  As one of the “veterans” who withdrew from the front line, Hartman was immediately incorporated into the main force as soon as he withdrew to Hades Nest, and was responsible for defending the most critical areas.

  Now they are in one of the passages of the south gate of Chaodu, and behind it is a power station, which is responsible for providing energy for the entire region's Void Shield.

  If it weren't for the protection of Hades's layers of void shields, they would have been shattered by the long-range firepower of Greenskin, so every power station is vital.

   "Why hasn't anyone come to meet us?"

  Their regiment has been here for three days and three nights, and it stands to reason that troops should come to change defense.

  But the only Luneng who could speak, just shrugged.

   "I don't know, I have to ask the correspondent to answer you later, he may know some of the reasons."

  "Can the communicator still work?"

   "Part of that thing is now attached to his head, and the other parts are falling everywhere."

   Hartman Paul sighed helplessly, and they could not leave the position without orders from their superiors.

   "Sir, try can you go now?"

   Hartman Paul tried to move to the torn hole in the door. His vision was a bit blurred and his head was aching, but he felt that there should be no major problems overall.

   So he prayed silently to the emperor in his heart to thank him for his help.

   "It's okay, it should be fine, thank you for pulling me out of there."

  He then cautiously crawled out of the wreckage and walked into an open space that was hit by a cannonball and exuding heat.

There was chaos all around, the steel jungle was full of corruption and the smell of promethium leaking from the cracked fuel tank. A Chimera was burning. Hartman Paul could only thank the emperor for his blessing to make this thing free. Yu Hua made a ball of fire.

Correspondent Epirus is sitting on a fallen statue with the surviving naval gunner, medical soldier Vannis is on the edge of the steel fence, and recruit Glass is staring at the corpses. It is estimated that he is still not shocked from death. To recover.

  Later, Lunent carried four laser guns and followed Hartman out of the wreckage.

   "Look who I found."

  Lunent said with a grin, the correspondent left and looked at the two in surprise.

   "We all thought you were dead, company commander."

  He is taking care of his left arm. The medical soldier Vannis has bandaged him. Since his left hand is wrapped into a big ball, Hartman dare to say that the injury must be serious.

   "My luck is not indeed."

  After the correspondent finished speaking, he moved in pain.

   "What did you find, cook."

"Four laser guns, some grenades. At least we can do one by hand now. At the same time, I have some ammunition and a flare gun. I think we will be able to use it in the future. By the way, there is also the team leader. Sword."

  Speaking, he handed the command sword into Hartman's hand.

  Looking at the gaped and scarred sword, Hartman felt a little sad.

  "Correspondent, have you received any news?"

   "I just wanted to talk about this. The superior sent an order that most of the area we are in has already fallen. All the people who are alive must immediately retreat to the 39-12 defense zone."

  It was not an unexpected result. At this level, Hartman had guessed that they could not defend this area. After all, the sound of guns in the surrounding positions had been stopped for a long time.

  The key now is whether the road they retreat is still safe.

  (End of this chapter)

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