The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 668: Secrets of the Great Expedition

After receiving astonishing intelligence and news from the judge Angelica, Soshyang contacted Randall for the first time, and the other party was also surprised.


   Since Randall had more power than Soshyan, the war on the southern continent was completely over a week ago.


   But a new problem appeared again.


   Originally they imagined that as long as they regained the northern and southern continents, they would immediately be able to counterattack the main continent by land and sea, but they underestimated the strategic vision of the escaped green-skinned warlord.


Greenskins had been prepared for a long time and built a large number of armed ships. These warships are equipped with large-caliber artillery and rockets. Although they look simple, they are more than enough for the Armageddon "Navy" who only has speedboats. This The last large-scale surface warfare on the planet


The    ship was destroyed in a museum fire as early as three thousand years ago.


   At the same time, the green-skinned air force began to patrol the sea leading to the main continent day and night, making "smuggling" extremely unrealistic.


   With this, the battle froze immediately.


   Although the empire holds orbital rights, it is really powerless for small and erratic targets, and its weak air power has also led to the long-term control of the air in Greenskin's hands.


   In order to further discuss the following actions, Randall had to teleport back to the battleship, and then from the battleship to Soshyan.


   After a long time of tossing, the two people met.


   "Brother, how true do you think Angelica's words are?"


   After listening to Soshyang’s narration, Landauer thought for a moment, then whispered:


   "I guess most of them should be true, but as to the purpose of their action, I think there is still something to hide."


   "Actually I have heard such rumors."


   Talos, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs folded, suddenly spoke. The reason why he was brought to this secret meeting was also because his ability to foresight was very important in the next action. Randall also understood this.


   And his evaluation of Talos was higher than Soshyan expected.


  More importantly, Talos is the only person here who has experienced a great expedition. His knowledge of the history of the empire can provide a basis for Soshyan's next judgment.


"The green leather empire back then was very unusual. You have seen the virtues of green leather now. I can tell you that the green leather back then was very different from now. Not to mention the advanced technology, the organization was very high. I Did not participate in the battle of Ulano, but participated in the outer stars


The battle in the    area, in the Ork galaxy, I almost lost my life... Can you imagine a group of five-meter-high green leather wearing power armor? "


The idle Talos didn’t wear power armor, but a midnight blue robe, and all the characteristics of this midnight son, from pale face to tenor-like voice, seemed to be for him. Blended with this robe on her body.


Just like Randall’s evaluation of him-this person will often express his opinions directly, and at the same time, he will seriously think about the message he wants to convey before expressing his opinions, and even occasionally have a sense of humor. The advantage is Quite rare in Astarte.


   "Why is this?"


Soshyang squinted at Talos through the white steam rising from the teacup on his lips. Although the servants who were operating the communication and data desks around were only wearing short sleeves, the real air temperature still hovered at a level suitable for cold storage. At the level of the class.


   They are now located in the area at the top of the spire of Chaodu. Since the power supply system has not been restored, it is extremely cold.


"There are many rumors. Some say that this green-skin empire has inherited the legacy of an ancient race. There are also rumors that this green-skin empire is actually a doll controlled by the spirit race, but the most bizarre rumors are still... "


   "What is it?"


   "I also accidentally heard that a certain narrator said that the tyrant of the Greenskin Empire, like the emperor, is a kind of existence similar to the power of subspace."



   Shocked Soshyang subconsciously put down the teacup, and from the corner of his eyes, he found that Randal's face also appeared surprised.


   "This... sounds incredible. I can't imagine any alien being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor."


   Hearing Soshyan's words, Talos shrugged.


   "It's really weird, I thought that narrator was crazy at the time."


   "But you remembered it, even after ten thousand years."


   Randall spoke suddenly, as if to imply something.




"Um... because our father was the one who saved me that time in the Ork system, and Savita was also there. Although I fell on the ground and almost fainted, I still heard their conversation, Sai Vita asked how the war would turn out, and the Primarch replied, "This is a


  The decisive battle between the pseudo-god and the pseudo-god, the tide of the subspace will determine everything', so I will always remember that bizarre rumor. "


   "Interesting and interesting, then things become very complicated."


  Randall touched his chin, and his voice became very agitated, which contrasted greatly with his usual almost calm tone.


   "Horus built the tomb of our original body here, it doesn't seem like it's accidental."


   "We still have more real problems to solve."


   Soshyan then said:


"That place is under the Hades Nest. It is being besieged by Greenskins and is at stake, but we have no way to support it. If Greenskins occupy it, it will take more time to regain it...but Time is not on our side, according to Star Whisperer’s


   reported that there are already imperial support troops approaching, and other battle groups have responded to the request for help, including the Holy Blood Angels. If we can't make a quick battle, it will be inconvenient to act later. "


   Hearing the four words of Holy Blood Angel, Talos' face changed slightly, but he immediately returned to normal.


   Randall nodded in response.


   Indeed, as Soshyan said, once external reinforcements intervene, many things are inconvenient to do, especially in places where there are many people like the nest.


   "It really doesn't Consider using mass delivery?"


   After a few minutes of silence, Randall proposed the most feasible plan.


   "It won't work with a high probability."


   Soshyang replied slowly:


"There is no large-scale teleportation array in the Hades Nest. We can't teleport many people at a time, let alone heavy weapons, and the situation there is very bad now, and it may fall at any time... If we turn If you put your power into it, you can only get involved in a long war of attrition.


  里, not to mention looking for the tomb. "


   In fact, there are some subtexts that Soshyang didn't say, but the other two knew it well.


At present, only Astarte can use teleportation, but now you can’t go there to fight a cruel siege with extremely limited power. That will inevitably cause huge consumption and casualties. Soshyan is unwilling to send the soldiers Throw into such a battlefield.


   Maybe it sounds a bit selfish, but now Soshyan must be responsible for a legion, he has to think more about it.


   "Can I make a suggestion?"


  Talos spoke suddenly, regardless of whether Soshyang agreed or not.


   "Perhaps we should take a closer look at the terrain of Armageddon."


   Like Soshyan, Talos used to have a cup of hot tea in his hand, but he didn't drink it much, apparently using it as a kind of hand warmer.

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