The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 681: Underground Temple

   "Defensive formation!"

   Soshyang glared and hit the deformed skull of the monster holding the soldier with a blaster. The thing let go of the target and struggled for a while before he died.

   But it has pierced the soldier's helmet, blurred his face, and broke his nose.


   Soshyang pulled the soldier up and saw blood pouring out of the opponent's nose and mouth, so he handed him to the pharmacist on the side.

   More howls sounded, and the claw demon was stimulated by the blood of the same kind, and rushed frantically through the fog and ruins.

   But at the same time a figure ran towards them through the mist; a figure brandishing a sword.

   Soshyang is like a wave in a bush, wielding a holy flame sword, guiding it to cut towards the enemy, leaving a string of scarlet behind him.

  The claws of the claws cut sparks on the terminator armor, but Soshyang was not afraid, swept past like a prairie flame, just to kill, always ready to embrace death.

   Then, Talos also rushed up, and the two of them chopped up melons and vegetables, and directly took care of the claw devils who rushed up.

   They didn't stop until the last one was wiped out. At this time, there were more than thirty mutilated bodies lying on the ground.

   "This is an ethnic group, and there seems to be signs of rewilding."

   After inspecting the bodies of the dead Talons, Talos overturned his previous argument.

   "They may have had owners before, but they should not have them now."

   Soshyang looked towards the direction where these claws gush out, and he could vaguely see large walls and large tracts of ruins everywhere. The huge vaulted ceiling had succumbed to gravity and fell to the ground for countless years.

   These wreckages are endless, extending into the thick fog.

   "Go, go and see,"

  Walking along the wreckage, through the fog, everyone found a new space.

This new open space is really unusually large. It occupies a space of almost fifty meters high and should be two hundred meters long in diameter. It does not seem to be formed naturally. There is an arch made of twisted rattan wood and spiritual bones above the open space. The ceiling is like a cave built by some special-shaped gardeners with plants.

   Strange plants glowed with phosphorescence, adding some weird blue-green shimmer to this place, a huge flat stone structure almost thirty meters high and sixty meters wide, quietly staying in the shadow in the middle of the clearing.

   This reminds everyone of a huge toad lying on the ground preparing to launch an ambush against accidental insects.

   Soshyang slowly approached the structure, and the others followed, guarding him while looking around.

   They are all aware of the necessity of investigating here, and at the same time they feel a terrifying sense of anxiety.

   Soshyang felt that this kind of feeling can only be experienced when he is surrounded by pain and death on a silent battlefield, but he seems to be attracted by an invisible magnet.

From the surrounding soldiers constantly checking the weapons in their hands and checking the surrounding behavior, he felt their anxiety. When Soshyan came to the bottom of the hidden structure, he turned on the second light on the armor. The bright light reveals much more than the phosphorescence of plants.

   Countless stones form a huge, layered pyramid-shaped temple.

He was not sure whether the temple was carved from a huge rock or a structure that was carefully constructed. The surface of the stone showed countless faces, grinning, some of which were human, some They are spirit races, some are insects and animals, and some are completely unrecognizable.

   Everyone’s first impression is that this is an ancient demon’s residence. Although there is no better reason than ancient superstition, Soshyan also believes that this place must be connected to chaos in some way.

  After experiencing so many events, he always doubted Chaos.

The other members of the team also used their bright lights to fight against the dark and dead atmosphere of the temple. Slowly, the soldiers stood in a circle around the temple, studying it, looking for its age and purpose. Symbols and signs.

   The two sides of the stone stairs are decorated with flame-shaped sculptures, as well as symbols such as eyes and bones.

   After confirming that no more things could be found below, Soshyan took a few people to climb up the stairs, while others stood at the bottom of the structure to guard.

  On the third floor of the temple, they found an opening. The wall outside the passage is carved with a pattern of a scorpion gripped by a pair of burning hands.

   Seeing this weird symbol, Soshyang's neck and neck hair stood up subconsciously—he didn't like it here.

   Despite the dangers, they still have something to do.

   "We should go inside."

   He announced so.

   "You are crazy, just drill into an unclear temple?"

  Talos interrupted him immediately.

   "There is a saying in the eyes of fear, "Don't follow the sound, don't enter the temple. These are all empirical talks. Demons like to lodge in abandoned temples and use their voices to seduce the ignorant."

   Soshyang also hesitated. He put his hand on the door of the temple, and understood that Talos was telling the truth. It was really unwise to break into an unfamiliar temple rashly.

   But what he didn't notice was that his hand happened to rest on that symbol.

   Suddenly, a violent suction force came from the dark door, Soshyang didn't react at all, and the whole person was dizzy and turned into the darkness.

   In the end, he only heard Talos' panicked screams and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

   "Not good, UU reading gate—"

   It wasn't until a few minutes later that he broke free from the dizziness.

   At first, he thought it was some kind of witchcraft, so he immediately activated Grey Marrow, but when he looked closely, he found that there were no demons and he was in a hall.

   Inside the hall is pitch black, and there are only a large number of distorted and weird statues. They are sharp and ugly, beyond words.

After   , he saw the light, behind a door, so Soshyan walked through the door with a guard.

   As soon as he entered the room, the shining light in front of him disappeared.

When I took a closer look, I saw that between the two rows of pillars, a wide space was divided, with dark corridors on both sides, a large number of skulls piled on a stone slab in the center of the room, and the dying flames beeping on it. Rattle.

   Above the pillars, there are countless torches inserted on the iron candlesticks, emitting an unpredictable light, which can complement the red glow of the fireside.

   The room was crowded with humanoid things in large numbers.

They are humanoids because Soshyan is not easy to judge whether they are humans. Their outline is roughly human, but their ebony skin is painted with disgusting runes, and their faces are constantly changing. Changes and distortions, one will be a faceless mask, and another will be a mouth full of fangs.


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