The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 683: Terrorist

"So fast--"

   Soshyang, who was hit on the wall, did not react yet, and the opponent's second blow followed one after another, hitting him directly on the chest, and then lifted him high.

   Considering that he is now wearing a Terminator, the opponent is not only terrifying in speed, but also terrifying in power.

   For an instant, the whole world flickered, then a strong light flashed, and the shadows fled all around.

   Soshyang’s armor broke, and droplets of blood the size of a needle splattered into the air.

   He was just thrown out.

   The Spirit Race's hand was put down, and a piece of shadow outlined its face. It was a face solidified with anger and howling, and the red silk on the back of his head also turned into a fluffy red temple.


   Soshyang opened his mouth and gasped, trying to support himself on his knees.

   Then the Dark Spirit Race half-turned around, raised his arm, and the double-edged blade on the wall flew into his hands like alive-Soshyan noticed that his hands were blood-colored.

   Then the monster turned around, waved, and finished in one go.

   This time the blow was not rushed, as if the gods of the present world were touching mortals contemptuously. The double-edged blades seemed flimsy, but they had a solid weight.

   It hit Soshyang’s chest, causing his head to fly back and forth, blood gushing out from between the broken teeth.

Few enemies can make Soshyang helpless, but the dark spirit race in front of him reminds him of the howling banshee Phoenix Lord he has met-the speed of the two is almost the same, but the offensive in front of him is more fierce and fierce. ,fatal.

   But now he thinks he is still inferior to Saivita, the gray marrow may be able to suppress psionic energy, but it is not very useful for enemies who are good at combat skills.

   When Soshyang fell to the ground, the shadow was still standing solemnly, his double-edged blades were casually held beside him, his existence was like a towering thundercloud, roaring in a silent place.

Soshyang stood up struggling, and through the broken eyepieces, he saw that the black misty figure changed between several pictures: a tall black figure with a blood red face and hands, as if wearing a head. King burning the laurel.

   "You can't be led by the nose by him."

   Soshyang steadied his heels, and the terribly motivated realm of depression turned into a spinning cloud, and the air was full of coldness and nothingness.

   Facing the storm that could freeze the soul, the existence laughed, and Soshyang felt that the laughter seemed like a thousand razors were stroking the inside of his skull.

   "This is the virtue of the dog of the lord of mankind?"

   He stepped forward, and another huge force pushed Soshyang away, and the star warrior who had just stood up immediately fell back down to the ground.

   Such a situation of no fight back made Soshyang feel ashamed, he forced himself to stand up, and the other party once again gave him a heavy blow on the back.

  The Terminator's armor instantly cracked, and Soshyang fell heavily to the ground again.

   The opponent kicked again. In a powerful action, Soshyang was turned over by the kick and lay on his back.

   Then, the double-edged blade pressed against Soshyang's chest.

   "You really let me down, little warrior of the Lord of Carrion."

   After playing for so long, this is the first time the opponent has faced Soshyang at close range, his voice is low and calm.

   "Please forgive me, I might let you go."

   Soshyang looked up at the opponent, his face was covered in blood, but he was tough and shocked.

   "It is you who should beg for mercy."

   Seeing quietly, his hand has pressed the magic book on his waist, and gently lifted the seal set by Savita.


At first, it was just a messy mix, and then gradually merged into a hymn. The chorus of non-male and non-female tones is like a kind of weeping fanaticism. Soshyan can't even hear the lyrics, but feels like he is standing by a believer. On the shore of the Sea of ​​the Sea, the singing sound was like an inhuman chanting sound.

   Suddenly, the singing became a high-pitched scream, tearing apart the dimensions of reality and nothingness.


   In a low cry of surprise, the Dark Spirit Race suddenly pulled away from Soshyang.

   "You still use the power of the devil?"

   "Unscrupulously deal with alien forms."

   Sure enough, Suo Shiyang guessed that the evil demon should be able to restrain the spirit race.

   But it was just a laugh.

   "Do you think this is enough?"

   Seeing the opponent's body move, Soshyang immediately raised his sword to block, then his body sank suddenly, and his feet sank three inches to the ground.

   This time he caught the other's dynamics, but as he said, it was not enough.

  The Dark Spirit Race immediately launched a series of swift blade offensives, and the two knives slanted across Soshyang's heavy shoulder armor, shaking him for a while.

   The singing continued, but the opponent's blade also became more violent, and the Sacred Yan sword clanged with unparalleled speed.

"bring it on!"

   Soshyang lifted his spirits and greeted the sky full of swordsmanship with stable efficiency.

   He steadied his feet to meet the new blow, the three weapons collided and rebounded, only visible afterimages were distorted, and the two blades burst into the darkness with sparks, and the violent situation was full of murderous intent.

   After fending off the opponent's offensive, Soshyang made a backhand with a sword.

   But the opponent has already strayed away, and even whirled around Soshyang, it is almost difficult to notice how it maintains its balance.

   The next moment, the blade flew like stars, like a torrential rain, unstoppable.

   This offensive almost suffocated Soshyang. This is the first time he has encountered such a strong man, and the oppression of the opponent is even more terrible in the match Vita!

   "You don't know much about the subspace, it will come for you, it is kind to kill you here, I have seen your future in darkness, drag your soul!"

"To shut up!"

   The two pierced through the haze like arrows, and then came to the throne where the shadow was high before, smashed the table and broke the pillar.

   "I'm tired of it."

After    kicked Soshyang away, the cloak of the dark spirit race was suddenly flooded by the hot updraft, spreading like wings.

   For a moment, it looked like a phantom of the underworld, a ghost swallowed by nothingness, eternal and evil.

   Soshyang held the sword in both hands, took a step back, panting.

   He thinks that his speed is not too But compared with the other side, he seems so slow, strictly speaking, it is not easy for him to remain unbeaten.

   "Go to the carrion corpse and make a complaint--"

   The shadow of existence transformed into death strode closer, his voice was low and strong, hatred had become his new mask, and Soshyang's stiff breathing suddenly became low and rapid.

   Around them, the shadow cast by the pillar kept shaking, responding to the waves of energy.

   "He asked for this. I have reminded him that the end of the road is only a nightmare."

   Soshyang decided to take the initiative, so he raised his arm and shot a string of explosive bullets, then swung his sword up.

   The opponent avoided his explosive bullets, opened his sword, then raised his left hand, and slashed Soshyang's neck with a stab.

   Soshyang was in a panic block, between the electric light and flint, the opponent slashed the knife down, slid under the neck guard, and cut a horrible long mouth on Soshyang's breastplate.

   This time, the blade cut extremely deep, cut off the broken armor, and penetrated into its lower chest cavity.


   Soshyang's expression was very painful, he pulled away suddenly, opened the opponent's knife with his arm, and staggered back.

  At the same time, something slipped out of the crack in his breastplate——


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