"You don't need to come with me."

Soshyang looked back at Talos, he was like everyone else, his armor was covered with remnants of liquid metal, and the heavy ceramic steel armor had been carved with scars after the battle.

Fortunately, neither of them seemed injured.

"Don't tell me, if you have an accident, Savita will eat me by then."

Talos' words stopped Soshyan.

"Savita.... Is he okay lately?"

"It should be alright."

Although this was the first time Talos had brought up Saivita in front of him, Soshyan guessed that the other party should have a way to contact Saivita.

Soshyang has been curious about the disappearance of Savita for more than two decades, but he was embarrassed to ask some things. If the other party did something unfavorable to the empire, what would he do then?

If so, it might as well turn a deaf ear.

"Space dead spirits can't hurt me, don't worry."

Before descending to the ground, Soshyan had already let the other fighters and weepers retreat first, leaving only one Thunder Eagle on the ground.

If you let Malakin know, you will definitely oppose it, so Soshyan deliberately let the opponent take the Thunder Eagle and leave before announcing his decision.

The company commanders of the Star Knights naturally disagreed, but Soshyang suppressed all opposition voices extremely strongly this time.

Fortunately, Talos gave everyone a reassurance. He told everyone that at critical moments, he would use "psionic energy" to take Soshyang away——

Of course, Soshyan knew very well that Talos had no psychic powers, and this was just an excuse for him to follow.

But he couldn't refuse.

As they continued to advance deep underground, Soshyan kept observing the surrounding environment.

Although the undead in space did not launch an attack, Soshyang could still see their outlines moving in the ink-like dark ruins, allowing his sensors to continuously send out warnings to remind him of the enemies he couldn't see.

Occasionally they will make a gesture of preparing to charge, but they will hide in the shadows the moment Soshyang raises the sword.

As he continued to deepen, Soshyan found that the underground tomb was wider than he expected, but the fighting a few hours ago had already caused some damage to it. In some places, even the entire wall was destroyed, maybe Caused by heavy weapons.

It was supposed to show the glorious buildings since ancient times, but now they have all turned into ruins, turned into dust under Soshyang's feet.

"According to the scan, there should be an access hub ahead."

Soshyan pulled his thoughts back to this mission.

"After getting there, we may be able to get close to the goal."

"That's great."

Talos responded:

"The sooner we leave, the better, listen to this sound, this ghost place is full of dead metal people."

"Stop complaining, I didn't force you to come here, Talos."

"Indeed, but if you don't have me, who will wipe your ass?"

Soshyang snorted. Although he didn't want to admit it, Talos's sneer made him feel relieved.

The two followed the instructions of the ornithology to advance to a certain connection area in the underground space. More than once on the road, they took a defensive posture because they saw the elongated figure hiding in other corridors or holes in the wall.

But just like before, they retreat every time before contact, as if they were a group of children playing a tracking game.

After that, they will follow them from all directions and challenge Astarte's patience before the next attack.

Soshyan suspects that these aliens are tempting them to waste ammunition. He has twice stopped Talos from melting the tunnel with a hot melt gun. Although this gun is full of ammunition, it is not endless. If these aliens dared to rush up. Soshyan doesn't mind using gray pulp to melt them again.

And the space necromancers, or the manipulator behind them, seemed to have known this, so they never recklessly launched an attack.

For Soshyang, this also represents this explanation: there is also a lord of the space necromancer nearby-the so-called "thief".

Because the space necromancers are not much different from other beasts, they only act according to the logical instincts of their own brains, but a lord can turn them into a disciplined force with a single thought.

This is the enemy they are facing: their enemy will not hesitate to trade a hundredfold sacrifice for the enemy's casualties, without even blinking their eyes.

After all, this is the most powerful weapon of the undead.

"Ignore them, speed up."

They quickened their pace and moved on.

Occasionally, this underground palace will sway slightly, as if resonating with the sound of explosions on the ground.

However, the creeping sound of the aliens has not disappeared, and the bird divination continues to warn them that there are invisible enemies around them.

Time is getting shorter and shorter.

"It sounds like every alien in this city is coming at us."

Talos whispered.

"Seriously, I do regret it a bit."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Soshyan pointed his sword at the fortified gate of the front hub, or a black stone wall.

"Here we are."

He didn't stop, but went straight to the door full of alien runes.

The metal creaked under the pull of his hands, and after he pulled out a gap, Talos inserted two grenades in it.

In the next second, in a loud noise, the door was blasted with a huge opening.

Before entering, Soshyang noticed that the ornithology showed that there was only one vital sign in it, if that thing could really be regarded as life.

Because this sign is extremely weak.

"There will still be living people in this place?"

Talos glanced at the ornithology and looked surprised.

"I'm afraid not, at least not the kind of survivor you expected."

Soshyan replied simply:

"bring it on."

He squeezed through the gap in the door~www.readwn.com~Talos followed him into the hall located three kilometers underground.

The wide space on the other side of the gate was full of rubble. The gate failed to keep the flames of war outside, and the walls and ceiling of the room were severely damaged.

Soshyan even noticed the hastily piled up fortifications in the room at the same time. Two columns of black sculptures were placed parallel to the sides of the central aisle. Almost all of them were knocked over to the ground and shattered into a pile of rocks.

"It's a mechanical teacher. They have been here a long time ago."

Soshyan looked at the blood on the ground, the broken red robe and fragments of laser plasma weapons.

"The signal just now should be this."

Talos lifted up a large piece of rubble, revealing a slave who was still struggling below.

This soulless worker kept twisting, and from time to time there would be a few sparks on his body. Obviously, his body had been damaged beyond repair.

Soshyang saw at a glance how it got to this point: it was hit by the falling rubble, and its limbs and spine were smashed.

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