The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 882: Army attack

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With the highest decision, the Astral Knights and its affiliated fleets soon began to mobilize.

The action of rushing to assist the platoon star, because of the need to face the two epic enemies of the Red Pirate and the Black Legion, Soshyang had to put all his weights on it.

Astral Knights currently includes 376 recruits who have just served. There is almost no significant increase in personnel compared to before the Battle of New Badab. On the one hand, the success rate of the first two batches of recruits is low, and on the other hand, it is star. The Knights of the World fought several bad battles in just over 30 years, and the personnel losses were relatively large.

But this time in order to be able to retrieve the flagship smoothly, Soshyan had to take out all of his only troops, and also reported that most of the combat robots in the battle group, including the few extinct aircraft.

In this case, the defense of Nathan Four can only be handed over to other members of the Misery League, especially once Huron, who is embarrassed and furious, will repeat the previous story.

As for the fleet, the Star Knights fleet also came out. The battleships include the flagship [Unbound Soul], the large cruiser [Eternal Loyalty], the battle barge [Soul Messenger], and the strike cruiser [Starfire]. Moon class cruiser [Absolute Force] [Reason] [Golden Wind] and other seven large and medium-sized warships, as well as 2 Cobra-class destroyers, 8 frigates of various types, a total of 17 warships.

It is worth mentioning that the Absolute Force and Reason are self-built moon cruisers built by the Nathan IV and the largest warship built on the planet, while the Golden Wind is from the casting world Lucius and is auctioned Will get.

Such a fleet is already very strong for a battle group, but Soshyang still feels that it is not enough, so he did not rush to set off, but waited for another two months until the main fleet of the White Temple and After the arrival of the large number of veterans on board, the official decision to set off was made.

This time, the White Temple also placed a heavy bet. Together with the flagship Bright Heart, they sent 3 strike cruisers and 6 frigates of the battle group, as well as 500 fighters, including a whole company equipped with Dehegan type. A veteran of the Terminator.

After the two fleets converged, they set off for the Extreme Star Field for the first time, and the news of the start of the Battle of Pandora has also been passed to the Storm Star Field.

In the Pandora system, the battle situation is also developing rapidly.

The empire’s first arrival was the squadron in the Demeter zone, which was commanded by Admiral Orson Karansvor on his flagship Emperor-class battleship [Vengeance]. The main force was a dictator-class ship. Cruiser [Reliable Faithful], one ruler-class cruiser [Steel Anvil], two moon-class cruisers [Leviathan Behemoth] [Lord of the Solar System], and 2 Dreadnought-class light cruisers, 1 Endeavour Class light cruisers, 3 Sword class frigates of Gamma Squadron, 2 Firestorm class frigates of Jaguar Squadron, 6 Cobra class destroyers of 129 Destroyer Squadron, 5 Sabre class frigates of 89 Squadron, a total of 24 ships each Model battleship.

In terms of command, the old captain has a wealth of experience and has repeatedly fought red pirate raiding fleets-although this background can only provide him with a very limited advantage against the overwhelming military power in the Pandora galaxy. Terrorist opponent.

Why is it a terrifying opponent?

Because according to the early empire reconnaissance confirmation, this time the Black Legion can also be described as a heavy blow. Abaddon’s flagship is not the famous Vengeful Soul, but the Desolation Herald-class battleship [Incessant Wrath]. In addition, the fleet also contains ugliness. Class cruiser [Holy Corruption], Styx-class heavy cruiser [Relentless Destroyer], Killer-class cruiser [Infernal Grudge], and 3 Admirer-class raiders of the Purifier Squadron, and 4 Destroyed Squadrons of the Barbarian Squadron Destroyer-class destroyers, 3 Destroyer-class destroyers of the Black Death Squad, 2 Destroyers of the Crimson Slayer Detachment, and an unknown number of small predators.

In terms of total number, the Empire has obvious advantages, but in terms of the firepower of large warships, Chaos has more advantages on the one hand, because the Revenge is very unfortunately an aircraft carrier and is not very good at main artillery battles.

In the next few weeks, Admiral Orson Kalansvuo cautiously launched a tentative attack on the periphery of the Pandora galaxy. With the 129th Destroyer Fleet as the forward, the entire fleet cautiously fumbled forward.

As a result, when the 12 destroyer fleet was looking for a way through the asteroid belt on the outer edge of the galaxy, it was ambushed and struck by several Destroyer-class destroyers. After destroying the two imperial ships, the Chaos Squadron retreated without damage and disappeared in the dense asteroid belt. , And all this only happened within a few minutes after the attack began.

Realizing that the opponent had been prepared for a long time, Karasovo did not continue to recklessly launch an offensive. Instead, he established a base on a small planet named Gaia on the edge of the Pandora galaxy.

After the completion of the communication guarantee, he began to plan a series of strikes against the asteroid belt, aiming to clear a path to the dead star.

In the following two weeks, the Imperial Navy and the Black Legion began a series of escalating fierce conflicts around the asteroid belt, which gave this area the nickname of "Edman Alloy Domain" because it was filled with Countless ship wrecks.

At first, Abaddon’s fleet had the upper hand, and the Imperial fleet suffered huge losses in its attempts to cross the asteroid belt. But in the long run, this is a battle that Abaddon is unlikely to win because his opponent, the Empire. The Navy is willing to slowly wear away the power of the Chaos Fleet by sustaining losses, and eventually advance to the Star of Disaster.

Compared with Abaddon, the empire always has an overwhelming advantage in resources, and the war of attrition is the empire most willing to see.

The situation is slowly changing Abaddon had to invest more ships to ensure that Karransovo was stopped, and Karransovo was not in a hurry, just like this and the Black Legion. It seems to have ignored the signal sent by the survivors on the Patriarch Star.

In fact, the imperial navy no longer believes that there are survivors on the Star Wars. The planet has basically been sentenced to death from the moment it falls, so they only regard those weak signals as chaotic traps.

Moreover, even if there are so many living men in the army, it is not worth the fleet's risk.

Admiral Calanswoh only thinks about one thing now-destroy the Black Legion fleet and completely defeat Abaddon!

This will be an unprecedented glory, enough for his name to be carved into the many monuments standing on the square of Terra Palace.

At the moment when the battle was in a state of anxiety, no one noticed that near a planet on the far edge of the galaxy, another force was gathering, staggering--

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