The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 888: Go straight to the thief's nest

"We took the order from Blue Ant to deliver supplies to the mining station here, and to transport the precious minerals from the warehouse. Originally it took four months to proceed, but the blue ant executives seemed to have heard some wind and were anxious. These precious mines are produced."

Listening to Rosen telling things like beans, Talos nodded slightly.

"So, do you know where the blue ant's nest is?"


Seeing Rosen hesitated again, Talos waved his hand.

"Sablin, cut off his left ear and give me a drink."


Hearing the sound of knives and footsteps coming from behind, Rosen quickly covered his ears with his hands and said loudly:

"I know I know!"

"Can that take us there."

"Can you be able to! I've seen those thieves, vampires, and **** a long time ago! They are a shame to the empire! Just looking at them has tarnished the pure soul of my belief in the emperor—"

With a thud, the dagger stuck an inch in front of Rosen's knee, scaring him back quickly.

"To shut up."

Talos stood up from the throne and looked at Sablin and others.

"Since you have done it, do it to the end. There is no need to keep this blue ant."

The headquarters of the Blue Ant is located in the Engels Galaxy, a small galaxy with only four or five planets. Its stars are dimmer than most stars, so it appears very inconspicuous even on the star chart.

But the star thiefs chose this place not just for concealment. The Engels galaxy is located in the center of the storm star field, and the transportation is convenient, which is very conducive to their transportation of minerals. It is also closer to the galaxy where the interstellar warriors are stationed, and all aspects are compared. Safety.

Therefore, after choosing a place, the star pirates spent decades building a huge space station in the galaxy.

This includes microgravity factories, trading areas, soilless planting areas, storage areas, trading areas, residential areas, etc., and there are hundreds of thousands of people living in it, which is almost a space city.

Every once in a while, the merchant fleet belonging to the blue ants will leave here full of refined precious metals and go to the black markets in various star regions to trade.

The Blue Ant fleet not only has merchant ships, but also several small frigates, which are more than enough to deal with ordinary pirates. However, in order to prevent the Ministry of Justice or other law enforcement agencies of the empire from being provoked, the armed fleet of Blue Ants rarely leaves their posts and will only accompany merchant ships. The team is dispatched.

But no one would have thought that these frigates were controlled one after another before the alarm went off.

In other words, no one can tell exactly what happened in the first hour.

So when the defensive array fails, all the detectors fail, and the entire space station instantly becomes deaf and blind with no resistance, everyone only thinks it is a failure.

"The external scanner shows that it is working normally, but we have detected some kind of unknown signal, which is a bit like an electromagnetic storm, my lord."

"please repeat."

In the communicator, a voice answered.

The chief mechanical priest of the Blue Ant Group, Vedev, took a deep breath, lowered the breathing mask surrounding his face, and repeated his words word by word.

"Really good news, gentlemen."

On the other end of the communicator, the CEO of Blue Ant Group made a slightly dissatisfied voice.

"Then we are gentlemen now?"

Beside Vedev, his apprentice Ike said quietly.

"Then I assume that all systems are temporarily unrecoverable, right?"

Although the frost had condensed inside the helmet, Vedev smiled.

"Yes, my lord."

He didn't say much that such systemic failures actually take several months to repair.

"Gentlemen, you are the most outstanding mechanics in the group. I hope you can understand that the headquarters cannot bear the system offline even for one day. This will result in a loss of approximately 12.3% of the monthly turnover. This is the responsibility of all of us. ."

"I know, I will contact—"

Suddenly, the voice stopped.


The CEO's voice sounded, but the communicator had fallen onto the outer shell of the space station.

"What about people?"

Ike hit the ground first, his face slapped against the metal fiercely, saying nothing, doing nothing, except for the silent flow of blood.

The fighting knife that passed through his head instantly killed him.

Wedev was not dead when he fell. He stretched out his **** hand to the emergency rune button of his broadcaster, but he didn't have the strength to press it down-the **** fingers made the surface of the button coated with a chaotic pattern. .


The executive asked again.


On the last breath in his life, Vedev screamed with all his strength, and then went silent.

In a gorgeous office of the space station, a white-haired chief executive officer in a decent uniform looked at the head of the security department. The former Astral Army colonel, who was also a nobleman in a nest capital, was playing around. The hem of his robe.

"It seems that there is still some interference, but this is wired communication."

The Chief of Guard took a breath and replied indifferently:

"Otherwise what else would it be?"

"I heard someone screaming, seriously."

The Security Department Zhang tried to force himself to smile, but it was not completely successful. He respected the elderly. Even if the old man, one of the founders of Blue Ant, had a poor hearing as before, everyone knew he had to repeat him to the CEO. The words that have been said.

"I believe this is a disturbance."

The young nobleman said it again.

"Maybe so."

The executive reached out his hand and grabbed his gray hair, and breathed again.

"If the two gentlemen have not resumed communication after ten minutes, sending a search team will make me more comfortable. You hear this noise and screaming, it's too bad..."

"Machineists are not so prone to accidents, my lord."

"We should find them no matter whether we live or die."

Suddenly, the voice channel flickered again, and it seemed to be adjusted over It seems that it is indeed interference. "

The old man said, but his finger paused as he reached the dial.

There was a sound at the end of the communicator, but the speaker's voice was not like a human being, it was too deep, too vague, and too cold.

"Hide in your den, mortals, lock your door, hug your family, and wait to hear our roar. Tonight, we are here for you."


There was chaos on the street. Blue Ant’s middle manager Ion Coy didn’t expect this thing to do anything when he was holding his pistol. He just thought that there was no one on the street, so he planned to go home and find his wife. Son.

But he was wrong.

As soon as he came out, he caught a glimpse of the creation, nearly one meter taller than ordinary people, wearing armor that seemed to appear in mythology.

Under that thing were three **** human bodies, each of which was fragmented and out of shape, and the ashes dyed the exposed muscles black.

Ion raised his pistol at the bravest moment of his life.

Then the soldier turned suddenly, holding a chain saw stained with blood and a gorgeous explosive pistol in his hand.

Then, there was a loud thundering burst of lightning.

Ion felt something hit his abdomen like a truck, he couldn't even call out, and then the air in his lungs was squeezed out.

He didn't even have time to fall down before his abdomen exploded, and he was exploded to pieces in an instant.

He saw the stars twinkling and the buildings shaking. When his chest fell to the ground, he plunged into darkness. The light of life in his eyes disappeared without a trace when his head fell and shattered, and his internal organs were scattered on the ground.

Until his death, he didn't realize when the killer appeared.

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