Praid knew they would fail, but he never thought that failure would come so quickly.

When seeing the astral knights on the monitor slaughtering the guarded red pirates with unknown weapons and listening to their screams in the communicator, the heart of the former Red Scorpion company commander was really cool. of.

He had never seen such a plasma weapon, and it was able to create a terrible bullet rain in a short period of time, dismantling all attempts by the Red Pirates to resist.

What made him even more annoyed was that when he was about to burn the jade and the stone and overload the plasma engine of the battleship, he learned that the heretical mechanical sage who was in charge of that piece had already taken his team and fled in a private aircraft, leaving only a few to watch. Many apprentices froze with instruments and a large group of drooling machine servants.

Before the **** left, he vowed to find Zhan Shuai for help.

Praid really wanted to reply to the other party: Go to your mother.

Not only these technical heretics, but even many Chaos Interstellar warriors piloted Thunderhawks to try to escape privately. The Red Pirate's own organizational defects were undoubtedly exposed when they fell into the Jedi.

Fewer than half of the people who are really determined to fight to the end.

And now, these people are basically by Praid's side, making the final resistance in the audience hall leading to the bridge.


The enemy’s special weapon made a sound resounding through the hall, and the plasma’s peculiar smell could not even be filtered by a breathing mask. The remaining fifty red pirates hid behind a fairly solid metal bunker, but they did not dare to show their heads. .

The astral knights in charge of the attack didn't seem to be anxious, they just used their firepower advantage to push the red pirates behind the bunker. They even set up two rapid-fire plasma cannons, and the two sides spent five minutes in this way.

What's more disgusting is that the red pirates also saw the head of the Berserker Commando Captain on the star knight's company banner, which had a big blow to everyone's morale.

"Shameless pseudo-emperor dog!"

Praid squatted behind a huge metal column, listening to the sizzle of plasma hitting the metal, quietly poking his head out to take a look at the situation.

The next second, he immediately retracted again.

A series of plasma blasts hit the pillar shortly afterwards.

"I fought with you!!!"

Finally, a few red pirates couldn't stand the anger and raised their shields to try to charge.

But as soon as they got up, various rockets and plasma clusters flew away like raindrops, and among them were the huge and hot light clusters of plasma cannons.

In the blink of an eye, several smoking corpses fell behind the bunker, and the shields in their hands were either torn apart or melted like a gel——

"The running dog of the false emperor!!!"

Realizing that the end is coming, Praid is determined to give it a go.

"Have you lost even Astarte's courage!? Why don't you have a fair duel!!!"

"The traitor goes to death."

This is Ustad's response.

"Are you their chief!"

Praid immediately realized that the person who answered his words was unusual.

"If you can defeat me, I will let my subordinates lay down their weapons!"

"Hehe, you are not worthy of such a glorious duel, scum, what do you think we are waiting for?"

Suddenly, Praid heard a noise that resembled a storm, and then he realized that it was a teleportation.

When the huge combat robot pushed aside the heavy bunker, Praid knew that their end had come--

"Fight with them!!"

Although knowing this sentence was too late, Praid decided to die with more dignity.

The red pirates shouted and rushed out from behind the bunker, desperately rushing to the combat robot, but as soon as they showed up, more than a dozen people were knocked down.

Only then did the red pirates know what the most desperate thing was—they could barely touch the astral knights.

The only chance to meet an astral knight was because the other party decided to give a chance.


Praid snarled, throwing his helmet aside so that his enemies could see his face, and then lunged at the company commander holding the shield in front of him.

Ustad was calm, and when the two power swords collided, a huge energy collision illuminated the surroundings.

The two Astartes flashed across each other's swords, their weapons staggered, and sparks flew, and then quickly retreated to a distance.

Prayd calmed down his anger. He designed a flaw and tried to cut Ustad's shoulder. However, the opponent had already reached his attack. After slamming the power sword with his shield, he backhanded his sword into Pula. Ide's shoulders.

But the company commander of the Red Scorpion wasn't a vain name, so he immediately avoided, and stepped back a few steps, slamming the shield down to force Ustad back.

"I am a master of swordsmanship, an astral knight."

Praid irritated his opponent carefully.

"You are like a chick, you can't deceive me."

"Let's take a look."

Ustad responded calmly, smashing his weapon at the opponent.

The red pirate avoided the blow, turned around, moved his feet casually to the right, and gave Ustad's shield a fierce kick.

Such a heavy blow made Ustad not only staggered back two steps, but Praid seized the opportunity to move forward with his sword.

A dazzling light flashed, and Ustad felt the energy and heat on the blade as the opponent's power sword approached.

Ustad raised the sword in time, the two swords collided again, and then it hovered beside Praid's face.

The sword in the hands of the two is the only thing that can prevent each other from cutting off their heads.

At the same time, the surrounding battle was about to end. Almost all the red pirates were killed, and a few wounded could only wait to be filled by the astral knights.

"give up."

Ustad hissed and pressed the sword tighter.

"Do not!"

Praid snarled and answered.

"You are done, astral knight!"

This confidence comes from Praid's belief that he holds swords in both hands and the other is one-handed, as long as he works harder—

But he never realized that the other party restricted him with just one hand.

Suddenly, a biting cold wind swept through their bodies.

Ustad's eyes shrank, and the shield in his hand suddenly fell off, revealing a shorter power sword.

Before Prayd could react, the dagger encircling the resolution field slashed from bottom to top, cutting open his right wrist and abdomen.

Holding the severed arm Praid knelt down and lowered his head. The power armour was like a broken water tank, steaming blood constantly flowing out.

"For people like you, this is the best end."

Feeling the sword resting on his neck, Praid muttered to himself:

"Why... leave me..."

In the grunting sound, the head of the red pirate war lord rolled off his shoulders—

"The commander of the battle group, the second company commander reported that the enemy's flagship has been controlled, and news came from the commander of the Landauer battle group. They have controlled the enemy ship, and the flying squadron is still intercepting and destroying those who are trying to escape. The airspace has been basically cleared."

On the bridge of eternal loyalty, Soshyan nodded slightly when he heard the good news from the correspondent.

In fact, Erlian was able to capture enemy ships so quickly. Those ancient plasma weapons played a great role. Unfortunately, for the sake of secrecy, Soshyang did not dare to fake his hands, so he could only purchase equipment and materials to let Dietrian stay in the country. The Sen 4 is secretly manufactured locally, so the production capacity is very low, and it is basically in Erlian.

"Ustad did a good job, ha, Huron has been a pirate all his life, I didn't expect to be robbed three times in a row, right?"

Then Soshyang turned his head and smiled at Luke, who was wearing a gray robe beside him.

"But I am afraid that Mark will be a little angry. After all, he is arranged to control the power and engine parts."

"From what I know about a company commander, he can understand."


Nodding, Soshyan turned his gaze back under the bridge.

"Now give orders to the flash unit to go to the asteroid belt for reconnaissance and confirm the battle between the Black Legion and the Imperial Navy."

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