The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 909: Cha Xin Secret Technique

Once upon a time, Tubek and Aliman joined forces only to save their on the verge of breaking the legion, in order to free their blood brothers from the misery of mutation. At that time, they were so pure and unrepentant, and did not worry about their personal future.

Qianzi suddenly remembered Gutera's proverb: Time is like a chain saw sword, ruthlessly slaughtering everyone, so that they can no longer restore their original appearance.

"Then what are you going to do?"

The two finally entered the meeting room behind the bridge.

Several senior members of the war gang were already waiting there, and Sarperdon picked up a glass of spirits brewed with the blood of the spirit race on the table and drank it all at once.

"Although I don't know the specific situation, the Snow Lotus Blade should be on the Star Wars. Therefore, our main purpose this time is not to conflict with the astral knights, but to go to the Star Wars to find the Snow Lotus Blade as soon as possible."

"That place is now under Abaddon's control, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"So we must help Zhanshuai win this battle, at least one naval battle."

While talking, Salperton removed the arm armor from his two extra arms, exposing the blue skin.

Tubek glanced at the thick blue arms and smiled:

"The Chaxin technique of the Second Legion is really amazing. I want to practice it after all."

Salperdon smiled slightly and handed a full glass of wine to the opponent.

"If you don't practice this technique with the blood of the Second Legion, you will only quickly become a Chaos Egg."

The reason why Sarpeton grew a pair of arms has a lot to do with the Chaxin technique he practiced.

This is a kind of strange mystery recorded in the Second Legion’s sacred "The Secret of Pupa", created by their original body in the final stage of their lives.

As the original body that first came into contact with the chaotic gods, the second legion original body began to think about the nature of the power of chaos after the fall, and imagined using a body to accommodate the power of the four gods at the same time, and finally created the chaos with incredible intelligence. The technique of Xin.

This secret technique consists of a series of rituals, sacrifices, and matching sacrificial vessels. For every divine power, a pair of arms and a face will be added. When it is practiced to the extreme, the blessing power of the four gods can be gathered in There will not be any conflict in the body, and it will become the eternal God's choice in the true sense.

Although the original body of the Second Legion did not make the last step, the possibility remained.

Salperdon took the risk of practicing this technique when he saw its infinite potential, because once he achieved it, he might become beyond Abaddon and even beyond the existence of Horus in the past.

But to truly practice the technique of Cha Xin, the original weapon, Snow Lotus Blade, is indispensable. Not only can it reconcile the chaotic power of conflict, it is also an important sacrificial weapon for many rituals.

This is also the real reason why Salperdong pursues the snow lotus blade assiduously.

"Gal Mozejie, just heard a news—"

Suddenly, a soldier walked over, approached Salperdon's side, and then whispered a few words.

Gal Mozeje is the new name that Salperdon has given himself, and his title as acting commander of the army, from the already-destroyed home planet of the Second Army. (From now on, it will be called Garmo Zejie)

Tubek watched curiously at the two men whispering while holding the wine glass, and then the soldier walked away.

"Gar Mo Zejie, what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Hong Suo started quarreling after knowing that I was appointed as the commander of the fleet, saying that I was not worthy of this appointment, but the Black Heart King had already pushed him down."

"It's that stupid pig. It's not surprising, it's not surprising. I have never seen a person with an IQ over 50 among the Iron Warriors. Ouglin is smarter than them on certain occasions."

"Don't talk about him, Brother Tubeck, what did the people who asked you to contact the other day say?"

Tubek was put down and was taken out, took out a piece of parchment, and opened it to Garmo Zejie.

"I have contacted all the twelve people you want to contact. Eight of them are willing to join the group, but they all have some conditions. The other three directly refused, and one is still considering."

Gal Mozejie glanced at the text above, and some names and requirements corresponding to the names were clearly written on it-he invited people he thought were capable, mostly lone wolves or small war gangs. Therefore, the demand is mostly for warships or material supplements, and occasionally a few are for heretical knowledge or psionic treasures.

"The one under consideration is the Prince of Thorns?"

"Ah, it's the skinning addict. His war gang has not recovered after being hit hard by the White Shark, so he took more than a dozen people to do odd jobs under Abaddon."

"What is he thinking about?"

"I don't know why this guy offended a very powerful demon. Now he is hunted down as soon as he enters the subspace. He is looking for someone who can help him solve the problem, but you also know that this is a thankless thing. The devil is very vengeful, and if it cannot be dealt with directly, there will be endless troubles."

Garmo Zejie thought for a while, and then said to Tubek:

"You tell him, I can help him solve the problem."

Tubek froze for a moment.

"Are you serious?"

"It's a devil big or small, as long as I get back the snow lotus blade, I won't be afraid even if the big demon comes."

"Okay, I will tell him."

After being silent for a while, Tubeck suddenly whispered:

"I shouldn't have asked about this, but I still want to know, what do you plan to do after retrieving the snow lotus blade?"

Gal Mozejie drank the last sip of the glass and asked flatly:

"Brother, what do you think Huron is like?"

"Too heavy gains and losses, the market is vulgar, without big ambitions, just thinking about my own small kingdom, but it can be successful but not possible."

Gal Mozejie nodded.

"Yes, aside from the mobs, he actually has nothing. Those so-called warriors only fight for reward. Besides being called a businessman, what else can such a person claim to be?"

"So you are going to get rid of him?"

"I need to choose a true partner, an ally who has a long-term vision and knows that the galaxy will change in the future."

Tubeck frowned.

"Abaddon is certainly strong, but being strong also means that he is strong. He will only treat you as a servant and a subordinate, not an Years of smooth winds have made him accustomed to controlling everything. Even arrogant enough not to put the original body in his eyes."

"Abaddon believes in his own power, and does not even believe in the true power of chaos, and we will embrace the true power."

Garmo Zejie curled his lips mockingly and said:

"When he uses us, we will also use him. Since he is accustomed to bathing in glory, let him shelter us from the wind and rain. After all, Huron's anger is not so easy to bear."

"Yes, it depends on your next plan, but how do you conquer the other people in the fleet? Huron sent several of his cronies, obviously he is not stupid."

Gal Mozejie sneered coldly, and put his four arms around his chest.

"The mind control technique in the Secret Tome will make them succumb. As long as you control most of them, the remaining few diehards can't turn the sky."

Huron probably couldn't think of it. The commander he appointed had already begun to consider how to betray him.

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