The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 913: Blood Prison

Stryker suddenly found that the familiar jungle had become so uneasy, as if countless pairs of hungry eyes were staring at him in the dark, making him instinctively observe the surroundings, and his movements produced the slightest in the water near the calf. The sound of water flowing.

Suddenly, something rushed out of the forest behind them. It was the size of a person and resembled a human shape, but its legs were slightly shorter than human standards and its arms were longer.

It looks like an ape-like creature, with red skin, skinny, with a pair of horns on the head, a brass mark on the triangular head, and a group of yellowish vicious eyes, no nose, and a second organ on the face. It was a mouth full of blood basins, full of fangs like carnivores, and his lips tightened back.

It screamed while rushing, waving a rusty **** sword in its hands.

The soldiers screamed and fired at it, but the monster jumped directly over a half-deep wood, and its long tongue suddenly protruded forward.

In an instant, the tongue pierced the head of a soldier holding a flamethrower, and the tongue rolled up the pale yellow brain and retracted back into the monster's mouth, making it chuckle with pleasure.

Then the sword in his hand pierced the chest of another Katachan soldier, causing the strong man to instantly shriveled into a withered bone.

"Draft it!!"

In the shock of everyone, Stryker opened fire.

The turbulent explosive bomb slammed into the monster's torso. It bent back and fell into the green pool, splashing water everywhere.

It was still struggling, and Stryker rushed forward, crushed the opponent's head with one foot, and blasted the opponent's body into two parts with explosive bombs before stopping.

"Then what the **** is—"

Stryker was about to shout, but there was no time.

Another is rushing over, then another, and then the fourth.

They rushed out of the twisted shadows, roaring, ignoring the fate of the first one.

"Fire!! Don't tm froze, fire if you don't want to die!!"

Stryker fired while giving orders, but there were so many goals that he couldn't solve it alone, and needed the help of others.

The already frightened militiamen hurriedly raised their guns, but their trembling hands were completely inaccurate.

The monster rushed into the crowd and set off a killing.

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew, and people's heads rolled.

Although the militiamen were useless, they at least bought time. Stryker summoned the Katachans to his side, shot one of them with a single shot, slowed it down, and then aimed at the head to kill. But the others didn't even hit the tree.

In the shadows, more of these red-skinned creatures emerged, half a dozen, a dozen, all rushing here.

Only he and Bell hit some. The injured ape fell screaming and sank into the darkness, but the others made up. Their teeth are yellow. "Boss! There are too many ghosts, so you can't go on like this!"

"I know!"

A guy got too close, Stryker couldn't hit it with a gun, and the guy stretched out his sword, trying to cut his throat.

Stryker kicked the opponent's sword away, then grabbed the beast's throat with his backhand, lifted it up, and threw it out, like he was throwing a scarecrow.

"Withdraw! Let's withdraw!"

Knowing that continued entanglement would only annihilate the entire army, Stryker had no choice but to abandon the militias.

The Katachans began to quickly leave the battlefield, throwing down the dishes where the militias became demons.

At this time, the sky was dark as if it was stained by charcoal, and even the jungle itself began to change, the flowers and plants were dyed brown, the ominous figures hovering on the treetops, and the most common bushes had fallen out. The leaves became a trap full of spikes and hooks, like a cage, the thorns and branches were white and cool, like bones.

Stryker had never seen such a scene.


Suddenly, a Katachan raised his head and pointed to the sky.

Stryker looked up, only to see that the sky had become a pool of squirming things similar to flesh and blood, and there were still purple spots in it.

The poison soaked the sky, he knew it.

At this time, a blast of singing sounded, blending into his own heartbeat and breathing, blending into the sound of the wind——

It was a beautiful, loving and seductive song.

Look up, look, look--

Stryker raised his **** face to greet the breeze, and the whole world seemed to be perfectly integrated into the music.

Suddenly, his eyelids jumped, and then the whole person twisted, raised his hand and slapped himself forcefully.

"Don't look at the sky! Keep your head down! Don't look at the sky!!!"

But he was over when he spoke. The eyes of the earliest Katachan soldier had been drowned in blood, and the whole person knelt on the ground, and began to smirk while muttering.

"They are here, and we will be a part of them, a part..."

He stared at the polluted stars, and the light from the crack in the deep sky descended on the whole world.

Suddenly, the singing became a scream, and the soldier's head was blown to pieces in a burst of gunfire.

In the shock of everyone, Stryker withdrew the gun with a pale face, and said to Katachan, whose heads were hanging around:

"If I become like this, you can do the same. Remember, we Katachans can die and be torn apart, but we must never become slaves to heretics!"


When Stryker finally returned to the convoy with the remnants, he found that the place had also been messed up, and demons had begun to appear on both sides of the road.

Without a word, he took the Katachan soldiers and robbed a few vehicles, and commanded the movable vehicles to retreat-most of the soldiers frightened by the devil could no longer be organized. He was better than anyone else. Clear, so saving the main force is the only option.

When no one had expected it, the ancient fissures of the Dispelling Stars were unsealed.

A portal through the subspace reopened, and a wave of demons rushed out of it, spreading from Attica to the entire planet, rushing towards the camp established by Colonel Stryker.

This time, although the Katachans and the militias have been waiting for, no matter how hard they try, they can’t resist the waves of destruction released by the fissures of hell. A desperate struggle broke out in Olympia. On the gentle slopes of the mountains.

Waves of demonic creatures repeatedly hit the line of defenders. After heroic battles and huge sacrifices, Stryker barely managed to keep the camp from being swallowed by the first wave of attacks.

Even so, Colonel Stryker understood very well that continuing to hold on to the newly built base would eventually lead to the complete destruction of his subordinates, squeezing in a single place, and they would be easily overwhelmed by the **** army pouring out of the fissures of hell.

In pain, Colonel Stryker ordered his subordinates to retreat to the underground explorer fortresses all over the platoon star. He knew that no settlement could withstand the attack, but the remote fortresses scattered everywhere could delay the demon army's pace. , May be able to wait until the imperial reinforcements arrive.

This defense method is very cruel, because every defense point is destined to die, but Stryker has no choice.

The Battle of Pandora entered a new stage because of the changes in the platoon star.


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