"Commander Lothar did not intentionally conceal it, but... alas, the commander has no choice. In the long-term seesaw, although both sides have suffered losses, our losses have always been greater, even if we can continue to be supplemented by warships. , But the Black Legion also found a way to attack us. They began to avoid the main force of the battle group and kept attacking our supply line... The entire battle group, together with the Gaia Airport, had millions of people, Pandora The galaxy is notoriously barren, and the logistics pressure is very huge. In just six months we have lost hundreds of transport ships. If this continues, the situation is not good. The commander decided to take the lead in launching a general attack when the opponent is still addicted to attacking the logistics line. At least I have to hurt the Black Legion."

"I didn't question the strategy of Admiral Carransovo, but what do you think is the chance of winning if the two sides fight decisively?"

"Six.... Seventy percent should be there."

"Seven percent, ha, then if I tell you that the Red Pirates have also intervened in this war, what percentage do you think they will win?"


Neo's voice trembled a little. If there was really the extra power of the Red Pirates, then Karasovo's abacus would be more than just a frustration.

Even the entire strike group must be buried!

"It's useless to say more, and immediately replenish ammunition and fuel, and then we will immediately go to support Admiral Karanswo."

In the fringe area of ​​the ‘Edelman’s Alloy Realm’, Pandora’s battle group has been stagnant for a full twenty minutes.

Admiral Orson Karansworth, dressed in a decent azure navy uniform, paced back and forth on the magnificent bridge of the Vengeance, but still did not look away from the main display.

They had been following the plundering ship for 6 hours. They had originally thought that the other party would take them to a temporary stronghold of the Black Legion or a naval base, but the other party suddenly turned off and stopped.

After waiting for a long time without seeing any movement, Admiral Orson Kalanswo guessed that they had been discovered.

Then there is no need to continue to hide.

"Call them."

The general who was nearly seventy years old but still tough said sharply to his communications technician:

"Make it clear that if they raise a shield or charge a weapon, we will fire immediately."

The waiter nodded and spoke to the pickup on his console:

"Here, this is the Vengeance. You have entered the firepower range of our ship. Keep still. You must not activate any defense or attack systems, otherwise you will be wiped out immediately."

But the other party only responded with static hiss.

"We want to board the ship."

The admiral said to his first officer:

"Let the Second Jump Gang report to the starboard flight deck and prepare to launch three assault boats."

"A whole jumping gang, commander?"

Admiral Carransovo stroked his uniform jacket with his hand.

"It may be just a frigate, but it can hold twice as many traitors and deliver orders."

"Excuse me, Commander, why don't you get rid of it now?"

"Intelligence, we need to find out where it has been, and know any information related to the Black Legion fleet, even if it is a servant."

"Understood, Commander."

Soon, an assault boat carrying a gang of three hundred people was launched.

The ship was not far away, and the commandos quickly saw it.

It was obvious that it had just endured a brutal battle, the hull was scarred, and some of the damage looked scary-mainly due to the wide open cracks in the flanks.

According to the scan, it can be known that its engine is operating, and bursts of plasma clusters are ejected intermittently.

Its track is a bit curved: the hull slowly turns around its shaft.

After approaching, the assault boat did not rush in, slowed down, and swept a section of the hull with a searchlight, illuminating the plasma burning and the large pale patches scanned by the laser.

Scanning ornithology at close range returned very few details-perhaps residual signs of life, but it is almost impossible to distinguish it from the new energy of the plasma reactor and environmental system.

"There may be someone on the boat."

"The machine servant, the robot, there are many things that can survive there without a crew."

"I don't know if there are any heretical chicks."

"The one below that can eat you in?"

"The sir asked us to catch it alive. Now this ship may not be able to withstand the forcible breaking of the hull. We have to find a suitable crack to get into it."

"Hey, wait!"

The driver's call drew everyone's attention out of the main boat, and then he locked the searchlight to a specific area on the bow of the frigate:

"That is......"

The light showed the pattern of an eight-pointed star on one side of the beak-shaped collision angle, and the key point was that the gun positions on both sides of it were slowly rotating.


When the assault boats turned around and left the enemy ships, various displays on the bridge of the Vengeance suddenly lit up, and the warnings from the scanner flickered like lights on a celebration.

"Commander, we have detected a surge in enemy ship energy!"

"The assault boat is being set as the target, and the enemy's point defense turret is activated!"

Admiral Karasovo watched the three landing craft thrust into a roll and dive position, and the automatic countermeasure system carried by the landing craft accelerated, spraying out scanning-resistance metal wire clouds and flare clouds.


The admiral snapped orders on the communicator.

"Commander, the bombing might be—"

The predator ship’s fortune teller was locked on the assault boat that dodged, and the sirens immediately became louder, and the sob of the sensor warning rose to a whine.

A second later, the pilot of one of the ships cursed.

"The missile was launched. There are 20 missiles in a cluster, and there are still 13 seconds before the impact."

The small bright spot of that predatory ship instantly turned into an orange star. A second later, several laser tracks burned silently towards the rotating assault boat, and the nearest one passed only within a few meters.

As this energy approached, more warning lights and sirens started to flash.

The pilot pulled the assault boat from the evasive roll to the direct route away from the enemy ship, and they left blue trajectories as they traversed the void.

Eight seconds after the predator opened fire, a series of missiles passed through the void~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, they were still some distance away from the assault boat that was still accelerating.

Thirteen seconds later, the missile hit, and the flames on the predatory ship went from the ship to the bow. Plasma and burning gas licked along the broken guard plate, like mottled ripples on the surface of the oil body.

Admiral Carransovo took a long breath and sat back in his seat.

At this time, the communication link rang suddenly.

"Commander, we have detected multiple signals at the border of the asteroid.

"More ships? Speed, direction?"

"Come straight to us! There are six ships so far, and the navigator thinks that at least four ships are about to leave."


Admiral Carransvor muttered to himself.

"Unexpectedly, we were hooked."

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