The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 919: Solve the problem from the source

"Planning to flood us with carrier-based aircraft?"

Ain Glaspel, in black armor, stood on the dim bridge, holding the rune sword on his side with one hand, rubbing the pale metal skull on the chair with the other, looking at the approaching fleet in the star map, full of engravings. Hen's face squeezed a mocking smile.

"Who would play long-distance combat with you obediently? Order, all warships, run at full power, it doesn't matter if the engine is overloaded! Charge up at full speed! Charge into the enemy's queue!"

Ain Glaspel’s Black Legion fleet, as soon as it rushed out of the Edelman alloy realm, it rushed straight to the Empire fleet, hitting the core of the Carrancevo fleet like a crash hammer.

The battleship of Chaos, headed by the heavy armored ship of Endless Wrath, ignored the artillery harassment of the Imperial battleship, and went up as if it was an enraged wild boar.

The Desolate Herald-class battleship is a very old battleship. Its blueprint has appeared even before the establishment of the empire. Many ships were built during the Great Expedition. During the Great Rebellion, at least 5 Desolate Herald-class battleships joined the traitors. After the war, the Empire no longer had this type of warship in service, and the Mars Mechanical Cult also lost the construction technology of this class of ship.

The biggest feature of this type of battleship is its extremely sturdy armor shell. The Void Shield technology was not yet mature at that time. Imperial battleships often had to rely on their own armor to fight the enemy’s firepower. Therefore, the armor thickness of the Desolation Herald class was also the same among many Imperial battleships. Ranked among the best.

And its firepower is equally amazing, with a very long range of light spear and the bow nova cannon.

Therefore, the [Unending Rage] slammed directly against the firepower of the Imperial cruiser, and ignored the harassment of the Imperial carrier-based aircraft, and did not give Karansvor any time to execute the delicate layout he arranged.

As the distance between the two sides quickly moved in,

A fierce hand-to-hand battle began immediately.

When the Chaos Fleet rushed into the empire line, the light of various giant artillery bombardments illuminated the entire void.

Hundreds of carrier-based aircraft were entangled around the mile-long [Unending Rage], while the **** fleets of the two fleets fought each other at lethal close range.

Karanswo realized that the situation was not good, and desperately ordered the frigate to disengage and gather around the flagship.

And just as the two sides are fighting endlessly, a huge fleet has crossed the asteroid belt——

"The main force of the Black Legion's fleet has exchanged fire with the main force of the Empire. I'm afraid the situation is not good."

On the command deck of the Eternal Loyalty, the voices of communications officials revealed tension. In this galaxy, they can know what is happening on the front lines by relying on long-distance wireless signals.

"In addition, the reconnaissance fleet reported that more and more traitors have entered the galaxy. The Red Pirates have suffered a loss and are not going to give up. They have sent a new fleet to try to attack the main force of the Imperial fleet."

"The situation is obvious."

Soshyang averted his gaze and stared at the star map. On it was a dynamic map of the galaxy that stretched for hundreds of light years. The logos of the Imperial Fleet and the Chaos Fleet had been mixed together, and on the other side of the asteroid belt, one A fleet marked as Red Pirates is approaching fast.

"Karansovo is a bit reckless this time. His intelligence work is too bad. He has no idea about the Black Legion and the Red Pirates. Even if he can barely repel the Black Legion's fleet, the upcoming Red Pirates will be too. Killed him."

"So, we will turn to that place, right, battle group commander."

The third company commander, Farzad, rubbed his hands in excitement, and he was going crazy after having been on the boat for a few months.

"It's time to confront the traitor head-on."

"Not so, the third company commander."

Soshyan walked to his command throne and activated one of the control hubs.

A three-dimensional view of a nearby galaxy flickered into operation, Soshyan controlled the rune, and the star chart's field of vision extended, as if the observer had pulled it hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

"The navigator has reported that the storms in the subspace have decreased, and there has been an obvious surge. Third company commander, do you know what this means?"


"The reinforcements of the Red Pirates have arrived, but the reinforcements of the Empire have also arrived."

Falzad blinked and asked with puzzlement:

"What does this have to do with us?"

"The tidal fluctuations felt by navigators and think tanks are very special. It is not something that an ordinary fleet can emit. It is much larger and carries the unique logo of a certain start-up battle group. As far as I know, the empire has similar things, except Beyond the mountain formation—"

Soshyan turned around and looked at Talos who was sitting in a chair wiping his collection.

"There are only huge rocks, right?"

Falzad's eyes widened, and almost everyone knew about this thing for Astarte.

"Dark Angel!? They brought the Boulder Fortress here??"

In fact, Soshyang only said half of his words. The real confirmation of the news was based on Talos's foresight. He had foreseen the coming of the Boulder Fortress half a month ago.

Therefore, he advised Soshyang not to participate in the naval battle, because in addition to the dark angel, there is a force in it.

They are more troublesome than the judge.

"Team commander, what shall we do now?"

"If we go to war, we may be able to win a victory, but what's the point? We don’t know how many fleets there are in Abaddon. We don’t know how determined the Red Pirates are to intervene in this matter. We also don’t know whether a naval battle will be possible. End this war? I am skeptical about it."

Falzad stroked his chin, thinking about the words of Soshyan.

"In my opinion, to really solve this invasion, we must start from the root, and the root is in Abaddon, then why don't we directly find the Great Predator himself before our own strength is exposed? He will have nothing to do with it. Be prepared, and we can hit him by surprise."

Falzad nodded, his eyes full of new enthusiasm.

"I understand the battle captain."

But then he frowned again.

"But what if the dark angel doesn't arrive in time?"

"I have made arrangements for the fourth company commander. He will be an insurance. I will not let the imperial fleet be destroyed."

"That's good...but how can we avoid the possible detection and scanning of chaos?"

Falzad is always concerned about the substantive issues of war.

"The latest jamming devices and covert navigation?"

"Rest assured, we have enough ways to approach the enemy without being discovered."

"So where is the fleet assembled?"

Soshyan turned around and stared at the void Then a finger passed through the light emitted by the imager, pointing out a planet.

Falzad looked over, blinked, and said:

"Shall we go straight to the arrogant star?"


Soshyan replied softly:

"Abaddon is arranging for the Stars. If we don't go here, how can we go there?"

Afterwards, he looked at the communications officer and said loudly:

"Give orders to all warships, speed up the navigation, target, and arbitrate the stars! And keep the communication silent, all actions are subject to the flagship signal!"


Soon, the huge Astarte fleet began to turn, and went straight to the depths of the galaxy.


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