The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 922: Dire in action

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After occupying the orbital station, Soshyan summoned all the company commanders and senior members of the regiment for a temporary wartime meeting.

The meeting was mainly composed of two contents. One was to introduce the re-returned Rogers to everyone. Many people in the warband almost forgot that there was also this armory supervisor.

Especially Yazdan, when he saw Rogers wearing a red robe and holding a mechanical god's axe, he couldn't help giving him a hug.

The second content of the meeting, naturally, is to determine the next move of the battle group.

Of course, it stands to reason that they now occupy the orbital space, and they can carry out a devastating orbital bombardment on the Parallel Star, or even wipe the world directly with an extinction order.

But on the one hand, it is difficult to guarantee that Abaddon has no other means of escape. On the other hand, the mission of the battle group to find the flagship must be carried out.

Soshyan then said his thoughts.

First of all, the first point is to contact the armed forces of the empire that is still resisting on the ground. The focus is to find people familiar with the history of the planet, so as to get clues about the entrance to the network.

The second thing is to find a way to close the subspace rift on the Disaster Star, and this also requires the assistance of local people.

The third is to determine the specific location of Abaddon to facilitate subsequent direct beheading attacks.

Although the main purpose of this operation is to find the flagship, Soshyang, as the empire's loyal Astarte commander, must also do everything possible to eliminate Abaddon, the empire’s greatest enemy. The importance of these two tasks Is consistent.

Therefore, finding and rescuing survivors has become a top priority.

However, the results of the planetary scans are not optimistic. The chaotic psychic energy has flooded the planet’s atmosphere. It is difficult for any detection equipment to reach the ground directly, and the ground signals can only be scattered to the orbit. Most desperate call signs And the tragic last words.

In the more than a year since the invasion of Patriarch, the planet has become a **** full of demons. Large demons fight against the planet’s native predatory beasts, and small demons keep attacking various underground explorer fortresses. .

Although the defenders of the fortress resisted bravely, this resistance was very limited. One fortress after another was captured, and even the entire fortress surrendered to the enemy. The survivors inside were either brought back to Attica as slaves or became A cult who helps him to be abusive.

After re-reading the scan report, Soshyan chose the area of ​​the Wrath Mountains to the south of the planet's main continent, where clutter signals of unknown identification appeared from time to time-Rogris inferred that it might be some kind of modified civilian communication device.

After that, Soshyang chose to give this task to the freshman's eleventh company. Before the war, in order to maximize the combat effectiveness, they had allotted power armors, but the practice time was not enough.

But the current situation can only allow them to learn in the flames of war.

In order to ensure the secrecy of this infiltration, Soshyan specially set the action time as night, and fifty soldiers took five concealed modified "silent eagles" into the predetermined location in batches.

The place where they landed is an explorer’s fortress marked as [341]. If the area is still under the control of the empire, then the survivors inside will be transferred, if it is already occupied, then it will be cleared out as An activity base.

The task was quickly issued, and the soldiers of the 11th Company were ready to begin their first action after putting on the power armor.

The operation was led by Talos, so he took the first Thunderhawk and Bahram took the last one.

This arrangement made Bahram a little bit disappointed, but he did not say more.

It’s been a few days since he came to the eleventh company, what can I say——

Most fighters don't catch a cold to him.


The sound of the ramp falling heavily awakened Bachram, he untied the restraint and looked at the soldier beside him.

"This is a secret operation, everyone must remember that it is not a last resort--"

Suddenly, the scream of the chainsaw interrupted him.

The whine of the spinning saw teeth turned into a crunching sound, and Bachram could hear them devouring flesh and blood.

When he walked out of Thunder Eagle, he saw silver-gray armor with blue rim, and a lot of blood and broken body on the ground.

Those cultists with chaos symbols engraved on their foreheads were either knocked to the ground or thrown into the air, with blood on every soldier.

Bahram took a moment to adjust himself. This is the most easy mental shock that the Eleventh Company can give to people, killing everyone like this.

This reckless enthusiasm for murder is completely foreign to Bahram.

But he tried his best to restrain his urge to speak. The battlefield is not a place to blame each other. He has explained some truths to these young fighters more than once. He is not sure how much they listened to, but most of the time they only responded with hiss or silence.

In order not to let himself think about it, Bahram looked at the fortress not far away.

It's hard to call it a fortress. It's basically a ten-meter-high stone enclosure built along the gentle **** of the mountain. It has a primitive feel, but you can also see some technological equipment, such as broadcasting and searchlights.

Looking along the passage of the castle's main entrance, a pile of corpses in black robes lay at the end of the road. They were the victims of the eleventh company's brutal attack.

Later, he saw Talos and other fighters, entangled with a group of heretics in black legion armor emerging from the ruins of the collapsed viewing platform in an explosion.

The battle was fierce, and Bahram decided to support them.

"Li Lin!"

As Bachram greeted his name, Li Lin was dragging a dying man from the floor and cutting the man in half with his chainsaw sword.

This caused Bachram to frown.

"Li Lin!!!"

Bahram yelled again, and increased his tone.

"Go back to the battle, the company commander needs our support."

Li Lin looked back at Bahram.

In an instant, there was nothing but hatred and resentment on his face, and Bachram even felt that his image in his eyes seemed to be an enemy.

That moment passed appeared in Li Lin's eyes. He shook the meat off the chain saw sword, shook his head again, trying to wipe the scariest blood in his mind, and then called His team followed.

"Didn't you hear what the deputy company commander said! They are all assembled!"

The soldiers gathered quickly, but they just smiled at the title of deputy company commander. The battle group does not have this title. It was added by Talos himself. He meant that when he was not present, Bahram had the duty of running company commander. Power.

Of course, most Dire sneered at this, except for Talos and the leader of the battle, no one would listen.

"Come on to me, go ahead!"

Bachram pointed his sword at the entrance to the fortress, but the warriors passed him directly and rushed up without saying a word.

In the end, he could only smile bitterly, and opened his legs to follow his comrades.

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