The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 939: Parliament in the Shadow

Latest website: This is a large and solemn venue, scattered candles make the lighting dim, the floor is covered with black marble, and the walls disappear into black shadows.

A huge wooden throne, full of folds and carvings, is placed in the center of the room under a tall and vague dome. Eleven smaller chairs are arranged in an arc to face it, and the darkness in the room envelopes it. A circle of chairs.

Military flags with various animal forms are barely visible in the darkness, they are occasionally fluttering, and the white cloth rustles with the airflow of the ventilation system.

Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared on the middle throne, which occupies like a dormant beast.

Then the same huge shadows appeared on the surrounding chairs one after another, and nine chairs were filled with only two vacancies.

"Everyone is here."

A hearty voice spoke first, seeming to ignore the two vacant chairs.

"Talk about their respective progress."

The person who spoke afterwards had a low and gloomy tone.

"I have no problem here."

"Me too."

"everything is normal--"

Until the last person.

He paused for a moment, then said apologetically:

"I have some problems here. The Necropolis in the Ghoul Zone has been completely infected by the Skinner's Plague. We can't go deep into its internal investigation, but judging from the information and evidence we have obtained, we can't go wrong. ."

Everyone was silent for a while, and finally the one on the middle throne spoke, with a frosted texture.

"This is an understandable accident. Nothing is 100% accurate, even if we investigate it, there is no guarantee."

"Feel sorry."

"We are all comrades, there are no upper and lower classes, you don't need to apologize to anyone."

Then, the chair on the throne that turned to 8 o'clock.

"How is the situation on the Astral Knight side?"

"Everything is normal. They have been in contact with the White Temple for a while, and are now heading for their legion flagship."

"How is Soshyan Alexei himself?"

"Um... he seems to have obtained or saw something in Ulano, and he also brought back a female spirit race. The identity of that spirit race does not seem to be simple. Anyway, since he brought back that spirit race, I heard The wind said that the rotten flesh of the Fourteenth Army seemed crazy. I don't know what big plan they are doing. Maybe it has something to do with that Spirit Race? A guess is not necessarily correct."

The speaker paused, then took out a data board and threw it toward the throne.

The data board was still spinning in mid-air, and was gently grasped by a large armoured hand.

"The above is the report for the past ten years, and he has already got the Spiral Flame."

"He got the spiral flame? Well, that's good news."

The shadow on the throne moved his body, and then opened the data board, but the faint light from the data board could not penetrate the darkness covering him at all.

"Well, um.... It's a good development. We didn't choose the wrong person. We have no trial and error costs."

After viewing it briefly for a few minutes, the man of throne closed the data board.

"Now that these things are resolved, let's talk about the next thing, but first..."

As he said, the man of the throne stretched out his arm, and then an ancient book floated from the ground out of thin air.

Turning the pages of the book, a hoarse voice rang from all directions.

"——When I woke up early in the morning, I felt as if I had slept for a long time. All I could do was open my eyes, and the same dreams were harassing me again, and most of them were terrible and hard to tell. The rest Everything cannot be ignored because it is closely related to my mission... I found that my thoughts have long since dispersed, and as time goes by, it gradually becomes difficult for me to recall what I did in the past. The fragile thoughts are confined in the market... The lack of sleep does not bother me. The scene in front of me is now clear. They look so real, but when I try to remember them , My thoughts cannot be concentrated. In the record of the filthy people who worship those indescribable enemies, I am jealous of those who live in the opposite state of mine, but I must always remind myself that everything I do is for the empire And even all human beings are seeking welfare...I must always be vigilant and keep praying to complete this work before I am completely lost. Sometimes I write for several hours without rest, and I work hard with very concentrated energy, but After a while, I don’t know where the thoughts in my mind came from... I actually don’t want to understand them."

The huge palm was released, the book fell to the ground and disappeared without a trace, and then another one rose.

In the same way, it opened itself in the invisible force.

"——A crack in the sky tore open a huge eye, blood flowed out of it, and dwelled in it. Legions that struggled day by day swarmed out of it. They gathered under the leadership of a leader, and once again turned to mankind. Initiating an impact with the cornerstone of survival, the thugs in the eyes of the ghost gathered an evil alliance. Millions of fanatics and thousands of warships waited for an opportunity to find a way to break through the line of defense. There, loyal warriors Stand by to prevent emergencies. These hundreds of generations of invasions are amazingly powerful. If they are not intercepted, then in the end they will surely make humans kneel.....It is a terrible one who maintains these fierce attacking alliances. The overlord of Chaos, he may be a demon or a human. These waves of destruction are surging and bring us to the darkest and most dangerous moment. The fate of all human beings hangs in a thread...I see it. These are related to the survival and death of mankind, and all the dangers and hopes contained therein."

One book ends, one book starts.

"——The fallen ones will gather again with the king who supported them. Although the giant eyes have calmed down after so many years, people will guess that the chaotic party trapped in it will split and become like The beasts usually fight each other in the desperate situation that trapped but these guesses will be proved wrong, and people will pay a high price for them... They will return, and their leader will make a **** cry. He will lead the dark legion with renewed ambition to force mankind to kneel before the chaos and cry bitterly in front of his own mighty power..."

"This offense only shows a small part of the cunning and brutality he has shown in the future, but this attempt will benefit him a lot in the future, in completing the unfinished business of their cursed ancestors. In the vision, his army is marching towards the core of mankind. No matter where the demon army goes, there will be broken walls everywhere, and all lives will be wiped out...just when they are preparing to continue to perform the atrocities of the times. , When bringing mankind back to the terrible times of the past, the guards of the empire, the mechanical priests, and those in battle armor, were purified in the same way, and giant warriors with death appeared, the Astarte Company Unite, march forward, and drive the cursed back to the lair, but this was after a fierce battle. At that time, they were very close to the core position of the empire. It is reminiscent of unavoidable fear... During this expedition, the cursed person claimed to have obtained the sword that imprisoned the soul of murder in the Forbidden Ridge of Uruolan, but I did not see how he obtained this item."


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