The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 942: Friends come from far away

Latest website: Just when Soshyan’s consciousness was trapped and he didn’t know how to deal with it, his whole body suddenly became cold with horror because they disappeared from the sense organs——

Those symbolic things are gone.

He was alone, independent of a dead silence.

Where did they go?

Why did they leave?

The answer was obvious. Another thing emerged from the dead silence, and they escaped.

Soshyan then discovered it: it exists in the void, its figure is immeasurable, stalwart and bright, like a silver sun, which makes it impossible to look directly at it.

Reluctantly looking at the opponent's face, he saw a face that was the same as his own, but it was slightly different.

"Who are you?"

When the answer came, an ethereal sound echoed in Soshyang's mind.

"I am you, my son."

"Why are you in my consciousness?"

"Doubts give them opportunities, remember, remember why you want to be Astarte."

Soshyang opened his mouth to answer, but everything came to an abrupt end.

As he fell, he tried to remember whether he had said something, or whether he was scared at that moment.

The memory disappeared, but he regained himself.

Soshyan then opened his eyes.

Kayang, who was wearing a robe, was staring at him, and his eyes under his hood were shining with strange auras. Soshyang could see a kind of suspicion surrounding the thousand-child warlock, like black smoke on a flame.

After a while, Kayang spoke.

"You have entered the etheric realm."

Soshyang rubbed his forehead.


"An untrained person who enters the ether at will is looking for death, but depending on the situation, it seems that this is not the first time for you."

"A few times."

"The veil is thin here. You'd better pay attention to it during this period. I just tried to wake you up, but some very powerful forces stopped me."

Kayang paused, considering whether to say those words.

Finally, he still said it.

"Considering that even the original body may not be able to prevent me from entering, did you just encounter it..."

Soshyan shook his head.

"I don't want to talk about that anymore."

Kayang fell silent for a while, seeming to be thinking, and then took out a silver leaf full of spells from his pocket.

"Take it with you. Don't let people see it. It should be useful. I don't have a better way when it comes to that level of power."

Soshyang didn't say anything, and took the leaf.

"Kayang, I once said that you can voluntarily choose whether to participate in this operation. Are you thinking about it now?"

Kayang shook his head.

"I will stay on the boat forever, and I will take action when I need it."

As he said, he turned around and walked towards the exit, but when he was halfway, Kayang suddenly turned his head and whispered to Soshyang:

"Soshyan, in the past, Horus used to think that he could control everything, but in fact he couldn't even control himself. Do you know why?"


"Because of the Milky Way chess game, all beings are just pawns, and each of us can't help it."

Soshyang was speechless and could only sit silently on the silver command throne, while the busy crew in the distance knew nothing about what was happening above them.

Not long after Kayang left, the communications officer's voice suddenly sounded on the bridge.

"Commander of the battle group, the scanner has detected the large-scale fleet activity trajectory, and the target is us, and a short message has been received."

In fact, there is no need for the other party to say, Soshyang already knows who sent it, but he still replied calmly:


"The fighting brother of the Astral Knights, reinforcements have arrived, and the signature is the Dark Angel."

As expected, Soshyang stood up and said loudly:

"Clean up the flight deck, gather all the fighters still in the orbital space, and send a text message to the commander of the Randall battle to inform the opponent that the Dark Angel has arrived."


About half an hour later, a huge fleet appeared within the visual range of the platoon star's orbit, headed by a gloomy but solid huge star, followed by a series of twinkling warships, as if dragging a trail. Comet, coming straight to the row of stars.

"This is a boulder, it's really big."

Standing on the welcoming orbit of the flight deck, Soshyang looked at the twinkling star outside the huge observation window in the distance, and sincerely admired him.

Soon, as the fleet approached, the boulder changed its trajectory and entered the high orbit of the planet, while other warships came to the space station in low orbit.

Soshyan could see the scars on the shells of these battleships, apparently they had just experienced a tragic naval battle.

All the warships of the Astarte battle group came, and the naval warships returned to the base for rest. They killed too many officers and damaged too many warships, and they were unable to carry out follow-up operations.

However, the transport ship carrying the Astral Army followed.

Since then, the handover of the Battle of Pandora has been officially transferred to the Astarte battle group.

"My lord, do you want to open up the airspace?"

A mechanical priest bowed and asked.


The old system of the orbital station received the order, the Star Harbor airspace was opened immediately, and the Void Shield was closed layer by layer.

Many ships appeared from the shadows outside the gloomy void, and stationed at the orbital station one by one, and at the same time

A group of Thunder Eagles left the fleet, and their light gray bodies were dotted with dark greens, like the color of an ancient forest.

There are sixteen Thunder Eagles in total,

Four of them began to land in batches, and stopped next to the flight deck in a perfect sequence.

After the four, there were four again, each group kept in sync, and the airflow from the engine roared like a roar of some kind of behemoth.

When all the Thunder Eagles landed, the landing hatches opened at the same time. An array of dark angels in dark green armor stepped down the hatch and entered the greet track along the avenue.

They have a unified pace, the armor of each warrior is as bright as new, and the symbol of Caliban is engraved on their shoulders.

Soon The formation of the dark angels began to expand into double-row lines on both sides. The process was seamless. Many teams formed a perfect double-row wall, and kept the rhythm from start to finish without disrupting any of the steps. .

As we all know, the number of the Dark Angels in the Great Crusade is [1], which means that they were the first to be created, and their history is older than any other Astarte legion.

Soshyan once heard Saul say that the organizational structure of the Dark Angel is actually the prototype template for the follow-up Astarte.

When the fighters determined their positions and remained motionless like a sculpture, the last Thunder Eagle opened the hatch, and a stalwart fighter came out.

It was a firm, calm but slightly mysterious man, with a rock-like rigid face without any feeling, a pair of cold emerald green eyes, and short golden hair on his head.

Soshyan knows his name, the commander and supreme mentor of the Dark Angels, one of the most famous heroes of the 41-th millennium empire, Azriel, the "Guardian of Truth".


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