The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 945: Stand by

Latest website: The First Armageddon War was jointly participated by the Space Wolves and the Gray Knights. They united to expel the empire’s arch enemies.

But after the war, the two sides broke out in very serious bloodshed.

The cause of the incident was that the Tribunal believed that the surviving guards and residents of the empire could not be allowed to publicize what they saw and heard throughout the empire, fearing that this would make the secrets of Chaos and the secrets of the Fallen Primarchs widely known. Was worried that the stain and corrosion of chaos would linger in these survivors, so I decided to implement a "purification" strategy.

But Logan Greener, the head wolf of the Space Wolves who participated in the battle, vowed to ensure that the heroic sons and daughters of Archimedes, who had fought alongside him, would be safe. In order not to cause a direct conflict, the Tribunal and The Grey Knight deceived the wolf and promised that most of the survivors would not be harmed, Greener believed.

Then, when the Tribunal began to destroy the spacecraft of Armageddon's evacuated military and civilians, it was hit by the alert Roger Wolf.

The deceived space wolves were furious, but they didn’t want to give the trial court a handle and give the other party the pretext to designate themselves as a rebel group, so they chose a cold war strategy, that is, to do everything without firing. It is possible to protect the military and civilians of Armageddon.

So the Inquisition and the Grey Knights were also enraged. They ambushed Grenner’s fleet, and the head wolf also led the Terminator to jump to help the Grey Knight’s battleship, and I even smashed the Grey Knight’s master Yuko with an axe. Forest.

When the incident reached this point, it was completely impossible to end. The Inquisition and the Gray Knights finally had another match with each other in Fenris, the home planet of Space Wolf, and finally they could not help the startup that was famous for its grumpy in the era of the Great Expedition. Regiment, as a result of both parties stopping their hands.

This incident is also known as the "Month of Shame".

Of course, this kind of matter belongs to the highest level of secrets in the empire. Although many Astarte battle groups have records, often only the battle group commander has the right to access such files.

It's hard not to remind people of this kind of thing in Joan Herald's attitude right now.

Although none of the battle groups present are so temperamental as Space Wolves, Soshyan does not want Stryker, a war hero, to be "purified" as the end of his life.

Azriel obviously doesn’t approve of the gray knight’s one-size-fits-all approach. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, but there are only a few Katachans in total. If one regiment is erased casually, how many elite soldiers will there be in the empire in the future? Available?

So Soshyang took the lead to interrupt Joan Herald's questioning. He looked at Stryker and smiled:

"Col. Stryker and his soldiers are very brave and loyal. I believe they can play a great role in the future relying on their infinite belief in the emperor."

Subsequently, Azriel also followed up:

"I have fought side by side with the Katachans. Their barbaric style and loyalty have left a deep impression on me. Even in desperate situations, all they want is to take away one more enemy of the emperor. "

Stryker was inexplicably blushed by the two battle commanders, but Herald's face sank, and it was obvious that the other party was sending a signal to himself.

Considering that the aftermath of the Moon of Shame is so huge, obviously he can't ignore the opinions of the two battle group leaders.

"Of course, I believe in the loyalty of Colonel Stryker and his warriors. The Empire needs warriors like them."

Stryker was a little dazed for a while, he didn't know what he had done, and why everyone was praising him.

Just when the colonel Katachan was in the mist, Azriel suddenly spoke:

"How many inhabitants of the planet are still surviving now?"

"'s hard to say, if the fortresses I infer are still there, there should be five or six hundred thousand, I guess."

Azriel nodded and looked at Soshyan.

"I think we should give priority to saving the inhabitants of the planet."

Soshyan was a little surprised when he heard the other party say so.

Because in the concept that Talos instilled in him, the dark angels are a group of indifferent, even cold-blooded warriors, they only pursue the most efficient solution strategy, and rarely take care of mortals.

Even for their own benefit, they often sacrifice mortals.

"No, we should attack Attica first."

Joan Herald immediately raised an objection.

"First carry out an orbital bombardment on it, and then perform an airborne raid, and concentrate an iron fist to smash it down!"

Soshyang rubbed his chin with his hand, and asked meaningfully:

"The planetary atmosphere has been covered by subspace energy. We have tried several orbital bombings, but the effect has not been good. Master Herald, can you tell me why I am so anxious to attack Attica?"

Joan Herald closed his eyes and thought for a while, as if making a decision.

About ten seconds later, he opened his eyes and said to Soshyan with a serious expression:

"There are so many demons on the Patriarch Star, you must have guessed it. Yes, there is a subspace rift in this world. This rift was discovered as early as the Great Rebellion period. The traitors at that time opened this rift and released many. The demon, as the rebellion ended, the rift was sealed by the ranger knights, and the records about this rift disappeared in history, only our large library still has records."

Sosh raised his brow and said softly:

"In other words, that rift is near Attica?"

"To be correct, it's underground in the nest capital of Attica."

Soshyang turned to Stryker, who was listening, and asked:

"Colonel Stryker, do you understand the underground of Attica's nest capital?"

"Ah? Uh...I haven't been, but I heard that there is a huge underground network, which is said to have been excavated by former colonists, and there is still a saying that Attica’s underground treasures are still circulating in the bar. Damn ghosts believe that there is nothing in that place except for bugs bigger than me and smelly mud. Only those scavengers and gang members will use underground caves as nests."

Soshyang nodded and noticed some doubts in Stryker's eyes, and then realized that this meeting was too complicated for this Katachan, so he smiled and said:

"Okay, Colonel, you can go to rest. I will summon you when necessary. I promise you will return to the battlefield."

"Thank you, sir."

Stryker nodded and left the command hall.

After Colonel Stryker left, Soshyang nodded the thinker on the side, and the holographic image of the Patriarch star began to enlarge, and finally froze on a frame.

"This is the picture we got through aerial reconnaissance."

The Attica's nest in the picture has become completely unrecognizable, weird, and evil variant structures have emerged from the once elegant spiral tower walls. The screw caps of the nests have become umbrellas covered with viscous substances, and a large number of them are faintly visible. Flying demons surround the nest to watch.


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