At the foot of the mountain, Qingshan Village.

As soon as the sky was light, a young man hurriedly opened the door.

"Changqing, don't leave in a hurry. Here are two pheasant eggs. Take them and eat them on the way."

A middle-aged man with a hunched figure and a few strands of silver hair stuffed two eggs into the boy's hand.

"Dad, Mom is not in good health. Give it to Mom. I'm not hungry."

Su Changqing looked at the eggs in his hand and his throat moved up and down, but he still handed it back.

"Ahem, silly boy, Mom has eaten. You take it and eat it on the way. How can you study on an empty stomach?"

A woman walked out of the door, looked at the boy kindly, and reached out to touch the boy's head.

"Dad and Mom, I will study hard!"

After a moment of silence, Su Changqing nodded heavily, picked up the eggs and ran towards the foot of the mountain in the distance like the wind.

The couple looked at Su Changqing kindly as he went away, and they each breathed a sigh of relief when they could no longer see his figure.

"You can't see it now?"

"Well, we've left the village, so we shouldn't be able to see it now."

"Oh, I'm so tired of pretending."

As a burst of light flashed by, the woman who had just been coughing due to poor health, became ruddy.

An indescribable temperament emerged from her bones, and the whole person looked dignified and elegant.

'Ye Shu' turned his head to look at the villager beside him, and shook his head with a smile:

"The current head of the Su family, a great imperial family, is pretending to be an old man here. If people know about this, they will probably laugh at him to death."

The middle-aged man who was hunched just now gradually straightened his back, and his body was sturdy and powerful. He just stood there, but it seemed that he had stepped on the world under his feet.

‘Su Nan’ said unhappily: “What do you think I want?”

“Do you want Chang Qing to be like his elder and second brothers? One is arrogant, the other is proud. Which one of them is the material for the young master of the family?”

“This time, I will let Chang Qing start from the bottom, abandon his family background, and go through hardships. I will never let him become a dandy boy!”

Ye Shu shook his head and sighed.

For this youngest son, Su Nan was really determined. He moved to Qingshan Village when Chang Qing was born.

Or rather, he established Qingshan Village, because the whole village is full of people from the Su family.

They pretended to be villagers in the mountains, working from sunrise to sunset.

And this pretending lasted for eighteen years. During these eighteen years, they did not teach Chang Qing to practice or knowledge.

They simply built up character and corrected the three views.

It was not until Chang Qing came of age two days ago that Su Nan spent a huge price to invite an enlightenment teacher.

The contemporary Ruxian, Li Qingchen!

"I heard that Mr. Li is very strict in teaching. Will Changqing be unable to accept it for a while?" Thinking of the leader of the literary way, Ye Shu said worriedly. "It's better to be strict, so that you won't be complacent. I have told you, don't look at my face, the stricter the better." Su Nan chuckled confidently: "Besides, how can it be so easy to become a disciple?" "Just wait and see, Changqing will come back in a shabby face in a while. Mr. Li and I have agreed to accept him after three times of apprenticeship." "In this way, Changqing will cherish the hard-won opportunity more and study hard." Su Nan, who had failed in education twice, did enough homework this time. "Changqing should have no problem reading. He is very smart. When I taught him to read, he remembered it once." Ye Shu said hesitantly. Although they didn't teach Changqing other knowledge in these years, they still learned simple reading and writing. She remembered that Changqing learned very quickly at that time, well, very fast. Su Nan waved his hand nonchalantly and smiled confidently:

"Oh, no problem? That's the contemporary Ruxian. Just wait and see. Changqing will be back before noon."


On the small road in the green mountains.

Su Changqing, dressed in coarse linen, ran all the way in the morning light.

The villagers who got up early to go to the fields on the road greeted Su Changqing with a smile.

When Su Changqing ran away, everyone slowly put down the farm tools in their hands and talked quietly.

"Why did the young master get up so early today? Does the head of the family have new arrangements?"

"You don't know? The head of the family invited a gentleman from Zhongzhou yesterday to be the young master's enlightenment teacher."

"Ah? What kind of person does our head of the family need to invite? This face is too big!"

"Haha, the great teacher of Zhongzhou Saint College, Ruxian Li Qingchen, is he qualified?"

"Enough, enough, the head of the literary way is too generous to be the enlightenment teacher."

Everyone was amazed. Li Qingchen's reputation was terrifying.

There are many great men in the literary world of the Five Regions and Ten Countries, but Mr. Li is the only one who has ever been given the title of Ruxian.

He is the leader of Confucianism and Taoism, a fierce man who can tremble the entire literary world with a stomp of his feet.

But I didn't expect that such a person would only come to be the enlightenment teacher of the young master.

"Ruxian was invited just as the enlightenment teacher. The young master has started to practice. Who should the head of the family invite?"

A strong man murmured, and the breath was not sealed well, and the space around him suddenly wailed.

"Dad, I want to study too."

A young man next to the strong man looked up at the strong man eagerly.

"Study for nothing! Do you think your father is also a quasi-emperor!"

The strong man glared, and the young man immediately shrank his neck and ran away.

"Tsk, if you don't want to study, then don't study. I'll let the young master teach me."

The young man muttered in his mouth, and he was already a hundred feet away with one step.


Su Changqing was unaware of the discussion behind him.

On the way, he carefully took a bite of the precious egg, with determination in his eyes.

"I've been here for eighteen years, and I don't even know which dynasty it is."

"This time, an old scholar who failed the imperial examination finally came to the village. We must not miss this opportunity to study!"

No one knows that when he was ten years old, he remembered the memory of his previous life.

Whether it was a dream or reincarnation, it was a great thing after all.

With the experience and knowledge of an extra life, wouldn't it be easy to change the life of this life?

However, Qingshan Village is too remote, with only a dozen households. There is no village in front and no shop behind, and we don't even know what dynasty it is here.

But now the opportunity has come!

Two days ago, an old scholar who failed the imperial examination came to the village. His father begged for a long time and spent all his family wealth to get him a chance to study.

"Don't worry, parents, I will never let you down!"

Thinking of his parents who worked hard all their lives, Su Changqing's eyes showed tenderness.

Although his family in this life is not rich, his parents are very good.

They are not well educated, know very little, and are not even physically strong, but they attach great importance to their education.

Often a small thing can guide him to the correct values ​​and outlook on life.

Especially this time, the news that the old scholar is coming is known to the whole village. Erniu, the brother next door, cried and wanted to come, but his father broke his leg directly.

On the contrary, his parents are very supportive. Not only did they spend all their family wealth, but they also begged for him for a long time.

As a rural couple who have lived in the mountains all their lives, it is rare to have such an understanding.

In short, for myself, or to live up to the efforts and expectations of my parents, this apprenticeship must be successful!


Soon, the wooden house at the foot of the mountain was clearly visible.

Su Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, his face became serious, and after reaching out to tidy up his messy sleeves, he slowly came to the door, bowed his head seriously, and spoke softly,

"Boy Su Changqing, come here to study."

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