Chapter 1794 What's wrong

   "In that case, you can take her away." Wen Huiming said, "However, I will also find a lawyer to cooperate with your prosecution."

   Letting them take people away is respect for the police.

   Looking for a lawyer to protect He Jiaojiao is the face he must maintain as He Jiaojiao's husband.

Hearing that Wen Huiming was willing to ask a lawyer to help herself, He Jiaojiao relaxed a lot and was able to stand firm. She stood up and said with a crying voice, "Hui Ming, I really didn't do it, you must help me. Ah. Please, I have our baby in my womb, he can't be without his mother..."

   "The lawyer will come forward, you go first."

  He Jiaojiao followed the police and left.

  Mother Wen had been standing by the side without speaking. Seeing the scene in front of her, she didn't know what she was thinking.

   However, her face was not at all good, and she tried her best to maintain her apparent calm.

   When the maid closed the door and the house was calm, she said to Wen Huiming, "Protect the child."

The meaning of    couldn't be clearer. The Wen family only wanted children, not a disgraceful daughter-in-law.

  Wen Huiming rubbed his temples impatiently, and his mood fell into a trough little by little.

   He Jiaojiao caused a lot of trouble, and it also made him see clearly that this woman was full of negative energy.

   What she was able to offer him was nothing compared to the mistakes she made.

   What the mother said made sense. The way they could do it with the least impact on the Wen family was to keep the children, regardless of the adults.

   He called the lawyer.


  Gu Yunchen also received a notice from the police.

   "Doctor Gu, why are you here?" Chu Ning took a walk accompanied by Shen Jingyu and was a little surprised to see Gu Yunchen, "Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?"

"Liang Yi is pregnant with a child. She is very quiet and likes to stay at home. Isn't a honeymoon just about staying in a place you like? So we spent our honeymoon at home. Besides, I can take her to Beijing. Yuanyuan and Portugal and West, eating all the delicacies of these two places is also very pleasant.”

   Chu Ning is quite envious of them, especially Liang Yi, who has just escaped from Wen Huiming's messy life, and can meet such a caring and caring man as Gu Yunchen, she is really a lucky woman.

   "Let's go over there and sit for a while." Shen Jingyu supported Chu Ning and found a gazebo to sit down.

  Gu Yunchen also followed: "The case of the child falling into the water last time has been solved. It's He Jiaojiao. A guest took a picture of her pushing the child."

"She's so vicious! She even thought of attacking such a small child. Whether it's hurting our child or someone else's child, it's an unforgivable sin." Chu Ning was very angry, she was a mother , the most disgusting behavior.

  Innocent children, what's wrong? It was about to be used by people like He Jiaojiao.

  Gu Yunchen is also deeply disgusted: "Yeah, if she hadn't been pregnant, I would have done something to her. Liang Yi was also worried about this for several days at home, and she couldn't sleep well at night."

   "How to deal with it now?"

"Originally, she was going to be sentenced. Wen Huiming asked a lawyer to come here, but she could only help her reduce her sentence a little bit, but could not release her completely. It's just that she is about to give birth soon, and there will be a whole year of breastfeeding after that, so the police also She can only be released on bail and serve her sentence outside." Gu Yunchen said.

   (end of this chapter)

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