Chapter 2010 How did you deal with it?

   "This time, how can we delay their shooting progress for three or four days?" She thought happily, "In this way, our progress will be faster."

  When the time comes, it will be released in advance, and then you will press Xiao Yao and others, and you will make a steady profit in this wave.

   Thinking of Xiao Yao's distressed appearance, Jiang Jingjing was very happy.

  She was enjoying her achievements when Jiang Qi's assistant called: "Miss Jiang, the minister asked you to come back, he wants to see you."

  Jiang Jingjing smiled and said, "Okay."

   Even my father must know that he is very capable of doing things. The current progress has far surpassed Xiao Yao and others, and he wants to praise me.

   She was ready to be praised by her father, but as soon as she entered Jiang Qi's study, she was hit by a teacup.

   If she hadn't hid quickly, she would have almost hit her in the face.

   "Reverse girl, what are you doing!" Jiang Qi yelled.

   Following his father's scolding, Jiang Jingjing realized that it was Lan Feng who came to complain to Jiang Qi.

   Really good Lan Feng, calm and silent, he came to Jiang Qi directly, Jiang Jingjing really did not expect that Lan Feng would use this trick.

   He's a lunatic!

   "Tell you, do your business well, and don't provoke that lunatic!"

   "Dad, I know I'm wrong! Give me another chance!" Jiang Jingjing didn't dare to defend herself, she just admitted her mistake.

   Jiang Qi was more angry with Lan Feng this time, not Jiang Jingjing.

   After scolding for a while, his anger disappeared: "Continue to do your thing, it's important to earn money honestly. Don't humiliate yourself again."

   Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Yue were happy to see the scene.

   As long as Jiang Jingjing continues to do this, sooner or later, Jiang Qi will dislike her and drive him out of the gate of the Jiang family.


  Although Jiang Jingjing has been resolved, where is the real table?

  Lan Feng, Xiao Yao and Zhou Zhuo sat down to analyze.

   "I watched the surveillance and no one lifted the table out. Then it must remain on the crew." Zhou Zhuo said.

Lan Feng tapped the table lightly: "The person who can hide such a large table cannot be an ordinary staff member. It is also impossible for an entertainer. They announce that the queue is full every day, and there will be no such time. The table was supposed to be during the noon break, and it was gone when everyone went to lunch. So the most suspicious person…”

   "It's a few members of the crew who have a certain amount of power." Xiao Yao said with a bow.

   Lan Feng has already begun to suspect Zhang Yaowen.

   Except for Zhang Yaowen, the rest of the people have no such motive and no such authority to do this.

   He must be doing this because he wants to make a stumbling block for Xiao Yao.

   However, there is no evidence, and it is impossible to find Zhang Yaowen directly, or to search his office in the crew.

   "Okay, let's get down to business first." Lan Feng said, "The table must be in the crew, and it won't go anywhere."

  Xiao Yao stood up and said, "Director Zhou, let's shoot first."

  Lan Feng walked towards Zhang Yaowen, Zhang Yaowen's expression was steady and calm, he wanted to delay a little longer, and then tell Lan Feng the matter.

   "Master Feng, how did you handle this time?" Zhang Yaowen asked.

   He guessed that Xiao Yao was so overwhelmed that he would definitely spend a lot of money in the crew.

  Lan Feng smiled and said, "Manager Zhang, Xiao Yao was not there at the time, but you were there. Did you see anything at that time?"

   "I didn't either, after all, I was busy with other work." Zhang Yaowen said.

   (end of this chapter)

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