The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2051: It's so frustrating

   Chapter 2051 is really frustrating

   "Did you watch "The Legend of Yao Fei"?" Tang Li finally reacted.

   Little Junior Sister smiled: "Otherwise, what do you think?"

  Tang Li also smiled: "Okay, I understand."

   I really scared him to death just now, I thought I made an enemy for Chu Ning.

   After the little junior sister went back, she overcame all the opinions and officially released "The Legend of Yao Fei", and she lined up many more screenings.

  The other managers didn't stop her, they all thought to themselves: "Obviously, Jiang Yue's movies are more popular, but she does the opposite, I'm afraid it's not far from death.

   Anyway, the number of shows she arranges is not related to us, so let her be whatever you want. There's no need to remind her.

   The colleague is an enemy, she wants to kill herself, no wonder we are. "

   Everyone secretly watched her murderous behavior. Anyway, when she couldn't finish the bottom of her performance, it was not them who suffered, but herself.

   A more kind-hearted supervisor reminded the younger sister: "If you arrange it like this, your performance will definitely not pass the test. You should think about it carefully."

   "Don't worry, supervisor, I have already thought about it," said the younger sister.

The supervisor shook his head and thought to himself: "This girl really used to be in the TV industry, and she is inexperienced in the operation of the film industry. I have kindly reminded her, she doesn't listen, and I can't change her hand in hand, alas, Ask yourself for more happiness, little girl."


   After watching the three little milk buns and Chu Zhuohang, they started editing the copy while they were still in the car. They were going to rate Ning Ning's big screen script work on Weibo.

  An An skillfully logged into the account "Ai Ning Ning", opened it, and posted the edited copy.

  This account has never been involved in the entertainment industry. It is usually a cold-hearted problem-solving style, so there are more and more fans now.

   has just been released, and the following group of fans shouted: "Husband has been updated again! Husband is so handsome, husband, I want to give you monkeys!"

   "My husband recommends a movie, I will definitely go to the second, no, third, fourth, N-flash!"

   "That is, my husband has the best taste, and everything he recommends is the best."

  An An looked at this group of crazy fans and couldn't help shaking his head. In the past, his fans were all very restrained and calm academic masters, and everyone came to exchange their problem-solving experience.

  Why is it getting crazy now?

  Pingping and Lele came over to take a look and said, "Maybe it's because we are too handsome."

  An An glanced at herself in the mirror, and indeed she became more and more like Shen Jingyu, but her head never jumped up. If it goes on like this, when will she be able to marry Ning Ning?

   And she looks more and more like Shen Jingyu, Ning Ning will probably choose Shen Jingyu.

   is really frustrating.


  After watching the movie, Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning both had confidence.

   "Director Zhou is really good. He really added a lot of brilliance to this movie. I really admire him." Chu Ning has praised Director Zhou many times.

   Shen Jingyu's vinegar jar was almost overturned.

  Xiao Yao kept making her face, Chu Ning finally reacted, seeing that Shen Jingyu's face was a little gloomy.

   He wouldn't lose his temper, nor would he attack Chu Ning's confidence, but Chu Ning praised other men, which was something Shen Jingyu could never bear.

Chu Ning leaned into his embrace and whispered, "However, no matter how talented Director Zhou is or how much I admire him, my own husband is the best. My admiration for Director Zhou is entirely based on art. Admiration for technical, technical talent."

   (end of this chapter)

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