Mo Ziwei walked leisurely into the bar, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Surprisingly, he’d come alone.

The bar was very crowded, and there was barely any space left to stand, but, when he entered the door, unconsciously, everyone made way for him. It resembled Moses parting the Red Sea.

‘Plink, plink,’ the bar was silent except for the sounds of the blood dripping onto the floor.

Mo Ziwei, carrying He Lei’s head that kept dripping with blood, walked to the dance floor.

Xu Nana was kneeling dumbly in its center, holding He Lei’s headless corpse in her arms, her delicate makeup covered in blood.

The scene, laid out under the dance floor’s colorful lights, looked bizarre.

“Miss Xu, don’t be sad. I’m giving you this thing back.” Mo Ziwei let out a soft sigh. He swung his left arm, and He Lei’s head dropped, rolling down to stop in front of her.

Xu Nana slowly lowered her eyes to stare blankly at the bloodied head. After a long moment, she raised her own head stiffly.

She stared at the man before her with a dead stare. Then, she suddenly sprung to action, letting out a terrible scream and attempting to crawl up to him.

“Miss Xu, don’t get too excited,” Mo Ziwei said unconcerned.

As he spoke, the hook shining with a pale blue light quietly swung in a circle as if it were alive, like a poisonous snake preparing to spit.

In the middle of the conflict, Fu Yucheng stretched out his arm and pulled Xu Nana to his back, whispering, “He will kill you.”

“Let me go!” Xu Nana was extremely agitated, and her hair was in complete disarray, sticking out like a madman’s. Her sharp, bright red nails sank into Fu Yucheng’s arm.

When he crossed swords with He Lei, barely a minute ago, Fu Yucheng’s arm had received a large burn and was currently covered in big blisters, which were now getting scratched by Xu Nana, making him hurt all over.

Fu Yucheng hissed in a breath of cold air, but his arm remained motionless like cast iron.

Mo Ziwei smirked and, with a simple gesture, stopped the hook’s movement.

“Miss Xu is indeed a kind beauty, and her emotions run deep.” His smile was gentle and polite. “Since He Lei lost his life for you, it seems that it was not completely in vain.”

“For me?” Xu Nana stopped struggling and repeated the words in a daze.

Mo Ziwei tilted his head, seemingly finding the situation amusing. “Miss Xu, you didn’t know? Perhaps He Lei intended to surprise you. In order to make you happy, he violated Fort Hurricane’s rules, and took the liberty to remove your sister’s name from the list of new arrivals scheduled to work in the factory.”

“Youyou?” Xu Nana said, stupefied. “He took off Youyou’s name?”

On the side, Xu Youyou went pale. She trembled slightly, and was barely able to keep herself standing up. “Sister, is this because of me?”

“If the manager of every parking lot were as selfish as him, then how would I be able to run Fort Hurricane?” Mo Ziwei said in a light tone. “He had it coming.”

“Yes, I did bring it up to him, I was very worried about Youyou, but I didn’t have him do it!” Xu Nana shook violently, her teeth clattering against each other. “And anyway, that’s not a crime! What do you think a human life is worth?!”

“Miss Xu, are you trying to say that I have no regard for human life? I admit to that.” Mo Ziwei smiled. “But, so what?”

Xu Nana’s face went as white as paper, and her words wouldn’t come out.

Bai Mo stood beside Fu Yucheng. With a slight frown, he stared at the green ghost mask on Mo Ziwei’s face.

He thought back to that one rumor about Mo Ziwei.

The fallen green ghost.

Fu Yucheng’s reaction when Fatty Wu brought it up had been very strong.

Remembering that, Bai Mo couldn’t help but glance at Fu Yucheng, a slight tilt to his head.

Fu Yucheng was holding Xu Nana back, staring straight at Mo Ziwei with a very serious expression on his face.

Not even he had been able to see Mo Ziwei’s hook flying over and taking He Lei’s head.

It was simply terrifying, appearing and vanishing as if from thin air.

Mo Ziwei, just what sort of psionic manipulator was he?

Although he was the head of the Mo family and Fort Hurricane, he had always been low key, and not many people had even seen him. However, as of late, he’d become uncharacteristically high-profile. He hadn’t just begun a purge at Fort Hurricane, he even went out and killed people himself.

What was his goal?

Where had he been during those three years after he disappeared?

Why did he suggest to people that he was the green ghost?

Was it an intimidation tactic, or something else?

Fu Yucheng’s mind was buzzing with all sorts of thoughts.

“Mo Ziwei, I swear, you will not die a pretty death!” Xu Nana suddenly screamed. “Even if I become a ghost, I will haunt you forever!”

Mo Ziwei lectured her. “Don’t get like this, Miss Xu. People’s lives go out like candles, snuffed out by the wind. Don’t overexert yourself in your grief and get too upset, it’s not good for your health.”

As he consoled the poor woman, he looked down with pity, staring at the decapitated head. “Plus, I’m sure He Lei’s soul is watching you from heaven, and he would hate to see you like this.”

He let out a light sigh, leaned down slowly, and closed He Lei’s eyes very gently.

Every single person in the bar got goosebumps at the sight.

Someone even whispered, “He really is a fucking deviant.”

Mo Ziwei raised an eyebrow and glanced at him casually.

The speaker was a burly man nearly two meters tall. However, his legs went weak when they made eye contact, and he knelt down without thinking. “I, I…”

Mo Ziwei didn’t bother with him. Stepping over He Lei’s dead body, he slowly walked up to the proprietress.

“You-” Xu Nana stared at him. Her beautiful eyes were bloodshot, and her petite body was trembling like a leaf.

Mo Ziwei looked at her with interest, as if he found her pain fascinating.

Xu Nana shook even more, and the strange and terrifying aura of the man before her rendered her unable to breathe. She wanted to rush over and end Mo Ziwei and herself both, but she felt like a fish out of water, gasping for breath.

Fu Yucheng calmly pulled Xu Nana behind his back, blocking the way.

Mo Ziwei slowly raised his eyes, giving Fu Yucheng an once over. “And who would you be?”

Fu Yucheng stared at the other man’s green ghost mask, and, putting on a fake smile, he said, ”I’m not someone like the famous green ghost. I’m just an unremarkable person, hardly worth mentioning.”

Mo Ziwei tilted his head, looking at the other thoughtfully. Then, he suddenly chuckled. He leaned in close to Fu Yucheng’s ear, and whispered, “You are very interesting.”

The hot breath Fu Yucheng felt against his ear made his hair stand on end. At this moment, he was agreeing with the brawny man from a second ago that had called Mo Ziwei a fucking deviant.

Bai Mo kept a close eye on each of Mo Ziwei’s movements. The only thing he could notice so far was that his behavior was creepy, uncomfortable, and completely bizarre.

However, this man was also very, very strong.

Bai Mo, fearing that he’d try to hurt Fu Yucheng, held tightly onto a delicate table knife he’d taken from a table during the chaos a moment ago.

Fu Yucheng stepped back slightly, moving away from Mo Ziwei.

The proprietress behind him was stubbornly holding onto his arm, her entire body shaking violently. Meanwhile, the brat, with a hand hidden behind his back, stood on the side, staring cold and vigilant at Mo Ziwei. It was obvious that he was hiding something, most likely a knife of some sort.

This brat really was like a newborn calf that hasn’t yet learned to fear a tiger. Fu Yucheng sighed inwardly and shook his head slightly at him.

Bai Mo glanced at him, pressing his lips into a line.

Mo Ziwei did not push things further. Tilting his head, he stared at Fu Yucheng for a moment, then glanced at the proprietress, and finally set his eyes on Bai Mo. He shook his head in amusement. “I’m surprised. Turns out this small nest of ants is willing to protect each other.”

Suddenly, there came a sound of flapping wings.

Soon after it became audible, a black mechanical bird flew into the bar. It had an ancient design, covered with visible mechanisms which gave it a certain steampunk vibe.

It hovered over the bar, mechanically flying in circles, and finally landed on Mo Ziwei’s shoulder, beeping several times.

It was some sort of Morse code, apparently transmitting some unknown message.

After listening for a moment, Mo Ziwei whispered, “I see.”

He tilted his head and thought for a while, then pointed his chin towards Mr. Wei. “From now on, Mr. Wei, you will take over He Lei’s position and be responsible for handling the affairs of Parking Lot 4.”

Mr. Wei nodded stiffly, looking pale.

Mo Ziwei stared at him. “Mr. Wei, not a single one of the workers scheduled to enter the factory next month should be missing. If one were to be, well, I wouldn’t want to be forced to repeat today’s events. Do you understand?”

Mr. Wei said hoarsely, “I understand.”

Mo Ziwei stood in the center of the bar, his eyes slowly sweeping over the crowd. “As punishment for Parking Lot 4, the working time for the personnel joining the underground factory next month will be extended from one year to three.”

He turned his head to look at Xu Nana. “Of course, this also includes Miss Xu’s younger sister, Xu Youyou.”

Xu Nana stared at him with her disheveled hair and a spiteful gaze, as if she couldn’t wait to devour him alive.

Xu Youyou whispered, “Sister, it’s okay, I’ll go.”

Mo Ziwei gave a chuckle, and, without saying anything else, he turned around and left.

After a long moment, the bar broke into discussions, intermixed with cursing and crying.

That night, Bai Mo was tossing around on the bed, unable to sleep.

“Little Mo.” Fu Yucheng suddenly spoke into the darkness. “Are you already asleep?”

“I can’t sleep,” Bai Mo said softly.

" "

“I can’t sleep either. I’ve been thinking for a while. Next month, don’t come with me to Fort Hurricane. Go to Fatty Wu’s recycling station and stay with him. Although he looks unreliable, he is a decent guy. He won’t mistreat you,” Fu Yucheng whispered.

“Why?” Bai Mo got up, feeling anxious. “We both clearly agreed to go together.”

“Before, I thought that all those rumors about Fort Hurricane were just gossip and not too trustworthy. Having seen Mo Ziwei today, I’ve realized that Fort Hurricane’s owner is indeed messed up. After entering Fort Hurricane, life might not be the same as it was outside. There might be danger.”

Bai Mo was quiet for a while before he spoke out with a low voice. “I’m not afraid. I want to go with you.”

“What?” Fu Yucheng didn’t hear him clearly.

“I want to go with you.” Bai Mo suddenly raised his voice. “I’m not afraid of any Fort Hurricanes or Mo Ziweis.”

Fu Yucheng felt stunned and was unable to answer for a while. He hadn’t expected that this cold kid would be so passionate about something like this.

He thought for a bit before speaking slowly. “I just fear that you’ll run into trouble while we’re inside and that I won’t be able to help you. Don’t worry, Fatty Wu is a good person and he will take good care of you.”

Bai Mo was silent for a long time, and then he  suddenly spat out, “So it turns out that I’m just like that parrot to you! You take care of us for a few days, and when you get tired of us, you can just make up a reason to hand us over to someone else, right?!”

Poor Bai Mo ;v;

Apologies for missing Wednesday’s upload, I had a big exam on Thursday! To make up for it, there’s a double update today! And, next week, we’ll be back to regular uploads!

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