The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 139 The Unstoppable Dingtian Bow

When Duan Ning heard this, he quickly walked to the target and opened his armor to take a look.

Suddenly his eyes lit up in shock!

He didn't even think of it, it looked like a threaded arrowhead.

The power is so great!

"Chun'er, what material is your arrowhead made of?"

"How much is it worth? Is it more expensive than copper?"

Duan Ning looked at Duan Chun and asked in surprise.

"Dad, the material is cheaper than your copper arrowheads."

"It's just some iron blocks."

"Why is this arrowhead so powerful? The material only accounts for less than half of the effect."

"The main reason is that the shape of this arrowhead is specially used to break armor."

"Under this kind of close-range attack, only Dad's five-stone bow can cause such great damage."

"Three-stone bow and one-stone bow, the farther the attack distance is, the better the armor-breaking effect will be."

Duan Chun replied with a smile.

He is not talking nonsense, based on the knowledge he has.

This kind of armor-piercing spiral arrow can exert its maximum attack power within a range of fifty to one hundred meters.

As the arrow flies through the air, it will accumulate more kinetic and potential energy.

Once it hits the target, the rotating arrowhead will pierce into the armor unstoppably...

Unless it is the kind of armor made of several layers of steel that can withstand it.

Iron armor or leather armor made of general materials.

They will all be pierced easily!

But just now, Dad’s five-stone bow was as terrifyingly powerful as expected!

At only thirty meters, no matter how long or short the arrow was, it could penetrate the heart guard, which was beyond Duan Chun's expectation.

But when he saw this warrior armor, he understood.

In ancient times, manufacturing a piece of armor was not only incredibly expensive, the materials were difficult to find, and the construction period was extremely long.

The top-level Mingguang Armor can only be worn by generals of the third rank or above, or by members of the royal family.

The armor of ordinary warriors is just iron rings and iron armor pieces, or leather armor.

These armors made of iron rings and iron armor are the second type of armor after the Mingguang armor.

They are called Xilin Armor and Shanwen Armor.

And this warrior armor is just the third type of leather armor sewing...

No, it is possible that it is still the fourth type of armor, whose defensive capabilities are far inferior to those of Mingguang Armor, Xilin Armor and Shanwen Armor.

"A material cheaper than copper arrowheads?"

"What is that?"

Duan Ning asked in surprise.

"Haier just asked Uncle Liu to add some other materials to the smelted molten iron."

"This can greatly improve the sturdiness of the iron block and make the arrowhead longer."

"This material is more than half the price of Dad's copper arrowheads."

Duan Chun briefly explained his casting techniques...

The main difference between iron and steel is the carbon content, with 2.11% as the difference standard.

Generally speaking, if the carbon content is greater than 2.11%, it is pig iron, and if it is less than 2.11%, it becomes molten steel.

The process from iron to steel is basically a decarburization process.

There is no complicated process.

The ancient pig iron is also known as cast iron in modern times.

It is a metal with very poor ductility and is extremely easy to break.

But once other materials are added to smelt it, it can become strong steel!

"General, the Major General is right."

"The villain is in some scrap iron boiled in molten iron."

"After adding some toner and a small amount of other materials as requested by the major general."

"It turned into this new shiny material."

"I admire you so much, little man!"

Liu Er nodded quickly.

"Can molten iron become like this by adding some materials?"

Duan Ning stroked an arrowhead in surprise. He had never seen such material before.

"Dad, the casting skills of this kind of material."

"Children are also playful and discovered by accident."

"The child will give the casting method to Uncle Liu."

"Help Dad create more weapons and equipment to ensure that the Knights will be on the battlefield in the future."

"There will never be too many wounded soldiers again."

Duan Chun said with cupped fists.

"Chun'er, you really make my eyes light up!"

"It seems that I have to treat you as the future treasure of our Cavalry Guard!"

"You have to come to the farm to see me in the future."

Duan Ning said excitedly.

Pulling his son's arm, Duan Ning excitedly asked his son to try his five-stone bow.

"Chun'er, this bow was named Dingtian Bow by His Majesty."

"My father used it to kill countless enemy generals."

"It has also saved my father's life countless times."

"Chun'er, try it, can you pull it open?"

Duan Ning excitedly handed the black bow in the guard's hand to Duan Chun.

Duan Chun curiously took over the black iron long bow, only to realize that the bow was so heavy that he almost failed to catch it...

Gosh, this bow is so heavy!

He tried to raise the Dingtian Bow with both hands, and pulled the bow string with one hand...

The bowstring didn't move at all!

Duan Chun took a long breath and concentrated all his strength on his fingers.

Suddenly his fingers felt painful from being strangled, and the bowstring slowly opened a little.

Using all his strength, Duan Chun could only draw half of his bow.

"The young general is mighty!"

"My subordinates are following the general, but they can only draw their bows halfway."

The personal guard captain said with a smile.

"Chun'er, you are only seventeen years old, and you are not yet weak."

"Being able to draw a half-bow is already very valuable."

"When I was seventeen years old, I could only draw a three-stone bow."

"I can't do anything with this bow."

"You can barely draw the bow until you are 24 years old after practicing diligently."

Duan Ning smiled slightly, took the Dingtian bow from Duan Chun and handed it to his personal guard.

He was about to ask more questions.

Suddenly, a burst of strange fragrance came from his nostrils...

Duan Ning looked back and saw that a row of strange pots with steaming hot water had appeared on the table behind him.

There were also plates of bright red meat slices and bowls of strange things next to them.

"What a nice smell!"

"What is this?"

Duan Ning asked in surprise.

"Dad, this is the hot pot that I plan to cooperate with Shou Hou Qu Shu's family."

"Dad, how does it taste?"

Duan Chun smiled.

"Then I have to try it."

Duan Ning was already drooling at the strange fragrance.

Not only him, but all the farm veterans and their families were all watching around the table with shining eyes.

But no one dared to pick up the chopsticks easily until the general came to the table.

Under Duan Chun's service, Duan Ning picked up a full piece of meat and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

Duan Chun quickly signaled that it would be more delicious if it was dipped in sauce first.

Watching Duan Ning swallow the mutton covered with sauce in big mouthfuls...

In an instant, the general had closed his eyes comfortably.

Others also hurried to taste it.

In an instant, everyone's eyes lit up with shock at the meat in their mouths!

"This is the best taste in the world I have ever eaten!"

"Prepare more of this hot pot for me."

"And the sauce recipe, I have to take it to the Western Territory to eat every day!"

"And those new arrowheads, make more in the next few days."

"I will take it to the Western Territory to see if that blind Xirong barbarian dares to appear in front of me!"

Duan Ning excitedly ate the meat in big mouthfuls and loudly put forward his request.

"I will make sure that Daddy has good food and drink during this Western Expedition."

"I will make sure that Daddy has enough arrowheads."

Duan Chun nodded.

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