The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 153 A great gift for His Majesty

"How to meet His Majesty, the master should know better than me."

"I have learned in detail about the master's previous performance in front of His Majesty in the past few days."

"I think the master should maintain his previous style."

"Don't be too submissive to His Majesty, and don't disobey him casually."

"Treat others just like the master treats Concubine Duan in Fengwu Palace."

"Treat the two Concubines in Jing'an Palace."

"In the court, treat the ministers the same way."

Gan Changyuan smiled faintly.

"You know all this?"

"Your Majesty likes to see me being so arrogant?"

Duan Chun asked, touching his head.

"What does it mean to be arrogant?"

Gan Changyuan was stunned.

"It means to ignore them and not give them any face."

Duan Chun explained.

"Yes, I want the master's personality and temper."

"Your Majesty probably also likes to see the master's...arguing personality."

"Does the master know why?"

Gan Changyuan asked.

"Is it because of my father?"

"My father has a large army, so His Majesty doesn't want to see me close to anyone."

Duan Chun thought.

"That's right."

"The general holds military power and is loyal to His Majesty."

"If the young general has close ties with important officials in the court."

"How can His Majesty not worry?"

"And these people are annoying to His Majesty."

"So the master just needs to continue to act on impulse."

"But you must know what you can do and what you can't do."

"I will keep an eye on these and remind the master at any time."

Gan Changyuan smiled.

"I understand, thank you Uncle Gan."

Duan Chun nodded.

"The master needs to remember one more thing."

"You can only believe half of what Concubine Jing says."

"You also have to be careful with Princess Xian."

Gan Changyuan said.


"Do we also need to be careful about Concubine Jing and Princess Xian?"

"They have been imprisoned in Beiqiu Garden for more than ten years."

"Is there anything else that we must be careful about?"

Duan Chun asked in confusion.

"Master, you must remember that anyone who is born in the palace or stays in the palace for a long time."

"Their minds are completely different from others."

"Because of what they have experienced, they have to have their own solutions at any time."

"In the entire Dakang Palace, except for the Empress."

"You must be careful when dealing with anyone you face."

Gan Changyuan reminded.

"I understand, thank you Uncle Gan for reminding me."

"There is another person, the chief eunuch of the Princess's Mansion that your majesty has given to me."

"He is also a eunuch in the palace of the previous dynasty, named Xiao Wangshan."

"This person is from the Disciplinary Department of the Ye Ting Palace. I see that he is very cunning."

"I wonder if I should be more careful about him?"

Duan Chun asked.

"Xiao Wangshan... that's the man that His Majesty gave to the master."

"The master can use him as a confidant."

"As long as the master doesn't have anything to hide from His Majesty."

"Then there's no need to take him to heart."

Gan Changyuan smiled slightly.

"I'll remember Uncle Gan's words."

Duan Chun understood the meaning of the words as soon as he heard them.

Xiao Wangshan is no longer the junior supervisor of the Punishment Department of the Ye Ting Palace.

He is His Majesty's confidant...

His Majesty sent him to his side just as an eyeliner placed in the Princess's Mansion.

Is Xiao Wangshan used to keep an eye on himself or Princess Xian?

For himself, as long as he follows Gan Changyuan's reminder, he will treat His Majesty with sincerity.

He can bring more benefits to His Majesty.

These things are actually not important.

After chatting for a while, Duan Chun said goodbye and left.

Riding on Xiaohuo's back, he silently thought about what Gan Changyuan said.

He already knew what he should do after returning to the Imperial Capital this time...

The convoy returned all the way to the Duke's Mansion in the Imperial Capital.

Duan Chun washed up first and changed into a new robe.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, a woman who claimed to be Xiao Wangshan came to pay him a visit.

He asked the woman to wait in his inner courtyard first, and then continued to lead the motorcade and headed directly towards the Dakang Palace.

It was already noon.

His Majesty the Emperor of Dakang had just finished his busy study.

He had just returned to the Xiuxin Palace and was going to deal with the complicated Dakang government affairs after lunch.

Now the general of the Cavalry Guard has been ordered to go to the Western Territory for two days.

The Duke of Anguo and the Duke of Zhenguo will set off for the Northern Territory and the Eastern Territory tomorrow.

This battle in the Western Territory will inevitably cause a reaction from the Northern Xia.

Something big will happen in the Northern Territory and the Eastern Territory!

But the emperor is more worried about the troubles within the Dakang Empire...

This time, the Northern Xia envoys were kept under house arrest in the Sifang Pavilion by the emperor.

They were not given the opportunity to move around in the Dakang Imperial City.

But the news from the Divine Machine Palace is that the imperial capital has not been peaceful recently.

Countless mysterious guys are visiting various aristocratic families.

They want to accomplish some shameful things in secret.

What bothers the emperor the most is his unpromising princes.

They are actually secretly communicating with these people!

"Your Majesty, lunch is ready."

"Your Majesty, please move and have lunch."

Li Gaofu's voice came from outside the door.

"Got it."

As soon as the emperor stood up, a chamberlain hurried over from a distance outside the door.

Whispered a few words in Li Gaofu's ear.

"Your Majesty, I just received the news."

"The Crown Prince of Changguo entered the palace and asked to see His Majesty."

Li Gaofu said.

"That boy Duan Chun is finally back."

"Summon him to the side hall for an audience."

"Dine with me."

A smile suddenly appeared on the emperor's face.

He had just received Duan Chun's memorial from Shenji Mansion the night before yesterday.

Threaded armor-piercing arrows forged from new materials.

It has already made the emperor curious...

Duan Chun strode into the side hall of Xiuxin Hall.

I saw His Majesty the Emperor sitting behind a table filled with dishes.

Staring at him with a smile on his face.

"I pay my respects to His Majesty the Emperor."

"My emperor..."

"Okay, you don't need to be so polite in my palace."

"Sit down and eat with me."

The emperor interrupted Duan Chun and pointed to the table on one side.

Three plates of dishes were also placed there.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Duan Chun smiled and took out a gift list from his sleeve.

"Your Majesty, this time I will go outside the city to see my father off to the west."

"I stopped by my dad's farm to stay for a few days."

"I came to see His Majesty this time to bring His Majesty some of his thoughts."

Duan Chun respectfully presented the gift list.

Li Gaofu took the gift list from one side and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor opened the gift sheet and looked at it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Spiral armor-piercing arrows, glass artifacts..."

"And delicious food?"

"Where is your gift?"

"Bring it to me quickly."

The emperor asked with a smile.

The emperor was the founding emperor, who conquered the world on horseback.

He is not interested in glass utensils, delicacies or other items.

But he had to take a look at the spiral armor-piercing arrow as soon as possible.

Is it as magical as Duan Chun said in his memorial?

"Your Majesty, the minister's gift is outside."

"Your Majesty, you can see it anytime you want."

"But... I see that Your Majesty has not eaten yet."

"Should we watch it after we finish eating?"

Duan Chun asked with a smile.

He had clearly seen the table in front of His Majesty.

A plate of fish, a plate of boiled mutton, and a plate of unknown vegetables.

But His Majesty put his chopsticks aside and didn't even move a bite.

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