The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 59 A blood-pumping performance

In an instant, all the officials and the two concubines in the entire hall opened their eyes wide.

Watching this group of sergeants holding shields and spears, they entered the hall menacingly.

Everyone was frightened for a moment!

"You...what are you going to do?"

Concubine Shu asked in a sharp voice.

"You dare to break into Jing'an Palace without permission. Are you going to rebel?"

Concubine Duan stood up suddenly and shouted with a pale face.

"Two sisters, please be patient."

Although the queen didn't know what happened, she still waved her long sleeves calmly.

"You two noble concubines, there is no need to panic."

"To the Queen, this is your Majesty's order."

"A song and dance specially choreographed for this state banquet."

"These are not sergeants, just dancers."

Duan Chun turned around and cupped his fists to explain.

"Just a dancer?"

The two concubines and ministers felt a little more relieved.

"Since you are a dancer, let's start performing."

The queen smiled.

"As commanded."

"Let's get started."

Duan Chun turned around and shouted.

Dang Dang Dang...

The musicians on both sides immediately beat the big drums, and the low and powerful drum sounds suddenly resounded throughout the hall.

Amidst the sound of drums, suddenly a man's singing voice was heard.


The musicians on both sides began to sing in unison, and the atmospheric harmony just started.

The queen's beautiful eyes lit up, and the two noble concubines followed the voice in surprise.

All the ministers stretched their necks, attracted by the sound.

Even Du Wanqing, who had been pretending to be asleep, suddenly widened his eyes and looked curiously at the center of the hall.

Following the loud harmony, fifty soldiers who had been waiting at the entrance of the hall were led by a lead dancer wearing a general's armor.

They began to walk neatly towards the center of the hall.

The female dancers who were already standing in the center of the hall had already started dancing neatly and powerfully.

They gave way to the center and welcomed the arrival of this group of warriors...

Duan Chun was very satisfied with what he saw. You must know that the lead dancer is also the singer's armor.

It was his father's battle armor that he secretly took, the Mingguang Armor that can only be worn by generals of rank three or above!

This kind of Mingguang armor costs thousands of gold and is a status symbol of a great general.

Don't say Jiaofangsi can't borrow it.

Even if someone can borrow it, they will not lend it to outsiders at will.

Following General Mingguang Kai and fifty sergeants, they quickly arrived at the center of the hall.

The dancer holds a long knife and stands looking towards the sky.

The high-spirited singing sounded immediately...

The smoke is rising!

Jiangshan looks north...

The dragon curls up, the horse neighs, and the sword energy is like frost!

When the singer is wearing armor of bright light, he is holding a long knife and looking towards the sky.

The moment the loud singing sounded...

Everyone opened their mouths wide!

They had never heard such strange singing and such heroic lyrics.

My heart is like a long river with vast water

In eleven years, who can resist?

Crazy with hatred, the long sword is aimed at him!

How many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in a foreign country!

Why would you die to repay your family and country?

I couldn't bear to sigh, I was even more speechless, and my eyes were filled with blood and tears.

Horse hoofs go south, people look north...

Looking north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying.

I am willing to defend the land and restore the borders.

Dakang Dakang wants to make all directions...

Come and congratulate!

As the singer waved his sword, he led the fifty soldiers behind him to neatly raise their shields and wave their spears.

Simulates the fighting scene on the battlefield.

Coupled with the heroic singing, the entire hall was filled with excitement.

Everyone was stunned!

Du Wanqing's eyes no longer looked drunk and hazy.

Instead, it was filled with brilliance!

The singing ends and the instrumental music stops.

But no one spoke, and they were still waiting for the singers and dancers to continue their performance.


"The Queen, you two noble concubines, gentlemen."

"Rehearsal is over."

Duan Chun stood up and clasped his fists and said.

"Prince Chang Guo, why is your dance so short?"

The queen asked with unfinished meaning.

"Yes, Mr. Xiaoduan, it's gone so soon?"

Yu Wenxi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Because tonight is just a rehearsal."

"So Wei Chen was reduced by half."

"The complete dance music can only be fully displayed at the palace banquet."

Duan Chun replied with a smile.

"I'm reporting to the Queen, I have something to report."

At this time, the chief minister of Guanglu Temple in front of the hall held his fists and said seriously.

"Master Li, what do you have to say?"

The queen asked in confusion.

"Replying to your Majesty, you two noble concubines."

"Master Xiao Duan's dance music is very exciting."

"But... Wei Chen felt something was wrong in his heart just now."

"Master Xiao Duan's music and dance, if performed to the Northern Xia envoys at the state banquet."

"Nine times out of ten it will trigger a dispute between the two countries!"

"The lyrics are really too disrespectful..."

The chief minister of Guanglu Temple frowned and said.

"Yes, I thought it was a bit excessive just now."

"Meeting with the Northern Xia envoy, Duan Chun still wanted to use his sword."

"There is indeed something wrong."

Concubine Duan nodded and said.

"This is not inappropriate, it is completely intentional to undermine the peace talks between the two countries!"

"Duan Chun, are you deliberately trying to embarrass His Majesty?"

Concubine Shu stood up and shouted.

The queen didn't speak, just looked at Duan Chun with a smile.

She knew very well that there must be an explanation from His Majesty.

It was useless what she said, she just wanted to see how these two people would make trouble?

I still want to see how Duan Chun should explain it?

The queen now knows very well the temperament of the prince of Changguo.

He is not a guy who is easily bullied...

Duan Chun stood there, knowing that once this dance music was performed.

There will definitely be some objections, saying it is a serious crime such as undermining the peace talks between the two countries.

However, he understood His Majesty's thoughts.

As the two noble concubines stood up to reprimand, the chief minister of Guanglu Temple stood beside him.

Two more adults stood up and agreed.

"Prince Chang Guo, this dance of yours is too rude."

"If this dance music is performed at a state banquet."

"I'm afraid everything we have done for this state banquet will be ruined by you!"

"Please ask the Queen and the other two ladies to reject this dance!"

"Yes, this dance must never be performed at a state banquet again."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Watching at least four officials reprimand him in unison.

Duan Chun waited for them to finish speaking.

"Are there any objections?"

Duan Chun smiled and looked around.

"Well, all the musicians and dancers are lucky."

"You guys should go back and rest first."

"I have prepared dinner for you."

"Go back and enjoy yourself. You don't need to rehearse tonight and just have a good rest."

Duan Chun faced the group of dancers standing in the center of the hall, who were at a loss what to do.

He said with a smile and clasped his fists.

"Master Xiaoduan, you're welcome."

"The slaves dare not accept this great gift."

The singer and all the dancers quickly returned the greeting, then turned and left the hall.

"Report to the Queen."

"What the two concubines and four adults just said."

"The dance music choreographed by Wei Chen is a message that affects the peace talks between the two countries."

"Wei Chen begs to differ."

Duan Chun said loudly.

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