The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 63: Poisoning incident at Jiaofangsi

"Little Lord Duan, you are finally here!"

"Someone from the palace just now said that they want to bring your singer into the palace."

"I don't know the identity of the person from the palace."

"Send someone to entertain him well."

"Fortunately you came early, I was just about to send someone to inform you."

Ding Cheng said hurriedly.

"Someone from the palace?"

Duan Chun frowned, there was a palace banquet tonight.

At this time, someone from the palace wanted to bring his singer into the palace.

What is this for?

"I'm going to see the person from the palace."

"You stay here, no one is allowed to enter the courtyard."

Duan Chun said.

"Yes, sir."

Ding Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan Chun followed a waiter and hurried to one side of the courtyard.

Passing through a pavilion, he came to the gate of a courtyard.

Duan Chun walked into the gate and heard the melodious music inside.

There was also a woman's cry faintly heard.

When he walked outside the main hall, he saw a middle-aged man in a high-ranking eunuch's robe sitting inside.

He was holding a woman from the Jiaofangsi in his arms, and two musicians were still playing the guqin.

The two young eunuchs at the door saw Duan Chun approaching and were about to step forward to stop him.

But they could see clearly the scarlet robe on Duan Chun, especially the python pattern on the robe.

They quickly bowed their heads and clasped their fists.

"Your servants are here to see the young master."

The two young eunuchs were very smart and their voices were very loud, which immediately made the guy in the hall stand up quickly.

"Get out of the way, which eunuch in the palace is this prince here to see?"

"Who ordered you to come to the Jiaofangsi to recruit my people into the palace?"

Duan Chun said lightly.

At this time, the middle-aged eunuch had already strode to the door.

"Our Xiao Wangshan, I pay my respects to the young master."

"I wonder if the young master is Duan Chun, the young master?"

The middle-aged eunuch smiled and bowed.

"I am Duan Chun."

"You are..."

Duan Chun asked curiously.

"I am the Junior Supervisor of the Punishment Department of the Ye Ting Palace."

"I have come to the Jiaofang Division to take Xu Li to the palace for secret protection in accordance with the secret decree of His Majesty."

"Until the palace banquet begins, I will take the initiative to return Xu Li to the young master."

Xiao Wangshan said with a smile.

"I have come to the secret decree of His Majesty?"

Duan Chun's eyes widened in confusion.

"Yes, this is the secret decree of His Majesty."

"The young master will know it at a glance."

"If I were sent by someone else, I guess the young master would not be able to see me."

Xiao Wangshan took out a secret decree from his arms and handed it to Duan Chun with both hands.

Duan Chun opened it and saw that it was indeed the secret decree written by His Majesty.

He only asked himself to hand over the singer who sang "loyalty to the country" to Xiao Wangshan to take away.

In order to avoid any accidents at the palace banquet.

When the palace banquet begins, Xu Li will be returned to the Jiaofang Division.

"How did His Majesty know about this?"

"Will he send Eunuch Xiao to come?"

Duan Chun asked after reading the decree.

"Young Master, I was in Jing'an Palace last night."

"After watching the music and dance, the Queen reported this to His Majesty."

"His Majesty was very happy when he heard about it."

"But he was also worried that someone would do something bad in secret."

"That's why he asked us to come and take people away and protect them strictly."

"And we arranged spies in the Music Bureau early in the morning."

"I'm just worried that Your Majesty's speculation will become a fact."

"I hope Young Master will obey the decree."

Xiao Wangshan bowed his head and said.

"I understand, then you come with me to pick up Xu Li."

Duan Chun nodded when he saw His Majesty's decree.

He turned around and led the three of them to the front courtyard...

And at this moment, a hurried figure rushed in front.

Duan Chun saw that this was not another waiter beside Ding Cheng.

"Greetings, Master Duan."

"Something happened in the courtyard!"

"Several musicians were poisoned and fell to the ground!"

"Master Si asked me to report to Master Duan."

The waiter ran over in panic to report.


Duan Chun was shocked.

"Young Master, we're going first."

Xiao Wangshan frowned and rushed forward with his subordinates.

Duan Chun also rushed forward.

At the gate of the courtyard, many onlookers had gathered.

In the courtyard, there was a panic scene.

Various wailing and vomiting sounds kept coming...

Xiao Wangshan had rushed through the crowd and entered the courtyard.

As Duan Chun entered the courtyard, he found that the ground was full of people lying everywhere.

And they were all musicians and dancers that he had carefully trained in the past three days.

"What's going on?"

Duan Chun rushed to Ding Cheng who was checking the wounded underground.

"I don't know what happened, either?"

"It was fine just now, but in the blink of an eye, several musicians cried out for stomachache."

"Then a large number of musicians fell to the ground."

"I guess they ate something poisonous!"

Ding Cheng replied in panic.

"Quickly call the imperial physician."

Duan Chun saw that the musician lying on the ground was foaming at the mouth.

It was indeed a sign of poisoning, so he quickly asked someone to call the imperial physician to come and treat him.

Standing up, he frowned and looked around...

At this time, not only the musicians fell to the ground due to poisoning, but also the dancers and dancers were all lying on the ground vomiting.

Duan Chun's eyes were on the tables in the corners of the courtyard.

There were still wooden plates with a lot of leftover noodles and soup bowls on them.

He hurried over and saw Xiao Wangshan and two eunuchs checking the meals one by one.

They each held something gleaming with silver light in their hands and kept checking carefully.

"Eunuch Xiao, is the food poisonous?"

Duan Chun asked.

"It hasn't been checked yet."

"But it can cause so many people to be poisoned."

"It must be a problem with the food."

Xiao Wangshan nodded and said.

"Eunuch Xiao, the soup is poisonous!"

At this time, a eunuch just checked the situation in the soup bucket and immediately said softly.

Xiao Wangshan strode over and put his head into the soup bucket to check.

Then he scooped up a bowl of soup, smelled it carefully, and frowned immediately.

"Young Master, the soup is poisonous."

"Only people like me who are often exposed to poison can smell this smell."

"But this is not the kind of poison that can kill people."

"It is a kind of medicine that will make people vomit and have diarrhea after eating, and can make people have no strength for a few days."

Xiao Wangshan looked at Duan Chun and said.

"Not killing people, just making them unable to move for a few days..."

Duan Chun immediately understood the other party's thoughts.

"It's not that they don't want to kill people."

"It's just that the poison that kills people smells too strong."

"It's easy to be discovered if it's put in the food."

"Fortunately, my family has asked Lord Ding to take Xu Li to the inner courtyard to wait."


Xiao Wangshan glanced at Duan Chun.

"I understand, your majesty's judgment."

"This is because your majesty is worried that someone will take action..."

"But who dares to be so bold?"

Duan Chun asked.

"Young Master, do you still think it was our people from the Great Kang Empire who did it?"

"The Northern Xia side has spies all over our Great Kang Imperial Capital."

"They probably received the news of the review of the palace banquet last night in the second half of the night."

"They are waiting to attack the young master's people."

Xiao Wangshan reminded lightly.

"The Northern Xia side?"

Duan Chun was shocked. He had been thinking about his own safety.

He had never thought that this was a special era when two empires were at war...

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