The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1005 Heavyweight Victory Results

1004. Heavyweight Victory Results

The capital of the planet Marathal, Pixel City, the battlefield west of the city.

A clone troop had just routed a Grann army, and the ground was littered with the wreckage of B-1 battle droids and the bodies of the killed Granns, piled up everywhere.

In this direction, more than 40,000 troops were assembled on the planet Marathal to attack the positions of the clone troopers, more than half of which were battle droids. But their offensive failed miserably. In the face of the combat consciousness and killing instinct engraved in the bones of the clone soldiers, the performance of these Grans was far inferior to those seemingly clumsy B-1 battle robots.

The wreckage of the B-1 battle robot is all over the ground, and you can step on it with almost every foot. There are also a large number of DW-1 dwarf spider combat machines and some OG-9 nest spider combat machines around, but without exception, they all become There was billowing black smoke and burning broken copper and rotten iron.

The corpses of Gran soldiers in dark green uniforms were also scattered everywhere, but their corpses were relatively scattered, basically behind the wreckage of the robots.

It can be seen that before they were alive, they also tried to survive, but in the end they were still captured and killed one by one under the fierce attack of the clone troopers.

The battle continued, and the clone troopers didn't say a word, just fighting in groups of five. They expertly divided the Granites' positions, made them lose sight of one another, and then broke through their defenses with ease.

After that, there is massacre...

Swish Swish Swish~~~~ Luminara Anduri and her apprentice Barris Offee rushed to the front, waving their lightsabers. There were blast energy beams fired by combat robots around them, but they were all caught Their lightsabers block.

Because of their heroic fighting, the clone troopers also had more chances to break through the opposing lines.

Suddenly, a rocket was fired from the abandoned house on the side! Very close!

Barris Offee sensed the danger, but her movements were a step slower, as the rocket was about to explode beside her!

However, at this moment, the rocket was suddenly held in midair by an invisible force.

Barris Offee turned her head and said to the master who saved her life: "Thank you, master."

Luminara Anduri didn't say much, but gave Barris Ofe a wink, and ofe understood, and outflanked the master with one left and one right, and then the two of them jumped up at the same time and went directly to this place. The abandoned house rushed in!

Dozens of bullets and blaster beams were launched in an instant, and Baris Offee quickly swung his lightsaber under the guidance of the original force, slashing at everything that appeared in front of him!

Bullet, melt directly!

Blast energy beam, rebound directly!

Human body, cut off directly!

When Barris-Ofee came to her senses, she realized that she was standing among seven or eight fragmented Granite corpses. The high temperature of the lightsaber slashed across the body, and the smell of burnt flesh filled her entire sense of smell. , making her feel nauseous.

"Don't...don't kill me...I...I still have two children..." A weak voice begged for mercy.

Already a little distracted, Barris Offee discovered that there was a Gran soldier still alive!

It's just that one of his feet and one hand had been cut off in the melee just now, and he was sitting at the foot of the wall panting violently, his only intact hand was still holding a blaster pistol tightly, "Don't kill me... ...It hurts so much, my body... hurts so much..."

The gran soldier's begging for mercy gradually died down.

"Barris! What are you doing? Hurry up and get rid of him! We must rendezvous with the troops!" Luminara Anduri shouted while blocking a group of B-1 battle robots from the other side of the house .

"I..." Barris-Ophee raised his lightsaber, but he hesitated when he saw the gran soldier.

"I surrender, I surrender...It hurts, it hurts..." The Gran soldier was still moaning.

"Okay, since you decided to surrender, I can help you heal and send you to the rear camp." Barris Offee finally made up her mind, and she squatted down, "I am very good at Force healing, I'll take care of your injuries."

The pistol in the hands of the Granite soldier did not relax at all. He panted and said, "Thank you...thank you, Jedi Knight. Do you know? My two children... well, two daughters, they...they... "

He suddenly raised his pistol and shouted hysterically: "They were all killed by you Jedi Knights! Killed!..."


With a soft sound, a piece of sharp gravel flew from the front, instantly piercing through the head of the Gran soldier! His movements froze immediately, just as he aimed at Barris Offee's pistol, the trigger could no longer be pulled.

Barris Offee just woke up like a dream, turned his head suddenly, only to see that his master had come here at some time.

There was a flurry of gunfire outside the door, and it looked like clone troopers had arrived and started exchanging fire with the battle droids.

"He never gave up his weapon, Barris." Luminara Anduri said earnestly.

Barris Offee looked at the Gran man whose brains had been spilled all over the floor, and lowered his head, "I know...Master, it's just me..."

"This is the battlefield, Barris. Since we are on the battlefield, we must hold this awareness... anyone with a weapon in their hands is our enemy... whether it is the wounded or the old, or... "Speaking of this, Luminara Anduri couldn't continue, her expression was extremely complicated.

Walking over to help Barris-Offee up from the ground, Luminara-Anduri turned around and said: "We have to adapt to this, and we can't heal all these wounds until the end of the war. But in Before that, we must...kill the enemy."

Barris-Ophee nodded and did not speak, Luminara continued to comfort her, but at the moment her mind was full of what the Gran soldier said just now, and his last crazy, hostile eyes.

Even without using the Force, she could still clearly feel that terrible hatred, this hatred was directed at her, at them Jedi knights with lightsabers!

In the education and training she received in the Jedi Order since she was a child, she has always respected and cherished life. Unless she is forced into a desperate situation, there should be no killing.

But killing... How many people have been killed since the outbreak of the war?

The original force and swordsmanship are far superior to his master, how many people have he killed?


What is this war for? What is the reason?


What role did the Jedi Order play in this war? Butcher? Executioner?

"Barris!!" Luminara Anduri's shout brought her back to reality. She took Barris Ofe's hand and asked with concern: "Your condition doesn't seem to be very good. How about you escort these wounded soldiers back to the rear to rest?"

Barris Offee shook his head fiercely, as if he was answering the master's question, but also seemed to be throwing out the complicated thoughts in his head, "I'm fine, master. It's okay! I can ... kill the enemy."

The battle situation was urgent, and Luminara Anduri didn't care too much, she nodded and said: "Well, we still have a mission, just now the fighter formation reported that there is a Granite armored force not far in front of us Gathering, this force must be taken out before they threaten our offensive plans."

"Good master." Barris Offee nodded.

Under the leadership of the two masters and apprentices, the clone troopers launched an attack again. Battle robots and Granite soldiers were constantly destroyed and killed under the attack of the clone combat team. Among the explosions, there were endless sounds.

The Granites, driving a lumbering tracked tank, were trying to counterattack. This tracked tank is slow, and the armor looks heavy, but the materials used are also very basic. Even blaster rifles can blast large holes in the armor plate, and they are even equipped with smoothbore guns propelled by gunpowder. I don't know what era it is from.

But even so, being hit by that heavy artillery with a caliber of almost 150mm will kill you! The most advanced fusion and golden combat armor of clone soldiers can't block the cannon fire of this tens of thousands of years ago technology. It is precisely because of this that Master Luminara-Anduri prepares for this armored force. Launch a pre-emptive raid before it's done.

Barris Offee led the attack of the clone troopers as usual. After killing several B-2 super battle droids, she went around the back of a Gran tank and directly stabbed the rear engine of the tank with her lightsaber.

The shell of the tank's engine was melted instantly, and a fire started to burn in it, and it was quickly paralyzed.

The other clone troopers continued to attack, but Barris Offee suddenly felt her communicator vibrate. She gestured for the clone frontline commander to continue the attack, and she stood next to the wreckage of the tank and took out the communicator.

The interference on the battlefield was very serious, and the holographic projection could not see any images at all, and Barris could only hear intermittent voices from the communicator, "This is... O... Owan Kenobi, my... army was... ambushed ..., heavy losses! The Black... Legion is here, please... support, request support!"

Barris Offee's face changed, she looked to the other side, Luminara Anduri was still fighting bloody, it seemed that she didn't receive the communication, and on the other side, the clone communicator didn't have any reaction.

Probably because the interference was too serious, and I was just lucky enough to receive some incomplete signals here.

Barris Offee suddenly felt irritated in her heart, and the appearance of the Gran soldier just now came to her mind again.

A burst of anger came from nowhere, Barris crushed the communicator, and the sound stopped abruptly.

At this time, she felt some regret, and hurriedly wanted to put the communicator back together, but it was of no avail, which made her mood complicated.

Luminara Anduri noticed something was wrong, and hurried over to ask, "Barris! Are you injured?"

Barris Offee picked up the communicator in his hand, hesitated to speak, "My communicator..."

"What happened to the communicator?" Luminara asked.

Barris's expression suddenly relaxed, he shook his head and said, "It's nothing, a shrapnel just broke the communicator. Master, can your communicator still work?"

Luminara did not doubt that he was there, took out the communicator and shook it and said: "Mine is fine, but the separatism has caused great interference on the battlefield. There should be jamming base stations around, and this communicator is as if there is no one." .Let’s go, use your last strength, we will win!”

"Yeah!" Barris Offee nodded.


East of Pixel City, the other direction of the battlefield.

Obi-Wan Kenobi tapped the communicator in his hand. The interference on the battlefield became more and more serious, to the point where it was almost impossible to communicate normally. But just now, the communication was obviously received by someone, but for some reason, They didn't say a word, and finally cut off the communication.

He dropped the communicator, took a deep breath and looked towards the battlefield.

The 212th Assault Battalion is still struggling to break through, exchanging fire with the Black Legion, and behind them, the Dug soldiers and robot legions all over the mountains and plains are chasing wildly, and the situation is almost desperate.

His previous judgment was correct. The Black Legion didn't have many troops here, but it was obviously aimed at him.

Obi-Wan kept calculating the battle situation in his mind, and finally made up his mind!

That distinctive Black Legion soldier, that even as a Jedi Knight, he could feel the existence of a great threat! Justin Reeves!

Obi-Wan Kenobi had fought him once just now, but the other party was very vigilant and didn't give him a chance to confront him head-on, but kept interfering with his actions.

After that, Obi-Wan, who realized that the battle situation was in a desperate situation, did not continue to pursue, but tried to find a way to ask for help.

But now, reinforcements can no longer be counted on, and the separatists' interference to this degree will undoubtedly interfere with their own troops, but they are still so decisive, so they are obviously prepared!


"Since it's coming for me...then come!" Obi-Wan Kenobi's eyes froze, he rushed out, and rushed in the direction of Justin Reeves!

He could clearly feel his presence in the Force!

As soon as he showed up, several bullets were fired, and they were all in places where he had to adjust his posture to use the lightsaber!

But at this moment, Obi-Wan Kenobi had already gone all out, he even did not hesitate to expose himself to the opponent's firepower, his steps were fast, and his lightsaber swung like countless afterimages.

right there! !

boom! boom! boom! Three rounds of bullets came in a square shape, sealing off all his directions of action, and at the same time, the lightsaber in Obi-Wan's hand flew out, directly piercing through the wall in front of him!

One wall, two walls, three walls!

Almost at the same time, the fourth bullet had arrived, directly hitting Obi-Wan Kenobi in the chest!

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