1030. The Final Clue

The modified cargo ship landed on an ice surface on the planet Jabul with a posture of almost falling. There is a settlement built on the ice, a simple camp.

After landing, the group of ice diggers driving the spacecraft wanted to call their companions on the ground to come up and kill Darth Malthael, but how is this possible? Darth Malthael didn't even make a move. After a terrible howl of ghosts and wolves, the mental shock from the wraith almost frightened those people to the point of collapse, and they fell to their knees and trembled.

After careful questioning, Darth Marthael knew the origins of this group of people—they were indeed a group of ice diggers, and there were probably more than 400 groups of ice diggers who had been mining ice on the planet Jabul for a long time. The total number is about a few thousand, but they will not always be on the planet Jabul.

It is too cold here, unless a large-scale residential area with stable energy is established, it is impossible to live permanently. Therefore, most of these ice diggers will set up this kind of crude temporary camp, and after a few months of concentrated mining, they will abandon the camp and go to other places.

And because of the extremely cold environment here, the abandoned camps are well preserved, and can be reactivated at any time as long as the energy is plugged in.

Now they are here to mine the ice layer in this area, because according to the scan, there is a rare element in the ice layer 10 meters underground here, which can be used as a catalyst for supermatter reactions.

"Why is the ice black here?" Darth Malthael asked.

"I don't know, it's said that it happened thousands of years ago..." The ice diggers shook their heads blankly.

"Is there any difference between these black ice and ordinary ice?" Darth Malthael asked again.

"It can't be eaten. If you eat the water that melts from the black ice, you will have diarrhea, and the diarrhea is very severe. I heard that some people in the group of Dross have diarrhea and diarrhea. It’s gone, and there’s no smell.” An ice digger said.

"You guys are lucky." Darth Malthael said coldly.

You must know that these black substances contain the remains of the Lak Ghoul virus. God knows whether there are active viruses in these remains.

Of course, it now appears that this virus is very fragile under the high temperature of the orbital bombardment. Like the situation on the Taris planet, all the viruses near the surface have been killed, and there is no trace left.

Fortunately, otherwise, these ice diggers would have spread the Lark ghoul virus by digging out the ice and refining it like this.

"My... my lord, you see, we are just a group of ice diggers, just to make a living, look at you and your spaceship..." An ice digger looked at Darth Massai carefully. Erhe and the spaceship with a sleek shape that far surpasses modern technology at first glance, "You are a big shot, and you don't like us like you... Just do it, treat us like a fart..."

"When you dug the ice, did you dig anything out of the ice?" Darth Malthael ignored him and just continued to ask.

"Occasionally, some fragments will be dug up. They look like building fragments, but they are all worthless. They are piled up in a large pile at our refinery, like a hill." An ice digger replied.

"It's not this kind of rubbish, it's something that looks more valuable."

These dozens of ice diggers looked at each other and shook their heads in a daze.

At this time, an ice digger suddenly said, "Could it be that you are looking for a 'safe box'?"

"What did you say? 'Safety'?" Darth Malthael glanced at him, his horrifying gaze making the icedigger shudder.

The ice digger didn't dare to hide it, and hurriedly said: "It's the 'Jabble box' (Jabble box), which can be regarded as a legend in the black market of our ice diggers. More than a thousand years ago, the ice here was still small. When it was so strong, an ice digger fished out something from the bottom of the sea. That thing should be a container, but it was very strong, and it couldn't be scanned with any instrument, so many people thought it was a Jedi treasure ..."

He went on: "Many people have fantasized that they will be able to open this treasure, but no one has ever done it. Then the safe will be sold to the next fancy buyer for a high price, and the price will increase. "

"Who owns this thing now?" Darth Malthael asked.

The ice digger exchanged glances with the others, and then said cautiously, "My lord, are you a Jedi Knight? Is there really a Jedi Knight's treasure in this safe?"

"Don't ask, don't ask. Tell me the whereabouts of the safe, and I will reward you." Darth Malthael raised his hand and threw out a bag full of credit ingots.

"We'll tell you the news, will you let us go?" the ice digger confirmed again.

Darth Masail nodded, "Your lives are worthless to me. All I care about is this...Jabr's safe."

The ice digger thought he agreed, so he said, "In the hands of a group of Kubitian smugglers on the planet Aridus, their leader is called Kururu."

Darth Malthael nodded, lost in thought.

The group of ice diggers saw that he was no longer talking, so they asked cautiously: "My lord... we have told you everything we know, so... can we... can we go?"

Darth Malthael looked up at them coldly.

His aura was so terrifying that the group of ice diggers didn't dare to stay for a second. When one person couldn't bear it and turned around and started to run, everyone turned around and ran away at the same time as if a switch was pressed!

However, each of them, before running 10 steps, fell limp and fell down. Before landing, they had already turned into corpses!

"I don't want to let people know that I have been here." Darth Malthael dropped this sentence coldly, turned his head and walked towards the protoss transport ship.

When he returned to the spaceship, he found that Xerakas and the protoss were not here. After connecting to the communication, Xerakas told him that after scanning, they did find something in the ice layer, which should be a building.

The planet Jabul underwent orbital bombardment, and then the global ice sheet completely melted, and the entire planet became a vast ocean, which then froze again.

A building that can still maintain its basic shape under such circumstances is definitely not an ordinary thing, and should be very valuable.

So Xerakas is leading the group of protoss warriors to dig, and they have sent a letter to ask the geth on the Dre II satellite to bring a professional mining spaceship to help.

"In this case, you will use this spaceship for me first. I will go to the planet Alidus." Darth Masail said.

"Have you found a clue?" Xerakas asked.

"I think it should be very close." After Darth Malthael finished speaking, he turned and said to the unmanned console of the spaceship, "Go to Planet Aridus!"

"*\u0026^\u0026^$%^$" The spaceship console flickered continuously, and issued a burst of machine language that ordinary people could not understand, and then started the engine and flew straight towards the sky.


The protoss transport plane escaped from hyperspace and came to the planet Alidus.

This is a very remote desert planet in the expansion region of the outer ring of the Milky Way. Compared with Tatooine, which was destroyed by war and turned into a desert planet, the environment of Alidus planet is better, with many primitive jungles.

The aborigines here are the Kubitians, a group of intelligent creatures evolved from lizard-like reptiles.

This planet clearly supports the Galactic Republic in the current war, but because it is too barren, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is not interested in it.

Like many remote planets in the outer ring region, Alidus planet is also a planet where crime, slavery and smuggling are rampant, and gang struggles here have hardly stopped for a moment.

Darth Malthael came to a Kubitian city and began to inquire about Kururu's whereabouts.

It wasn't difficult, he got the information very quickly - Kururu was killed in a gang scuffle half a year ago.

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