The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1045 Good Governor (Part 2)

1044. Good Governor (Part 2)

After the end of the first Battle of the Model Star Region, Volgograd-Kanidi was appointed by Tang Xiao as the Governor of the Model Star Region, and his actual jurisdiction included the Kuna Star Cluster, the Anji Galaxy, the Vasian Galaxy, the Mayan Star -The vast area including the Kerviel galaxy can be called the number one real power figure of the Fourth Civilization under Tang Xiao.

Volgograd-Kanidi once told Tang Xiao that he didn't want to fight, so Tang Xiao satisfied him even more, and threw him to Tatooine, to the Marathal Fjord, and to the battlefield in the Model sector go up.

Then he said that he would prefer to be in the logistics position of managing production, and Tang Xiao also doubled his satisfaction and made him the governor of the star region.

Canidi also recovered from the nightmare that was deeply engraved in his heart, and even the hibernation on the mothership never faded away. He regarded the Model sector as his real home, and then started to build from scratch——

That's right, in his mind, even the Mothership and Dawn Planet were not home. The last place he considered home was destroyed, from the bottom of his heart, before he boarded his ship and began to hibernate (Chapter 413).

He spent almost all of his energy on managing this star sector. He did not put his administrative core on the prosperous but complicated planet Anji, but rebuilt a brand new administrative core on the planet Kuna's Fang.

Four years after the end of the first battle in the Mordel sector, the planet Kuna's Fang completed the atmospheric transformation. All residents can go out wearing simple filters, and after one year, even the filters are no longer needed. , the planet Kuna's Fang has officially embarked on the track of rapid development.

Volgograd-Kanidi started to develop a large amount of farmland and mines on this uncultivated, mineral-rich planet, and he invested almost all of his resources in the expansion of production. And he does not use high-tech automation in many places, but uses relatively backward methods to produce, the purpose is to maximize the use of manpower.

He divided the development of the colony into three stages. The first stage was to create as many jobs as possible in order to absorb more immigrants. At that time, although the war had not yet broken out, almost everyone had already realized that the war was approaching. Some planets in a state of riots and famine could easily find enough immigrants, and there were even high-level intellectuals and skilled workers among them. .

At this stage, he spends crazily, plans cities crazily, repairs houses crazily, and then uses these houses to pay the residents.

In addition to his administrative core, Blackhorn City, within three years, more than a dozen large towns such as Horn, Zhijian, Hongxue, Blackkey, Muyan, and Jiaofeng have formed on the planet Kuna's Fang.

And all residents, as long as they have decent jobs, can get rationed food, completely free of charge. In order to meet the huge food demand, Volgograd-Kanidi imported a large amount of food from the Ailu people.

Because the Ailu people failed shamefully in the war, and there was a huge indemnity of 2 billion in the defeat treaty, Kanidi used the indemnity as collateral to let the Ailu people produce a large amount of food.

And he also added a large number of products from the industrial planet Orville III to the transaction-this industrial planet was also mortgaged by the Ailu people to the fourth civilization. After losing this industrial planet, the Ailu people also lost more than 60% of their industrial production capacity. In order to continue to maintain their demand for industrial products, the Ailu people must accept this condition.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to exchanging the Ailu people's own things for their food. Moreover, allowing the Ailu people to grow a large amount of food will also help to eliminate the hostility in their hearts and completely tame them.

At the same time, the prison planet Thornell is also a unique agricultural planet. Although the mineral quality of this planet is very low, it has a very good climate and environment, and it is best to develop agriculture here.

The planet Thornell is constantly receiving a large number of criminals from the fourth civilization. Among these criminals, only a very small part can be selected into the army, and the vast majority of criminals are sent by Canidi to cultivate farmland.

Then the second stage is productivity reform. After it took about 3 years for the population to reach a certain level, Canidy began to gradually update the outdated and backward means of production in the star area. It was also at this stage that a large number of factories sprung up like mushrooms after rain. This is another Round the mass production movement.

Volgograd-Kanidi wasted manpower recklessly, because he knew that even if he couldn't digest it, the entire Fourth Civilization was behind and could receive more people.

He and the United Mining Group worked together to vigorously develop the interstellar mines in the Eye of Kuna galaxy, and then transported a large amount of rare minerals to the fourth civilization's industrial star ring and interstellar shipyard, which earned a lot of money for his star area. Money can be used for further development.

In the final third stage, it is time to vigorously develop the manufacturing industry and develop the industry. This is also a stage that has just begun and is in its infancy.

In fact, in this galaxy, the development model of many poor and backward planets, under the control of those interstellar monopoly capital and corporate giants, is reversed—first develop manufacturing, then develop industry, and finally develop agriculture.

These planets will build various cutting-edge factories with the support of those companies, and produce many industrial products that look beautiful. But soon these planets will find that their industrial foundation and technological level cannot support such factories and manufacturing at all. They can only continue to import from those enterprises and start to build their own factories.

Then they will find that they don't even have the ability to build factories. After such a pull, the population has already exploded under the feeding of the continuous import of food and materials, but the planet's agriculture can't keep up. Once the super enterprises cut off the food supply, they will not even be able to get the food for tomorrow.

In the end, he had no choice but to mortgage his entire planet.

Under such circumstances, the development model of Volgograd-Kanidi has become a clear stream in the outer ring star region. Residents of many planets, after hearing about the situation here, would look for bounty hunters and mercenaries, even if they were relying on relationships, even if they were trying to sell iron.

Volgograd-Kanidi has contributed a lot to the development of the Model Star Sector so far, and he has also proved that even if he manages a huge star sector, he still has the ability to manage everything in an orderly manner.

The Mordel sector has established its own defense fleet, established its own security force and army, and the morale of these army soldiers is high, because they are all fighting to defend their homeland!

However, when Master Yoda personally led a huge fleet of 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers directly into the Model sector from a direction where there were almost no hyperspace channels, Volgograd-Kanidi also immediately understood that, The star sector that I have painstakingly managed for 12 years is still so weak.

30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, and in order to quickly pass through hyperspace, it is impossible for the slow Cheer-class assault landing ship to appear in the fleet, so the 30 Jaeger-class ships are loaded with the entire Galactic Republic. Mordel Sector Strikes the Legion in its entirety.

Even so, after adjusting the loading ratio, this fleet also has 10,000 combat aircraft, 50,000 clone troopers, 300 AT-TE walkers, and 1,200 LAAT assault transport boats.

After the fleet left the hyperspace, it immediately rushed to the capital of the Mordel sector, the planet Anji.

As soon as the Ail people who hated the Fourth Civilization saw the huge fleet of the Galactic Republic approaching, they raised the flag of rebellion almost without hesitation.

The administrators of the Ailu people on the planet Anji and Maya-Kevil immediately announced that the Ailu people have rejoined the Galactic Republic and are willing to provide all support for the Republic fleet.

But soon, chaos erupted on the two planets, especially the planet Anji. Because there are also a large number of human residents living on these Ailu planets, and these human residents have been oppressed by the Ailu people for a long time, and without exception, they are all hardcore supporters of the fourth civilization!

As a result, a large-scale armed conflict broke out between the two races. The human leaders on the planet Anji even went to Master Yoda to complain first, saying that the humans on the planet Anji were also willing to join the Galactic Republic, but only if they stopped Humans attacked and killed human beings, and they asked the army of the Republic to enter the planet to maintain order.

After asking for instructions from Master Yoda, the commander of the Republic Fleet, Admiral Sioster, sent 8,000 clone soldiers to land on the planet Anji, and ordered the two races to immediately stop all hostilities.

But how could the flame that was ignited by the Ailu people be extinguished so easily!

Volgograd-Kanidi is a good governor, a good man, that's right. But his kindness will never be used on the Ailu people! He hated the Ailu people who forced him to go to the battlefield again, so he had never been polite to the Ailu people.

Including nailing them to the fields to farm, including exchanging their own things for the fruits of their labor, including depriving them of their industrial capabilities, etc.

All the Eru people who lived before the first Modle Star Wars all hated the Fourth Civilization to the bone, and according to Canidy's judgment, it will take at least another 50 years, after two generations of dilution , this kind of hatred will be wiped out.

And the hatred of the Ailu people naturally concentrated on those humans.

Now with the support of the Galactic Republic fleet, the Ailu people immediately launched an attack on the humans on the planet after publishing the announcement of joining the Galactic Republic!

Clone soldiers are brave and good at fighting, but it is completely impossible for them to maintain the stability of Anji, a planet with a population of 4 billion, with only 8,000 people.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control at the beginning, Master Yoda made a decisive decision and led the fleet to attack the Vasian galaxy and the Orville galaxy, preparing to directly disintegrate the rule of the fourth civilization here.

However, under the order of Volgograd-Kanidi, the Model Defense Fleet hid in Tibet, and did not give the Republic Fleet a chance to fight head-on. And all those planets refused to surrender, and they organized armies on the ground to prepare for a tenacious resistance.

After the Galactic Republic started to launch a landing operation on the planet's ground, they found that these ground troops were also on the verge of collapse, and then they broke up and began to hide in hidden places.

Then the clone army began to attack the administrative capital of the planet. As a result, the administrative capital waited until the clone army appeared in sight, but immediately surrendered without any hesitation.

On the 5th day after the Republic fleet entered the Model sector, the Vathians surrendered, on the 9th day, the industrial planet Orville III surrendered, and on the 10th day, the prison planet Thornell surrendered.

But surrender is surrender, and the workers on these planets started a strike on the grounds of planetary unrest.

Residents on these planets can hold high the flag of the Galactic Republic and shout the slogan "Long Live the Republic", but they are absolutely unwilling to help the Republic fleet, provide supplies and maintenance for the fleet.

The Galactic Republic Fleet Commander believes that all of this is supported by the Star Governor Volgograd-Kanidi, and he believes that as long as he is caught, everything can be solved.

So the Republic fleet began to march towards the Kuna star cluster.

As a result, the most troublesome thing came. The Republic Fleet had just left the main body of the Model sector, and turmoil immediately appeared on the surrendered planets.

The hidden planetary defense forces immediately came out from nowhere, they attacked the space port guarded by only a small number of clone troopers, and blew up the material warehouse. There are even some small spaceships taking off from the planet one after another, attacking the transport ships commandeered by the fleet of the Galactic Republic.

These people have only one purpose - to prevent the Galactic Republic Fleet from getting any supplies here!

You only have as many as your fleet brings! Not a single point more!

The residents and workers on the planet are completely non-violent and non-cooperative. The administrative agencies on the planet are also submissive, but if they are asked to do something, they just shirk it with various excuses, and even pretend that I just can’t do it. Hit my attitude.

And in this star area, the only planet that is relatively stable for the Republic is the home planet of the Ail people—the Maya-Kevil planet. After the Republic Fleet left the main body of the Moder sector and went to the Kuna star cluster in the Zuma division, the number of interstellar pirates suddenly increased, and their goal was very clear, which was to frantically rob transport ships and caravans near the planet Maya-Kevil.

The commander of the Republic Fleet, Sioster, could only allocate 10 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, return to the Model sector to guard, and put out the flames of resistance everywhere. Then the remaining 20 hunter-class ships continued to search for the Volgograd-Kanidi main fleet in the Kuna star cluster.

They directly attacked the administrative core of the Kuna star cluster, the Kuna Fang galaxy, but found that apart from a large number of Gaussian automatic defense platforms deployed around the Kuna Fang planet, they also did not find where the defense fleet was!

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