The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1080 Five Explosive Updates Today (One Update) [Please ask for monthly ticket subscription]

1079. Today's Explosive Fifth Update (One Update)

The Dream Sisters regrouped the clone troopers scattered in Tipoca City and headed towards the factory area.

Here, they met Master Shak-Ti and Master Puluo-Kong, who were also injured to varying degrees. Among them, Master Shak-Ti had even been lying on a stretcher and put on a ventilator, and was being sent to the medical center .

Not only was she shot by the Salari special forces at the beginning, but she was further injured by Gabriel Tosh's weird voodoo doll in the battle with Gabriel Tosh, and later, the levitation vehicle she was riding in was also injured. It was affected by the explosion of a tactical nuclear bomb.

With more injuries, Master Shak-Ti's situation is very dangerous.

Although Master Puluo-Kong was inside the factory at the time, he was very decisive. After finding out that the bomb had been planted, he judged that it could not be dismantled, so he dived towards the latest third-generation clone factory deep in the seabed, and finally relied on the third-generation The extremely powerful defense of the foundry blocked the nuclear bomb explosion.

Seeing the Dreaming sisters approaching, Pulo-Kong nodded at them and said, "The safety of Prime Minister Rama Su has been confirmed before, and you have done a good job. Where is Maris Bruder?"

The two sisters just shook their heads, walked to Master Shak-Ti's stretcher, Luna-Meng knelt down and held the master's hand, and said in a low voice: "In the predicament of being hunted down, Maris Bruder Into the dark side..."

"She ran too fast, we failed to catch her." Luna Huan took over the conversation and said.

Master Shak-Ti could not speak anymore, she held Luna-Meng's hand behind her back and nodded slightly.

After that, the suspended stretcher was sent to the spacecraft by the medical robot.

Pulo-Kong came behind the two sisters and said: "You don't have to blame yourself too much... I was very clear about the battle situation in Tipoca City at that time. It is too urgent, and I will not make such a move and leave you to face those cunning Salarians."

"Our scientists have dissected the corpses of the Salarians. Their metabolism is three times that of the human race, which may mean a shorter lifespan, but their reaction speed and body explosive power are also several times that of humans. Such races are in After undergoing extremely cruel training, the combat power that can be erupted is naturally far higher than that of ordinary intelligent races." Puluo Kong raised his hands and patted the shoulders of the dream sisters. He may be worried that the sisters are too self-blaming, so he said Much more than before.

He looked at the medical spacecraft flying far away in the sky, and then said: "Maris Bruder, this is a tragedy, a tragedy that should not have happened. But she herself failed to withstand the temptation of the dark side - Shaq - Master Ti also said to me that her fear of death surpassed everything and restricted her achievements. You are not good at lightsaber duels, and it is indeed embarrassing for you to suddenly face a Jedi who has fallen into the dark side you guys."

"I'm sorry, Master Puluo Kong...our practice is far from enough." Luna Meng lowered her head.

"Then work hard to practice. If you have any questions, come to me at any time, and I will be happy to answer all your questions. You are the only bright hope among the Jedi Order shrouded in darkness." Master Pulo-Kong kindly said.

The two sisters nodded, showing sweet smiles, "Thank you, Master Pulo-Kong."


Because the separatist fleet had already retreated, and the battlefields in other star regions of the galaxy were also very tight, so Master Pulo-Kong led the fleet to set off after a brief treatment of his injuries.

According to Master Windu's instructions, the Dream Sisters and the 6 Jaeger-class battlecruisers they brought temporarily stayed in the Kamino galaxy, and the other defensive fleets of the Kamino galaxy were also placed under their leadership.

They will take over the job of supervising the production of clones on the Kamino planet in place of the seriously injured Master Shak-Ti—of course, now it is more about cleaning up the mess.

Giving such a task that was originally performed by members of the Supreme Council to the Dream Sisters shows that their status in the hearts of the core executives of the Jedi Order is now rising.

At this moment, the two sisters are standing on the shell of a building in the clone factory area, enjoying the rare clear sky of Kamino planet for a year.

"There are still many good people in the Jedi Order." Luna-Meng rarely took the initiative to start the topic.

"There are quite a few annoying ghosts." Luna Huan curled her lips.

"But being a good person doesn't mean being suitable for this era." Luna Meng continued, "It's time for the Jedi Order to come to an end."

"Many people are torn between darkness and light. They don't know what they should do. Ha..." Luna-Huan snorted, "It's still fun for the governor. He originally had a bright heart, but he never looked back into darkness. So much so that now, he is darker than anyone."

Luna Meng turned to look at her and asked, "Send him a report."

"Report that we affected his plan in Kamino, or did you report that we sent him cannon fodder?" Luna Huan said so, but with a tacit expression, he picked up the communicator and shook it.


The outer ring of the Milky Way, the Laxus sub-planet, and the core council of the Federation of Independent Galaxies.

"The plan to raid the Kamino planet has basically succeeded." Tang Xiao, the governor of Lixing Planet, read the battle report from the front line, looked around, and said slowly.

In this wide conference room, there were only him, Earl Dooku, Thorn Hill, and Newt Gunley. In an empty space in the middle, there was a communicator, but the projection device of the communicator did not No image was projected.

This is the seat reserved for the dead angel, although he did not attend the meeting today.

Hearing the good news, Newt Gunley was obviously relieved, "As long as the supply of the Republic's clone soldiers is cut off, we still have a chance of winning this war."

Tang Xiao went on to say: "Grievous did a good job. He scattered the Trident-class amphibious assault ship in the temporary hanger, followed the Generosity-class frigate to raid the planet Kamino, and then pretended that the battleship was shot down. The Trident fell into the ocean of the planet along with the wreckage, and just like that, it quietly transported an army to the planet Kamino."

"This is naturally the reason why he was chosen to command our robot army at that time." Earl Dooku said in a deep voice, "The Salarians and Gabriel Tosh are also very eye-catching. With so much strong support, you, Your Excellency Governor, have also contributed a lot to this victory."

Tang Xiao smiled faintly, "A large part of this must also be attributed to Lord Dead Angel."

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