The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1084 Confederation Summit (Part 2)

1083. Confederacy Summit (Part 2)

Count Dooku shook his head helplessly, "Unfortunately, Mrs. Shu-Mai, it is not us who decide whether to upgrade or not, but the battlefield. The disobedient class costs as much as 61 million credits, but it needs 4 to 6 ships Only in this way can we ensure the victory over the hunter-class that costs only 59 million credits..."

He spread his hands, and continued: "Even if we include the huge fleet of Jaeger-class aircraft in the cost, it is far lower than the construction cost of four Disobedient-class ships. Therefore, upgrading is imperative. .This is also a way to reduce our financial pressure and improve industrial efficiency."

The anger on Shu-Mai's face could not be suppressed at all, her body even trembled a little, but she still said: "This is against the rules! This is different from the agreement! It's not the same!! I can promise to reduce the construction cost of the disobedient class as much as possible. Lower, maybe it can be lowered to 50 million... no, 55 million credits, but the battleship order must meet the specified number!"

She can only speak according to these words. In fact, she also understands how much the cost of the disobedient class light destroyer is.

The design of this warship was originally an immature design stolen from the star shipyard when the Quarren Isolation Alliance split from the planet Mon Calamari, and was bought by the commercial guild at a high price. After modifying and perfecting it, it becomes their own battleship.

So at that time, Shu-Mai was confident that in this way, the commercial guild could be regarded as one of the forces that had the ability to design and build main battleships by itself, and was qualified to sit on an equal footing with other major corporate giants.

With such a treasure, it is natural to make good use of it.

For this war, the commercial guild has invested a huge amount of money and materials. As merchants, it is naturally impossible for them to let themselves lose their money. So the investment is the investment, and they also made a lot of money on the cost of the disobedient-class light support destroyer, increasing the cost of parts and components, and then made a lot of difference in the middle.

Then, through Shu-Mai's operation, these profit margins were used as her personal dividends to the commercial guild, thereby further consolidating her position, and also filled her own pockets and made a lot of money.

But now, this cash cow is going to be canceled directly!

This is absolutely impossible!

At this time, a voice came from the Dawn Star group on the other side, "Actually, the commercial guild can also accept orders for behemoth-level parts, and contribute its strength from another direction."

The one who spoke was the Prime Minister of the Fourth Civilization, Francis Underwood.

"Who said to contribute! Don't I make money just by producing these parts?!" Shu Mai couldn't bear it at all, and blurted out without thinking.

Then the next second, when she saw the expressions of the people around her, she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

The Confederation of Independent Galaxies was established under the principles of fairness, justice, and freedom. You can make money, but on the bright side, you must be righteous. Putting money on the bright side is tantamount to slapping everyone in the face.

At this time, Gross Shelbya, the director of the fourth group, sneered, tapped the button, and projected a projection of a huge battleship in the holographic projection. This battleship has a roughly rectangular hull, and in There is a raised dome in the rear of the hull.

"This is... one of the shipbuilding plans that Kuat Power Shipyard is planning to update in the near future - Commander II -class Star Dreadnaught (Mandator II -class Star Dreadnaught). It is a thorough modernization on the basis of the previous Commander class A new type of super battleship reset. The length is still 8,000 meters... According to the data comparison and simulation we have obtained so far, such an interstellar dreadnought needs 1,000 disobedient ships to compete. Mrs. Shu-Mai , The warships you built are really too powerful, as expected, they are disobedient! 1000 to 1 disobedience, hehehehe." Gross Shelby taunted.

Shu Mai turned around abruptly, and shouted at Walter Tamber and Passel Argent: "Don't you guys just keep silent?! These liars have already bullied us. The head is coming!!"

However, Walter Tambor has already seen the current direction of the wind clearly, he watched his nose, nose and heart, and said nothing.

Anyway, their technical alliance has little influence. After all, the main factories and shipyards of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies are here. If you want to build a warship, no matter what you build, you still have to contract it from them. As for the cost of foundry... The big deal is to earn a little less at that time.

Parcel Argent was even more silent. After he was dealt with by Tang Xiao in the Battle of Christophsis a long time ago, he had already realized how powerful they were, and even more so after that. If you dare to disobey them in any way, you will be afraid to offend them again.

Poger-Inferior is also silent, and he is also judging the situation. Like Earl Dooku and Newt Gunray, he was once a member of Darth Sidious, and later flirted with the capital of the Republic because of the super tank project, and now it is even more impossible to come here Muddy water.

Tang Xiao, however, kept a faint smile all the time, watching all the developments with cold eyes.

That's right, in the offensive of the Delong galaxy, most of the old warships in the current inventory will be taken out and sent away, and then this military reform can be carried out logically.

The greedy commercial guild is the first target of this military reform!

And then there is! Technology alliances, enterprise alliances, and even trade alliances that have already joined them, don't even think about running away!

There is no doubt that after the Battle of the Deron Galaxy, the Confederation of Independent Systems will have a large window of mobile fleet, but the sooner this window comes, the better.

After all, the current front is still on the edge of the inner ring of the galaxy. If the Republic pushes it all the way to the middle ring or even the outer ring, then the military reform will come again. Facing the same fleet vacancy period, maybe the Galactic Republic fleet will directly stab it with a stick. To Dawn Star and Laxus.

And after that, General Grievous changed positions and raided the Kamino planet, which was also an important part of this plan.

As long as the production of clone troopers is disrupted, the threat of the Galactic Republic on the planet's ground will plummet!

That's right, their plan is to abandon space and stop the Galactic Republic on the planet's ground battlefield! They deployed battle droids early on on a large number of occupied worlds.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a fleet, you just obediently drop your troops to fight with me, there is no clone army, let's see how you can defeat my robot army!

Orbital bombing? It doesn't matter, if you have the ability, start blowing up from the central ring, and blow it all the way to the outer ring.

Those planets will surrender? It doesn't matter, the main combat force has always been robots. From the moment I put the robots on these planets, the positions of these planets are determined!

What the Federation of Independent Galaxies lacks is a fleet, what it lacks is a strategic projection force, and what it lacks most is combat robots!

When your Galactic Republic executes orbital bombing on the already wobbly planets in the middle ring, at that time, you will see how many planets are willing to help the Republic!

When your strength surpasses all others, it doesn't matter how you slaughter. But at least for now, the Confederation of Independent Systems is still there! The fear caused by orbital bombardment will only push those planets to the side of the Confederation of Independent Systems, which has a power at least not weaker than that of the Galactic Republic!

Exchange space for time, use the robot army, and use the central planet as a strategic buffer. On this basis, Tang Xiao can work with Thorn Hill, Newt Gunley, and Earl Dooku to clean up the interior of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies and reform Political reforms to the military.

Replace the old fleet with scattered production, uneven models, low performance and high cost with a new fleet that is more advanced and more centralized production!

Afterwards, after fully contracting, use a brand new fleet to fight the Galactic Republic in the outer ring of the galaxy!

Thanks to the 100,000 starting point coins rewarded by the assimilation fighters, another leader was born, thank you so much.

Continue to explode next weekend, not during working hours.

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