The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1090: The Desperate Galactic Republic (Part 2)

1089. The Desperate Galactic Republic (Part 2)

"We... will definitely win." When Master Windu said this, he felt unspeakably uncomfortable, because this sentence was equivalent to juxtaposing him with a Sith Lord, and then he had to comfort himself He encouraged him?

Immediately, Master Windu took a deep breath, established a line of defense called 'All for the Republic' deep in his heart, and then said: "We have destroyed a large number of separatist warships in the battle of the Dron galaxy, Our mobile fleet will have an absolute advantage. This war is far from being decided."

Palpatine shook his head and said, "We can defeat the Separatist fleet, and then what? In fact, we all know that in the Model sector, Master Yoda should be the winner."

Master Windu's face changed, he knew what Palpatine wanted to say.

"We don't have the power to occupy those planets. Although the Military Creation Act allows us to recruit billions of soldiers, these soldiers can only guard their own planets and have no possibility of defeating the robot army in an offensive battle. " Palpatine really brought the topic in this direction, "The interruption of the supply of clone soldiers is the most fatal result for us. I can't think of how we can win."

Master Windu said: "Now we have deployed 2.4 million clone soldiers on the front line. If we make good use of them, we can still push the front line to the outer ring star area. This is to maintain the unity of the Galactic Republic and not recognize the separatist regime. That should be our bottom line."

"In the Mordel star area, Master Yoda won every battle, but in the end, he had to withdraw from there and lost troops." Palpatine said, "Separatism is taking advantage of our kindness, But what our kindness brings is the sacrifice of our soldiers at all levels. This, should not be the case."

He went on to say, "On the planet Eliadu, billions of people have starved to death due to the siege of the separatists. Billions of people! This is equivalent to the population of a medium-sized planet, just starved to death like this ! Should it be?"

"So, you should have come to a conclusion, right? Your Excellency the Speaker." Master Windu's face darkened.

"Restricted orbital bombing of military targets should be allowed. This is the best way I can think of." Palpatine admitted very frankly.

"Orbital bombing that exceeds the rated power will cause irreversible damage to the planet's atmosphere." Master Windu said coldly.

"We can't win this war 'cleanly', I think you should understand." Palpatine said, "I will promote the implementation of this bill in the near future, which will relax the restrictions on the orbital bombing of the front fleet , and in order to ensure that the orbital bombing is controlled within a safe range, I hope that when the bombing is carried out, a Jedi Knight must be present to supervise that the bombing will not exceed the limit."

"What are you talking about! Are you asking the Jedi Knights to give orders for orbital bombing?!" Master Windu was furious, and it was already the greatest restraint for him not to draw his sword immediately.

"It is naturally possible to let the general of the Republic's navy issue this order." Palpatine just smiled slightly, "And, if the Jedi commanding the battle thinks that the battle situation permits, there is no need to carry out orbital bombing, isn't it? The Jedi Order has always maintained the greatest trust. The switch is in your hands..."

Master Windu tried his best to suppress his anger, but he still gritted his teeth and stared, "So, are you sure that this bill will be passed? Your Excellency, Speaker! To what extent do you control the council?!"

"According to the calculation, I should indeed be able to get a majority of votes on this bill." Palpatine still maintained a kind smile, "As for control, oh no, it doesn't exist. From beginning to end, I only have that I have a pure heart, and fortunately, my ideas can be supported by many congressmen."

"Then after the war is over, how can you, who has such authority, guarantee that you will return the government to the people?" Master Windu asked viciously.

"We are still very far away from victory, Master Windu, very, very far..." Palpatine said seriously, "Because this war can only end with the victory of the Galactic Republic. I believe that under the leadership of the Jedi Order Your Majesty, this day will eventually come. And I will provide you with all the support I can in the council, and then I will naturally give up all my powers in the Galactic Republic council."

Master Windu stared into Palpatine's eyes, and the latter just watched him calmly, without any fear, and without any guilty conscience.

Immediately, Master Windu turned around abruptly and walked out of the control center.

A civil servant who accidentally blocked his way on the road was pushed away by him and fell to the ground.

Windu walked quickly, the anger in his heart could not be increased, and besides the anger, there was even... despair.

At the same time, in the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda opened his eyes, stood up and looked in the direction of the Supreme Strategic Command building, and felt the despair deep in Master Windu's heart. His heart was extremely heavy, and he held his chest slowly. Shaking his head, he said to himself, "...the last hope, maybe you are. Obi-Wan Kenobi."


At this moment, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is immersed in a short, crazy gluttonous feast.

After Southrob Company, Planet Castel, Planet Sullust, and Freedak Volunteer Engineering Group left the commercial guild successively, this once prosperous enterprise giant declined almost overnight.

Most of its factories are under the supervision of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and the previous poison pill plan to resist the acquisition also caused chaos in the business guild's own operations.

The so-called poison pill plan is a plan that harms others and does not benefit the company when it faces a hostile takeover. In short, it is to expand its own non-performing assets, increase the cost of acquisition, and reduce the profit of the acquisition, thereby forcibly preventing the acquisition.

And once this start is made, it means that the commercial guild will never return from the top corporate giants that used to be.

But people like Tang Xiao, Earl Dooku, Thorn Hill, and Newt Gunley did not intend to let her go.

The Hutt Sorge Wasadi Bekin was assassinated in Nashada's lair. The assassin left no clues, except for a small hole in his chest, but his heart had already been crushed. There was nothing but Jin's body.

Shu-Mai and Bei Jin have been in collusion for a long time, through him to carry out a large number of slave trade and black market smuggling trade, to make huge profits, and at the same time get the support of the Hutts. Now that Bei Jin died, those who were waiting around immediately took action.

A feast of dismembering commercial guilds is officially underway!

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