The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1098: Project of the Night——The Fall of Eliadu (Part 2)

1097. Project of the Dark Night——The Fall of Eliadu (Part 2)

Zero-mode probability is a calculation method created by the Jiwen people. Even with the assistance of supercomputers, only the Jiwen people can complete such calculations.

This is also the basis for the survival of the Ji Wen people living in a complex three-body galaxy.

They not only used zero-mode probability to predict the trajectories of the three stars in the Yago-Dur galaxy, but also used zero-mode probability to predict the trajectory of the race even if measures were taken when the stars were too far or too close to the planet. The future and the direction of the galaxy.

But now, after Ling Liang got in touch with the Ji Wen people, she began to try to integrate zero-mode probability into the combat command. And with the help of Bacher-Banach, a mathematician at the Ji Wen University, she has achieved certain results and has indeed been used.

She successfully calculated and detonated the flare of Eliadu's star through this calculation method, causing a hyperspace storm, creating conditions for attacking Eriadu's planet.

But now, she is using zero-mode probability in another way—that is, to complete battlefield command through mathematical calculations without any communication and contact at all!

This is the only way.

Because the defense of Elixiang City is too strong, with well-trained soldiers, sufficient supplies, powerful firepower, and complex terrain. Even the most optimistic estimate would require an army of at least 3 million to capture the city, and be prepared to plow the city to the ground.

As for the time, it will take more than half a year.

The Fourth Civilization can't afford to wait half a year. Once the hyperspace storm is over, the powerful fleet of the Galactic Republic will swarm in. At that time, the battle situation in the Eliadu galaxy will return to the original point, and everything will start again.

And the fourth civilization cannot afford it.

If the Eriadu galaxy cannot be controlled, then when the army of the Galactic Republic invades the border, I am afraid that even the territory of the 19th Army that was previously occupied will not be able to consolidate.

In the plan of the Supreme Military Command of the Fourth Civilization, once the planet Eliadu cannot be occupied in time, they will carry out a full-scale orbital bombing of the planet, destroying the surface of the entire planet, so as to forcibly control the planet.

Then when the fleet of the Galactic Republic came, they would concentrate all their fleets to defend the Eliadu galaxy until the end.

But without the assistance and logistics of a planet, this is equivalent to a decisive battle with the Republic Fleet! Compared with the fourth civilization, the productivity of the Galactic Republic far exceeds them, and the consequences of this are foreseeable.

Therefore, the only way to occupy Elixiang City is to disintegrate the resistance of the defenders in the city and turn this battle into an asymmetrical battle.

However, the fourth civilization does not have the technology that can crush the Galactic Republic. Whether it is electronic warfare or stealth technology, the Republic has the means to deal with it, but the difference is whether it is difficult or not.

The technological level of the two sides is currently evenly matched, why is it asymmetrical?

So the only way is to let both sides catch blind, but they are also caught blind. Although I catch blind, there are other methods, so this becomes an asymmetry!

This is the case with the Dark Night Project, which makes both warring parties blind and blind, and then directs the battle through zero-mode probability! If it succeeds, then the defenders of the Galactic Republic will become blind, and the Army of the Fourth Civilization will be blind wearing vision aids!

After the battle started, things went very well!

The specially made black smoke blocked the communication and blocked the line of sight, and all the troops lost contact with other surrounding troops. And at this time, the Army of the Fourth Civilization began to move blindly!

Without any intelligence, not even battlefield images, relying entirely on calculations to judge the enemy's movements and respond!

The defenders of Erisian City couldn't cope with such a situation at all. In their view, the separatist army covered everything with black fog and cut off their communication, but at the same time, they themselves were not affected!

All the mobilization and deployment of the local defenders seem to be transparent! The Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser in the sky kept firing, and at least half of the firepower accurately fell on the defenders, even if they hid in the sewers, it was useless! The powerful firepower of the Dreadnought class will even blow the exit of the sewer directly to the tower, burying the troops hiding in it alive!

In this black mist, the defenders of Elixiang City could not make any judgments at all. The visual distance in the city did not exceed 50 meters, and the communication was interrupted. They had to send communication soldiers to the nearby garrison area to communicate according to their memory.

But there are countless killers hidden in the black mist - Kali people!

They kept killing every signalman that ran out, trying to ensure that communication between the defenders remained interrupted.

And the bombing in the sky was still going on, even if it was affected by the black mist, it didn't affect the accuracy of the bombing at all. There was even one time when a certain company sent a communication squad to go to the headquarters to make contact, but the communication squad had just set off, and the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser overhead adjusted its muzzle and opened fire!

After a terrible explosion, there was not even a body left from the signal team!

The commander of the Republic Defenders still can't figure it out, how did the separatist warships discover their intentions? The only explanation is that even if the separatists have this black mist, they still watch everything!

It's like an eye that can pierce through all illusions and see through the essence, looking down at the city from a high position, making all their actions invisible!

He was half right, it was not the eyes that looked at the city, but...


Blocked by the black mist, the local defenders could only fight on their own, and were defeated by the troops of the Fourth Civilization breaking into the city one by one!

The other troops around could only huddle in their original positions and tremble, they couldn't do anything, although gunshots and explosions kept coming from around them, they couldn't take any action at all.

Because they have no idea what's going on!

Don't know where the enemy is, don't know the number of enemies, don't know anything!

On the night after the Dark Night Project was launched, the army of the Fourth Civilization advanced a full 10 kilometers! Occupy a large number of key buildings and annihilate tens of thousands of defenders of the Republic!

During the daytime of the next day, the sunshine made the city's visibility a little higher, but the improvement was limited. The defenders still couldn't come up with an effective way to deal with it, and buildings were still lost one by one.

The desperate battle situation in Elisian City was soon learned of by the Governor of the 18th Army, Wilhuff Tarkin, who had already left the city and commanded remotely in a very remote manor.

After discussing with the staff, he decided to launch an active offensive, allowing the troops on the periphery to cooperate with the defenders in Erisian City, trying to break through the blockade of the Fourth Civilization Army.

For this battle, the defenders in Erisian City managed to assemble a 160,000 army, and began to move at noon on the fourth day.

However, this breakout operation was perfectly predicted by Ling Liang and Ji Wenshu.

When the breakout army launched an offensive, they were surprised to find that a terrifying and bloodthirsty army was roaring and wanting them to rush over!

Injoli! !

After the three-dimensional fire bombardment of the sky and the ground, the Injoli launched an assault!

Perhaps in street fighting, the Republic Army occupying a favorable terrain could still struggle against the Inchoris, but in this open field, the Republic Army lacking armored units faced the Inchoris, and the result could only be described in two words. describe--

massacre! !

Wilhof Tarkin, who commanded in the manor, watched the breakout battle through the battlefield video, and turned off the video after watching it for only 10 minutes.

The scene was so bloody and desperate that even he couldn't stand it anymore.

He propped his hands on the table, took a few deep breaths, and then said: "Erisian City can't last long! Once the separatists get out of the quagmire of Erisian City, they will soon find out that I am not there ! And in the search and hunt all over the world, I can't hide any longer! Contact the military of the Republic and start operations early! I want to get out of here!"

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