The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1109 I heard that you call the Dunov class a tortoise shell? (on) [third]

1108. I heard that you call the Dunov class a tortoise shell? (Part 1) [Third update, ask for a monthly ticket for a subscription]

At this moment, on the flagship of the Republic Fleet, all the senior commanders of the fleet came to the radar department, watching the screen projected by the sensor.

Each of them has a serious face on their faces!

If the reinforcements from the separatists were a fleet, they wouldn't be anything to fear at all, so what if dozens of Cole-class battlecruisers came over? Now the technical department of the Galactic Republic has fully mastered the combat mode of the Cole-class battlecruiser. The warships of the Republic will be equipped with kinetic energy deflector shields, which are specially designed to defend against the hypermaterial electromagnetic guns of the Cole-class battlecruiser.

But it's different now... there is only one battleship!

A super battleship!

The deterrence brought by a super battleship is far more violent than that of a fleet!

The battleship Fang had been wreaking havoc on the Central Supply Line of the Republic before, and the Plague even directly raided the planet Cato-Neimoidia in the core circle!

These terrible memories are still fresh in my mind...

And this super battleship, just judging from the vague shape and size, is completely different from the Conqueror-class battleship and the Ragnalov-class titan battleship, although the length of 10,000 meters is less than a little longer than the 14,100-meter plague. The number is a lot shorter, but its width reaches 6,000 meters, and its height is more than 1,000 meters. This volume is at least equivalent to two plague numbers!

"Separatism... Where did it come from so many technical reserves and so many completely different super battleships!" Admiral Sioste clenched his fists tightly.

"This brand new super battleship of the Separatists... it looks like a big square brick," said the staff officer.

"If only it was really just a brick," said the radar director.


For more than 20 minutes, the high-level commanders of the entire Galactic Republic fleet seemed to have passed as long as two years.

Finally, they saw the whole picture of this super warship!

What the staff officer said just now is correct, this is really a big square brick!

A super square brick with a length of 9440 meters, a width of 5910 meters and a height of 1220 meters!

Different from traditional sword-shaped or streamlined spaceships, this super battleship has an ugly appearance, without any industrial aesthetics. It only gives people a clumsy, stupid and thick feeling.

The whole battleship is in a three-body shape. If you look down from top to bottom, it is roughly a vertical "three" character, or a structure like '[|]'.

If you look carefully, the huge hulls on both sides seem to be full of weapon systems and armor, and only the middle part is the main body of the battleship. The engines and living quarters of the battleship are actually in the middle.

"The appearance of this super battleship is really ugly and strange... According to the scan, the two sides of the three-body structure battleship are not the main body of the battleship, as if a person is holding two shields to protect himself in the middle... ..." the director of the radar department frowned.

Admiral Theoster didn't say a word, just watched the huge battleship start to slow down, and entered the separatist combat formation, surrounded by groups of separatist battleships.

A communications soldier turned around and said: "General, we have intercepted a lot of unencrypted communication messages. It seems that these spaceships of the separatism are congratulating or welcoming the super battleship. According to these messages, the separatism sent the super warship The battleship was named 'Xuanwu'."

"Xuanwu..." Sioster repeated the strangely pronounced name in the galactic common language, "Order the ships to prepare for the first-level battle, and see what tricks they are going to do!"

"But... shouldn't it be at the front?" the staff officer said suddenly.

"What?" Admiral Sioster suddenly reacted, "That's right! Why is it in the center of the fleet? Whether it is the previous Titan battleship Plague or the Commander II dreadnought that our Republic has just produced, the combat tactics are Rushing to the forefront of the fleet, on the one hand, you can use your strongest firepower, and on the other hand, you can also use your powerful shield to cover other warships... However, this Xuanwu is obviously larger than all the warships I have seen Big, but why shrink in the middle of the fleet?"

"Is there a possibility that this super warship is an auxiliary type?" A radar soldier interrupted suddenly.

However, the group of generals and commanders present did not reprimand for the arrogance of a small soldier, but fell silent.

"General! We have received an unencrypted public channel communication." The communications soldier said.

"Take it." Admiral Theosto's face was gloomy.

The screen in front flickered for a moment, and then a sullen man in a black cloak appeared on the screen, "Hehehehe...General Xiost, I was in the Model sector last time, and I appreciate your hospitality. "

"You are pushing the people of your own planet into the fire pit! Because next time, we will not show mercy!" Admiral Theoster said coldly, "Hmph! It looks like you are a Jedi Knight A group of fearful dead angels, right?"

Darth Masail showed a playful smile, "I heard from the commander here that during the battle, in the scolding on the public channel, the pilots on your side control our new Dunov class. A battlecruiser called a turtle shell?"

"Isn't it? Shy cowards! You are only worthy of using shield charging technology to survive under our powerful firepower!" Sioster snorted coldly.

"Actually, I want to may have a little misunderstanding about the tortoise shell...hehehehe! Get ready, the next step is the counterattack of the tortoise shell." Darth Malthael smiled slyly Communications were cut off.

"Hmph!" Admiral Sioster snorted heavily, and said, "Get ready for battle! Raise the shields, charge the main guns! Spread out the formation! What's the secret way to avoid this super warship!"



Darth Malthael sat in the middle of the titan battleship Basalt's huge, spacious bridge, behind him stood former Jedi Master Adi Gallia on one side and the Hermit on the other.

At this moment, the hermit's face was a little pale.

During the previous trial voyage, he already understood the horror of this brand new Titan battleship! He looked at the Republic Fleet that was spreading out on the holographic star map, and thought to himself, "Scattering the formation, there is no chance of winning... But, if you can escape one ship, it counts as one. I don't know how many of this fleet can go back." ...'

The voice of Darth Malthael came from the side, "The fleet shield system is on!! The interference matrix system is starting to recharge!! The engine is at its maximum output! The whole army is assaulting!!"

The hermit closed his eyes in pain...


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Ankron-class Titan Battleship! 】

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