The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1124 A Desperate Attempt (Part 1)

1123 : A Desperate Attempt (Part 1 )

"Between the three-body hull..." Gayette clicked on the computer on the side a few times, and projected the appearance of the Titan battleship Xuanwu.

Dover pointed to the inner side of the central hull of the battleship and said: "During the attack just now, I have observed that the Xuanwu has two hangar platforms, both of which are set on the inner side of the central hull. This battleship The aircraft carrying capacity is not large, this hangar platform should also be a part-time entrance and exit. Then..."

She clicked a few times on the projection, marked a few data, and said: "Then the gap between the central hull and the hulls on both sides is about 1,000 meters. Basically, no one except us Jedi Knights can Make full use of it, even if it is the Xuanwu fighter jet, the fighter jet will first lower its altitude, get out of the range of the battleship's hull, and then accelerate... Therefore, there is no near-anti-aircraft gun in this place, and the shield response is completely absent."

Gayette frowned and said: "There is no shield in this place because the shield of the Xuanwu covers the whole body. I also observed it just now. The time between the two shield cycles of the Xuanwu is about 10 minutes. .Only ten..."

"If you go in, you don't need to come out." Dover interrupted him directly, her eyes were calm, and she looked at Gayette.

Gayette glanced at her, nodded heavily, did not speak, but expressed his answer with actions - he turned over and jumped into an ARC-170 fighter behind him.

With the Xuanwu constantly turning on the interference matrix, only heavy fighters like the ARC-170 can resist for a little longer.

It is precisely because of the existence of the interference matrix that small battleships and fighter jets cannot use their flexibility to continuously circle around the Xuanwu, waiting for opportunities to attack the vulnerable parts of the Xuanwu—after all, nothing is truly flawless.

This is actually a very targeted system, which can be regarded as an alternative close-in defense gun. Of course, the cost of this system can be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or millions of times more expensive than a simple close-in defense gun!

Two Jedi Knights drove AR-C170 fighter jets to quickly take off from the hangar platform of the Rossana Dreadnought, and once again entered this hellish space battlefield.

Dozens of hunter-class battlecruisers are frantically besieging the Titan battleship Xuanwu, and the destructive turbolaser cannons are almost continuously falling on the Xuanwu.

At the same time, hundreds of warships from the Fourth Civilization were also frantically attacking these hunters!

Dover, their fighter jets passed close to a Jaeger-class battlecruiser. The eight twin-mounted DBY-827 heavy turbolaser guns under the bridge tower of this Jaeger-class ship had just fired a salvo, and 16 rounds The turbo laser is shooting out instantly!

But in the next second, three dreadnought-class heavy cruisers of the fourth civilization have already aimed at this side! They aimed at the position of the unprotected tail engine of the Jaeger-class ship, turned the muzzle, and the four single-tube hidden heavy-duty turbolaser guns installed on the side of the battleship fired directly in salvo!

A violent explosion erupted from the tail of the Jaeger-class, and the salvo of the three Dreadnoughts directly knocked off the position of the nozzle at the tail of the Jaeger-class! Thick smoke billowed from the rear of the Hunter class, and flames continued to spray out, but it was still firing on the Xuanwu!

The Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser continued to fire! The second round of salvo shot directly from the gap in the tail of the Hunter class, and exploded at the energy core!

Although the energy core did not explode, the power of this volley still tore the Hunter into two pieces! However, even so, it can be seen that two of the 8 main guns of the Jaeger-class are still trying to adjust their angles.

But in the end, the energy core was destroyed, and the muzzles of the two main guns just flashed a spark, and the high-pressure explosive gas injected into the gun bores leaked, and light green mist gushed out.

The battleship also completely lost its response...

"Bastard... bastard..." Master Gayette cursed in a low voice.

"We can't help them! The only thing we can do is to make the sacrifices of these Republic soldiers more meaningful!" Dover said sharply in the communication.

A group of vulture robot fighters stared at the two ARC-170 fighters and rushed up fiercely.

The two Jedi masters controlled the fighter planes to nimbly shuttle among the vulture robot fighters. Wherever they passed, as the laser cannons fired rhythmically, one vulture robot fighter after another was shot down. Can't touch it!

There were even a few Guard-class anti-aircraft destroyers and Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers of the Fourth Civilization that spotted the two ARC-170s whose speed was increasing, and mobilized several near-defense turrets to shoot at them crazily.

But a fighter jet piloted by a Jedi is almost impossible to hit! They were flying up and down in the fire net, as if everything was still!

The acceleration of the fighter has exceeded 3000G! Even the best navigation computer can't respond at this speed! The fire control systems on those battleships couldn't lock such a fast speed at all!

It seems that they are shuttled on the battlefield, but in fact, it can be found that the two Jedi masters controlled the fighter jets and ran around the entire space battlefield in just a few seconds!

All attacks, all chases, all active radars, and all laser missiles are all left behind!

Then, they flew to the target!

Titan Battleship Xuanwu!

In less than a second, from the perspective of the inside of their fighter jet, the Xuanwu was pulled from an invisible distance to close at hand!

The huge hull of more than 1,000 meters high and 6,000 meters wide runs across the front, like a metal wall with no end in sight!

Here, the firepower is more intensive!

The artillery fire of the entire fleet of the Galactic Republic is concentrated here, and there are more than ten explosions almost every second!

The armor of the Xuanwu has already been riddled with holes, but...

As before!

The armor is still being repaired, and the shield is still being recharged!

Whenever the main armor belt is about to break, the Xuanwu's shield will always cycle in time and then turn on. Before the shield was broken again, the armor belt was quickly repaired, and then the next round of bombardment was ready.

This must also be attributed to the support of the seven Dunov-class battlecruisers that constantly recharge the Xuanwu, and the support of more than a dozen Xingzi-class maintenance drone motherships that assist in the repair of the Xuanwu.

Let the Xuanwu stand like a mountain under the firepower of the entire fleet!

"The shield of the Xuanwu is still there!" Gayette said loudly, seeing that all the attacks of this round were blocked by the shield.

"Keep going! Look for fighters!" Dover said while driving the fighter jets around the Xuanwu at a very fast speed.

Hum~~~~~~ There was a deafening roar from the earphones, and immediately after that, almost every system inside the fighter was alarming! !

Communication systems, energy systems, fire control systems, and life support systems have all been disrupted!

What's even more frightening is that countless small debris can be seen flying out of the fighter jet! This is the dust from the erosion of the outer armor of the fighter jet!

"Master Dover! Master Dover!" Gayette found that the communication system was damaged and yelled twice, so he said to the navigation robot, "R9-V7! Restart the communication! R9-V7..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head and saw that the shell of his navigation robot had been corroded by the interference matrix, and the electronic components inside were scattered rapidly as the fighter jet flew.

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