The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1139: Pang Krell's Betrayal (Part 2)

1138. Pang Krell's Betrayal (2)

While Pon-Krell was taking the Interceptor assault tank away, two other Interceptors wreaked havoc among the clone army positions.

This huge centipede-shaped tank was almost specially produced for such occasions. The densely packed blaster cannons on its body fired wildly, with almost no dead ends for firepower.

The clone trooper casualties were very high, dozens of casualties in a matter of minutes!

Only, the clone troopers finally found a way. They used another AT-TE walker as a bait, and at the moment when the interceptor assault tank raised its body and attacked the AT-TE with a frontal cracking ray, they ambush near the walker. The clone troopers fired a volley of anti-tank rockets!

Dozens of anti-tank rockets directly destroyed the front of the interceptor assault tank, where the cockpit of the tank was located, and it was the only weak point.

After destroying one of them, the morale of the clone troopers was greatly boosted. They immediately reorganized and concentrated their powerful firepower on the last Interceptor assault tank. Finally, it was severely damaged, and the Interceptor went back underground. Ran away.

As the clone troopers began to regroup and take stock of the damage, Pon-Krell came back.

"General! Are you okay?" A clone commander went up to him and asked.

Pang Krell threw two spherical objects at random, which were the heads of two Umbaras, the pilots of the initial Interceptor assault tank!

He didn't answer the clone commander directly, but asked directly, "These three interceptors are coming from the direction of the 212 Attack Battalion? Why did they issue a warning before the attack?!"

"The Umbaras were attacking the defense area of ​​the 212th Assault Battalion with ten times their strength, and they were retreating at that time." The clone commander replied.

"Bastard! Ridiculous!! Because they retreated for no reason, they failed to detect the interceptor's attack in time! This is a flagrant disobedience to military orders, and caused heavy losses for this attack!" Pang Krell angrily yelled.

"But, General, Cody and the others..."

"Fulfill your duties, Commander! The planned attack will not stop! Now, I need to ensure that my soldiers are still in the state of obeying orders!" Pang Krell said while turning on the communication .

The communication was connected, and the holographic projection projected CC-2224, the commander of the 212th Assault Battalion, the figure of Cody.

"Report your current location, Captain Cody." Pang Krell asked coldly.

"We are now conducting guerrilla operations in the direction of the woods on the south side to delay the advance of the Umbara reinforcements, General." Cody replied.

On the other side of the communication, shouts, gunshots, and explosions continued to be heard. Obviously, the battle was very intense.

"I remember I told you that you must not retreat an inch to block the Umbara's counterattack, right?" Pang Krell's voice became colder and colder.

"General Krell, we organized a frontal resistance, but there are too many people in Umbara. We can only retreat to the woods and use the terrain to block their advance." Cody said.

"You disobeyed my order! Commander Cody. Because of your unreasonable retreat, the enemy army is now less than 10 kilometers away from our headquarters!" Pang Krell snapped, "And also because of your Retreat, causing the news of the raid of the enemy interceptor tanks to not be delivered in time! This has cost us a lot!"

"But General, we do now..."

"There is nothing but!!" Pang Krell interrupted Cody and said sharply: "Now I announce that you will be dismissed as the commander of the 212th Assault Battalion, and let your adjutant come over to speak!"

"Yes!" Cody walked away temporarily.

Soon another clone came over and saluted Pang Krell, "General! I am CC-5576-39, code-named Gregor, and I am currently the deputy commander of the 212th Assault Battalion."

"Now you are in command of the 212th Assault Battalion! Be sure to block the advance of the Umbara reinforcements!" Pang Krell said.

Greg said with some embarrassment: "General, if you defend from the front..."

"I am giving you orders as a Jedi master, not bargaining with you! According to the military system of the Great Republic, the occasion where the Jedi master is located is the supreme commander of the theater!" Pang Krell raised his voice, "Now You answer me directly! Yes or no!?"

"Yes!" Greg stood to attention and saluted.

"Then you arrest Captain Cody of CC-2224 immediately, and send someone to escort him back. After the battle is over, I will personally send him to a court-martial! He will be tried on charges of absconding in fear of crime!" Pang Krell said again.

"Yes!" Greg responded again.

Turning off the communication, Greg sighed, and said to Cody who was standing aside, "I'm sorry Captain... I must obey the order."

He waved his hand, and two clone troopers came over, sandwiching Cody from left to right.

Cody stretched out his hands very cooperatively, let the clone trooper put handcuffs on him, and said, "As I said just now, I will bear all the consequences."

Greg sighed again, and said: "Then I can only organize my brothers to defend frontally... But, the military order didn't say that you can't retreat if you can't win, right?"

"I hope you can protect the brothers as much as possible." Cody said earnestly.

"Don't worry Cody, we are brothers for life, I understand." Greg patted Cody on the shoulder.


On the other side of Pang Krell, after repelling the raid of the interceptor assault tanks, he moved forward again and launched a general attack on the largest airport and cargo distribution center near the capital of Umbara.

The clone troopers shouted and rushed to the defense line of the Umbaras. They fought one after another without fear of sacrifice. They almost stepped on the corpses of their companions to break through the defense line and finally occupied the airport.

The clone army began to clean up the battlefield, and moved the command center forward to the airport, and at the same time sorted out the seized materials.

Pang Krell walked through the almost ruined airport with his lightsaber upside down. The clone troopers around him were busy, either rescuing the wounded, extinguishing the flames, or carrying the wounded on a stretcher. Send it back.

But Pang Krell turned a blind eye to this tragic scene, and he didn't care about the life and death of these clone soldiers at all.

Even speaking, it is best for these clones to die more.

At this time, a clone commander came over and said to Pang Krell: "General Krell, we found some situations in the airport tower."

"What's the situation? There's such a fuss." Pang Krell asked coldly.

"An encrypted message, and the signature on this encrypted message is...the angel of death." The clone commander said.

Upon hearing the name, Pon-Crael's heart skipped a beat!

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