The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1170 You! How dare you!

1169、You guys! How dare you!

Outside the cockpit of the fighter jet, countless white light bands passed by rapidly, and each light band was the mass projection of a star. Now these are passing back at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and it is completely impossible for the naked eye to recognize this speed. , This is a strip of light.

On the control panel, the hyperspace ring is giving an alarm, which is why the core elements for maintaining hyperspace navigation have bottomed out.

According to the design, the hyperspace ring cannot jump too far. After all, this thing is just to allow some ultra-light fighters to have basic hyperspace capabilities.

Fortunately, the planet Hook of the Yamrui is not far from the planet Kali of the Kali, and there is only a 2.7-second difference between the two galaxies. Therefore, after a trip to the planet Hook, the remaining core elements Still barely able to support another trip to the planet Kali.

Jedi Master Sass-Ting looked at the vast white light outside the window, and he was a little dazed. Now he didn't even know what he went to the planet Kali to get, or to prove something, or, what to expect?

Are you getting supplies? In fact, on Planet Hook just now, he could have sneaked into the warehouse of the planet's spaceport with his own power, and then stole some core elements.

On a planet that is already on the verge of destruction, it is not difficult for the Jedi Knights to do this.

But he still left Planet Hook for the first time...

Can't bear to see the destruction of this planet? Or was he frightened by his previous crazy guess?

Suss-Ting looked at the panorama of Kali planet displayed on the navigation computer, and fell into deep thought...

Do you want to see the destruction of the Kali planet? Or are you hoping to see the planet Kali intact?

It seems that either possibility is bad news for the Galactic Republic, but the difference is...the latter...

more devastating.

Following the notification sound from the navigation computer, the white light outside the cockpit instantly disappeared, and the black satin-like cosmic veil and the jewel-like starlight suddenly replaced the entire scenery outside the window.

The fighter plane began to turn, and a green planet with mostly land appeared in front of it...

The planet of Kali, home of the Kali people and members of the... Separatists.

Suss-Tin drove the fighter out of the hyperspace ring, activated the concealment device, and isolated the fighter by a special magnetic field, which made it impossible for ordinary radars and sensors to detect him. Then he pushed the joystick and flew towards the planet's atmosphere.

Along the way, he didn’t see the existence of the space station. Suss-Ting’s heart jumped violently, and he began to comfort himself. Maybe these space stations in synchronous orbits turned to the other side with the rotation of the planet. up.

At this moment, a Geth destroyer suddenly flew in front of him!

Suss-Ting's pupils constricted instantly, and his whole body tensed up immediately, but his reaction was not slow at all, and he turned off the engine of the fighter jet in an instant!

The 100-meter-long geth destroyer didn't spot Sass-Tin's fighter jet, but just flew by at high speed, heading towards the periphery of the planet's gravity well, seemingly preparing to enter the hyperspace channel.

The geth have arrived on the planet Kali! !

Su Si Ting breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, but then shook his head heavily. What was he expecting? Is it what I want to see the whole planet being devastated?

Such an idea is a disgrace to the Jedi Knights!


At least the possibility of 'that' is gone, isn't it?

With some anticipation and apprehension, Suss-Ting restarted the engine and flew towards the planet's atmosphere. It is impossible for a place like Planet Kali to have a planetary shield, and he can just find a place where no one is paying attention.

But as the fighter jets approached the planet's atmosphere, the gradually prosperous low-earth orbit shattered Sass-Ting's last illusion!

After more than 30 years of war with the Yamri, the planet Kali, funded by the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group, began a rapid recovery.

The injection of capital and technology has allowed this planet, which was originally in the cold weapon era, to quickly enter the interstellar era. Although many aspects of their lives still retain their original traditions, after another generation or two, all of this will change dramatically. Change.

But looking at it now, the Kali planet is a strange form where fishing, hunting, farming and interstellar navigation coexist.

In the low-earth orbit of the planet Kali, several small space stations are slowly rotating, and various spacecraft come in and out. Some spacecraft are delivering cargo, while others are building a larger orbital space station.

These spaceships can be said to be miscellaneous, and they can be found anywhere. The engineering ships of the Fourth Group, the cargo ships of the Corellian Engineering Company, the worker bee spaceships of the Geth, the mining ships of the United Mining Group, and the transport ships of the Trade Federation.

A geth cruiser can even be seen docking in one of the spaceport's berths, surrounded by engineering ships repairing damage to the cruiser's exterior.

The good news is that Planet Kali has not been attacked by geth, and it has not been devastated and civilization annihilated like Planet Hook...

But the bad news is...

Suss-Ting's hand holding the joystick was so hard that his body was shaking!

Yep...bad news...

The bad news is... the geth, made by the Separatists! !

It's all a lie! lie! !

The geth are not of Kilic heritage at all! Their actions are not traceless at all, and they are not indiscriminate attacks at all! !

They destroyed the Yamri, and destroyed a large number of planets to which the Galactic Republic belonged! But now, live in peace with the Kali people!

How can the Kali man control such an extremely advanced mechanical race! The only possibility is that the Geth had no intention of attacking the Kali at all!

Because Kali, is separatism! Be a member of the Confederation of Independent Systems!

And the geth, too! !

Recall that despite their ostensibly indiscriminate raids, the geth actually raided Separatist worlds only a few times, and all of them on less populated worlds.

"Damn...Damn..." Suss Ting muttered, "Separatism! Earl Dooku! Newt Gunley! Thorn Hill! Tang Xiao!! dare to do this!! You You... you are putting the safety of the entire galaxy at risk!! You... actually activated an intelligent mechanical life!!"

Suddenly, the piercing siren sounded in the fighter plane!

Immediately afterwards, the fighter jet lost contact with the hyperspace ring, and at the same time, the geth destroyer that just passed by him turned around and flew towards this side! !

was found! !

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