The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1174 Equipment Update (Part 1)

1173. Equipment Update (Part 1)

I only saw the representative of the Halo Weapon Systems Group click on the data in front of him and said: "The Pelican aerospace vehicle, at present we have chosen the D77-TC model that is the most difficult to achieve, with a length of 30.5 meters and a size of 23.3 meters. With a load capacity of 138 tons, it has strong maneuverability and stronger survivability, and can be airborne in any battlefield environment."

The picture of the Pelican transport aircraft in the screen is enlarged. "In the original design, the Pelican was equipped with electromagnetic pylons and physical pylons, with a maximum load capacity of 67 tons. But our engineers adjusted the design to provide the Pelican An anti-gravity device was installed, and the engine was changed to a hypermaterial engine, which increased the maximum weight of the Pelican to 220 tons. After optimization, the interior of the cabin can be loaded with a Scorpion tank or 40 soldiers. On this basis It can also lift and transport goods with a weight of at least 150 tons through the hanger!"

"Not only that, the enhancement of the engine allows us to add deflector shields and auxiliary engines to the Pelican, which strengthens the air-space combat capability, and the maximum cruising speed in the atmosphere can also reach Mach 1.8-of course, if you really If you want to hang something below, it is best to choose subsonic cruise, hahahaha." The representative of the Halo Group laughed, "But this will also greatly improve the penetration ability of the Pelican. It's perfectly possible to cut into a city with tight air defenses, drop things, and return safely!"

He went on to say: "Moreover, the excellent carrying capacity of the Pelican allows us to hang four sets of missile pods on the wings, each set of pods can install 8 missiles, plus the blast energy laser cannon at the nose , and the hatch can be opened when flying at low altitude, and the preset brackets at the hatch can be used to use grenade launchers or laser cannons to increase firepower output."

Qi Jian was also writing something in his notebook, then raised his head and asked, "What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Pelican transport plane and the LAAT/I assault transport boat widely used by the Galactic Republic?"

The representative of the Halo Group said: "The current Pelican transport plane has actually combined the Galactic Republic technology that we can use, including anti-gravity devices, hypermatter engines, blaster cannons and deflector shields, But we haven't lost the original design intent of the Pelican."

"Compared with the LAAT/I of the Galactic Republic, the Pelican has a larger carrying capacity, faster speed, and better protection performance. Added a weapon pod on both sides, but later decided that there is no need to add more things, just keep its own characteristics! So, yes, the function of the Pelican is very simple! Get things to the point safely and quickly! Done!"

The representative of Tailun Heavy Industry was still a little unwilling, she stood up and said: "But our G-226 medical transport aircraft fully considers the battlefield support capability. We have added a remote treatment system to the transport aircraft, which can directly treat the patients on the ground from the transport aircraft. Infantry units! In other words, with the support of medical transport aircraft, our soldiers can fight for a longer period of time!"

Another staff officer next to him looked at the information and scratched his head, and said, "However, from this report, it seems that if the medical transport plane wants to directly treat the infantry unit on the ground, the infantry must take off their clothes, and the transport plane needs to descend to about 50 meters. The height of 50 meters is quite dangerous. Even the blaster rifles of the Republic Army can threaten our transport aircraft. And..."

He continued to flip through some experimental records, "If you don't take off your clothes, the skin that grows may grow together with the clothes... and during the experiment, some people also made calculation errors due to different physiques, so some people grew some on the wounds.", stuff?"

"These things can be surgically removed after returning to the base! As long as they don't affect the soldiers' actions and battles at that time, that's enough!" said the representative of Tyron Heavy Industries.

Several staff officers looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

An older female staff officer said: "At present, our army's battlefield rescue includes the first-aid spray produced by Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group as an emergency treatment, and the medical equipment carried by the medical soldiers as a second layer of protection. With these two guarantees, the wounded can already be supported by the transport plane and transported back to the field hospital at the rear. In this case, the role of medical transport planes in battlefield rescue cannot be greatly improved and helped."

"But..." The representative of Tailun Heavy Industry wanted to argue, but Qi Jian waved his hand to stop him.

"Okay, the current next-generation update procurement plan for our army's frontline transport aircraft is determined to be the D77-TC Pelican transport aircraft of the Halo Weapons Systems Group. The G-226 medical transport aircraft will not be purchased by our army. The currently active APOD-33 The transport aircraft will gradually withdraw from the front-line combat troops." Qi Jian concluded.

"Then... the next topic is... Tyrann Heavy Industries' Hercules Dropship." The secretary adjusted his glasses and said.

The representative of Tailun Heavy Industry suddenly came to the spirit this time. She cleared her throat and said: "The target positioning of the Hercules transport plane is to make up for the lack of large transport/landing ships in our army. At present, the large landing ships mainly used by our army Ships, mainly the Diamond-class multi-purpose transport cruiser produced by the Technology Alliance, and the C-9979 landing ship produced by the Trade Alliance.”

"Among them, the diamond-class multi-purpose transport cruiser has good performance, but it also takes into account combat missions, so the cost is relatively high, and after all, it is a spaceship that needs to be imported, and the cost is even more difficult to control. The C-9979 transport ship is in terms of space utilization. There is a great irrationality, so it can only be used on the Rookie Hook-class battleship."

"So...the emergence of the Hercules transport ship will allow our army to deliver armored units and infantry units faster when conducting large-scale landing operations. The Hercules transport ship is 100 meters long and 27 meters high, and can carry an entire combat ship. The troops of the battalion can also be equipped with three Thor mechs. It can be said that only one Hercules transport ship can transport the military power to immediately suppress a landing position. And..."

The representative of Tyron Heavy Industries said with some pride: "We have also overcome the biggest design problem among the Hercules transport ships. We have combined the carrier compartment and the rescue compartment of the transport ship. Even if the transport ship is shot down, the troops and armored units transported in it will not It can land successfully. And the optimized loading and unloading system of the Hercules transport ship can unload all the cargo within 2 minutes!"


[Easter egg chapter attached: D77-TC Pelican. 】

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