The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1189 Weapon Test (Part 2)

1188. Weapon Test (Medium)

The energy center of Aziz City, the capital of Ondron Planet, was ablaze, and the soaring flames became the only light in at least half of the city.

Against the backdrop of the dark city, this flame even turned the night sky red!

But for the defenders of Aziz City, this was just the beginning. Ahsoka Tano and her team went straight to the communication center again and completely blew up the communication tower with EMP bombs.

Immediately afterwards, a rebel squad sneaked into the vicinity of the Temple of Unity and fired a rocket at the temple.

The rocket didn't cause any damage, and the sturdy temple was only missing a small corner, but many battle robots could be seen turning around and running towards the temple. These robots formed a line of defense around the temple, guarding against death and preventing any possible attacks.

Yes, Planet Regent Sanji-Rush, is scared.

He had already moved to the underground command center of the Temple of Unity, but even if he was more than two hundred meters underground, he still didn't feel any sense of security.

Looking at General Kalani standing firmly with his hands behind his back, Sanji-Rush was furious. He pointed at General Kalani's electronic eyes and cursed: "This is your plan? This is your plan? Where did you transfer the defenders in the city?!"

"The rebel army will not really attack the Temple of Unity, and they don't have the strength. But it doesn't matter, I'm still happy to play with them." General Kalani said lightly.

"Can you guarantee it?" Sanji Rush roared, "If they really attack, it will be over! It will be over!"

"Please stay calm, Your Majesty. My Royal Guard will firmly guard your safety." General Akhenath Tandin said.

"Don't tell me about the Royal Guard! Even Mina Bontry is a traitor! How many traitors are there among you now! I want robots! I want more robots!" Sanji Rush Call.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. I will let my robots take over the core area of ​​the underground Temple of Unity." General Kalani said, his electronic eyes flickered, "The command has been sent, please cooperate with your subordinates, Tandin General."

Akhenath Tandin snorted heavily, but still sent a message to his troops, asking them to switch defenses with the robot troops and go to guard the outer defense line of the temple.

"General, the rebel army is constantly destroying our communication base station, and the energy center has been destroyed, we have lost contact with Thor's mecha!" A B-1 robot in charge of communication said back.

"It's enough to keep in touch with the valley experimental base." General Kalani said, "Other troops, before the Thor Mecha starts to fight, stay still."

"Roger Roger!"

General Akhenath-Tandin said from the side: "Are you so confident in the Thor Mecha? You must know that this time, Zhang Jiarui, a senior engineer from Tailun Heavy Industries, personally participated in the test. If there is something wrong with him, Tailun Heavy Industries will not Let us go!"

As the highest defense officer of the planet, he was silent in the face of a company, and he said this as a matter of course, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"Thorn Mecha is a super combat mech designed by Dr. Zhang Jiarui. If even these rebels can't deal with it, I don't think Tyron Heavy Industries will mind his life or death." General Kalani said lightly.


At the same time, on the way outside the city to the valley experiment base, the rebel fighters were driving hundreds of Swoop-G suspension motorcycles, relying on their own speed to deal with the convoy transporting the Thor mecha.

Rockets continued to pour into the convoy, causing bursts of explosions.

And those robot guards also drove the STAP single-person suspended weapon platform to deal with the suspended motorcycles, and the AAT tanks also kept turning their turrets to fire.

The situation was very critical, and the three MTT robot personnel carriers stopped, the front hatch was opened, and the hangers full of B-1 combat robots stretched out, and then slowly unfolded.

Immediately after the hanger was released, a whole phalanx of B-1 combat robots was deployed like this, the power was turned on, and the robot's electronic eyes glowed red, stood up from the crouched and folded state, picked up the E-5 from behind and exploded. Armed with rifles, line up and start marching the rebels forward, firing wildly at the same time!

The addition of these battle robots made the firepower of the guards dense immediately, and the rebel fighters' hoverbikes began to suffer large losses. They had to distance themselves again and deal with those battle robots first.


At the same time, in the hidden mountain col near the valley experiment base, Anakin Skywalker and the main force of the rebel army, including Saw Gerrera, are hiding here, and he is always paying attention to the battle situation.

"Have the defenders at the experimental base moved?" Anakin asked.

"They didn't move. They seemed to be planning to just watch THOR being attacked. And the defenders of Aziz City are now guarding the Temple of Unity. Sanji Rush is really scared haha!" Saw Gerrera said, "In this way, THOR's team is in a dilemma!"

"Hmm... But I didn't expect the experimental base to stay still. In this way, we can't follow the original plan to raid the experimental base while the defenders leave, and let them lose sight of the other." Anakin Skywalker grinned , "In this case, let's put the target on THOR!"

"Haha, let me tell you, this is our original goal! Hahaha! Let's go!!" Saw Gerrera said.

A rebel soldier came over and said, "General Skywalker, those robots have dispatched a battle airship! The brothers on the THOR convoy can't hold on anymore!"

"It doesn't matter, I will make a move." Anakin Skywalker stood up and walked towards the back.

There, a large thing was covered by a camouflage canvas. He walked over and raised his hand. A force of force passed by, and the canvas was lifted out of thin air. What was covered under it was a fighter jet! !


On the side of the Raytheon convoy, the guards finally used air power!

Only six HMP robotic gunboats were bombarding the rebel fighters on the ground who were driving Swoop-G suspension motorcycles indiscriminately.

This robot gunboat has a dish-shaped body and a fly-like head. The two spherical all-angle turrets below are bombarding the ground indiscriminately. The cluster rocket launchers carried for this ground strike mission are constantly Dozens of small rockets poured out towards the ground!

boom! boom! boom! ! The powerful firepower blew up the hoverbikes of the rebel fighters, and they had to start retreating.

But those HMP robot gunships didn't intend to let them go, they continued to chase and fired wildly!

At this moment, there suddenly seemed to be a trendy streak falling in the sky! Before the AI ​​of the robot gunship responded, a concussion missile accurately hit one of them!

boom! The robotic gunboat was instantly blasted into a ball of fire and fell down.

The other gunboats immediately raised their heights and prepared to fight against the air, only to see a small fighter jet flying rapidly in the sky. It was the latest interceptor aircraft of the Galactic Republic, ETA-2! !

Like the Delta-7, this fighter was favored by the Jedi Knights because of its weak protection and superior maneuverability.

Anakin Skywalker was sitting in the cockpit at this moment. He looked at those robotic gunboats with cold eyes, pushed the joystick suddenly, and flew directly over!

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