The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1216 Tuanhe Interstellar Banking Association

1215, the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association

Gross Shelby's attitude was very firm, which made the five core members of the Interstellar Banking Association nod their heads repeatedly.

Another member of one of the core five said: "It can be said that the fourth group has grown up relying on our Interstellar Banking Association. In the past 15 years, we have witnessed the rise and growth of the fourth group. I believe that the fourth group The group and we have formed an inseparable community of interests, so at this time, the support of the fourth group is very important."

As he spoke, he turned his head and nodded to the person before him.

"The fourth group's strong scientific and technological research and development capabilities and industrial production capabilities just make up for the biggest lack of our Interstellar Banking Association. With our unlimited financial support, the appearance of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser allows us to Become the most decisive organization in the galaxy." Co-chairman San Hill said lightly from the side, "We also own 21% of the shares of the fourth group, and director Gross is naturally eligible to participate in this meeting."

As he spoke, he exchanged glances with Gross Shelbya.

The Interstellar Banking Association holds 21% of the shares of the fourth group and is the second largest shareholder, which is correct. But what is the actual situation?

These shares, in fact, were originally held by Hego-Damasco II, who owned 100% of the shares of the Fourth Group at that time. At that time, Tang Xiao spared no effort to curry favor with this master and gain his trust.

You must know that Hego Damask II is Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord! Any reservations you have in front of him will cause him to be suspicious! For the development of the fourth group, in order to get the full support of the Interstellar Banking Association and Damask Holding Group at that time, Tang Xiao directly handed over all his wealth.

It can be said that at that time, Tang Xiao's only reliance was the plot that Darth Plagueis would be killed by Darth Sidious after the war on Naboo. nothing.

Otherwise, how could Hego Damask II trust him so much at that time, and even began to distance himself from Schiff Palpatine later, this is the reason.

It is also for this reason that the Fourth Group has developed rapidly with sufficient funds. At that time, it can be said that we needed money and money, people and resources, and resources.

Later, as the war on the Naboo planet was approaching, Tang Xiao and Semid, who had failed in the internal struggle of the Interstellar Banking Association, planned the construction project of the Plague Ragnalov-class Titan battleship. As expected, Hego-Damask II took the bait and invested even more funds and resources in this unparalleled Titan battleship.

As a result, the development of the fourth group has grown stronger.

Then after the death of Heigo-Damasco II, the 100% of the shares returned to Tang Xiao, and after Heigo-Damask II's spare no effort in the development of the past three years, the value of this share has already inflated tens of thousands of times ! And even more!

In order to deal with the affairs after Hei Ge's death, Tang Xiao divided these shares under the operation of Semid, and 21% of them were handed over to Sang Hill. Continued support of the Interstellar Banking Association.

The remaining 51% of the shares are held by Damask Holding Group, and some of the remaining shares are scattered in the hands of Gross Shelby, Tang Xiao, Semid and others.

So the fourth group is nominally controlled by the Damask Holding Group, and this holding group was created by Hei Ge, born out of the Interstellar Banking Association. Then add the 21% shares held by Thorn Hill, so in the eyes of the core five members of the Interstellar Banking Association, the Interstellar Banking Association can be said to control more than 70% of the shares of the fourth group.

This is the reason why the fourth group is directly registered on the planet Megito, the headquarters of the Interstellar Banking Association, and also opened its headquarters here.

Then the interests of the two parties are shared, and even the defense of the planet Megeeto is carried out by the joint fleet formed by the two parties. In many cases, the two parties have also maintained the same advance and retreat in the parliament of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.

In the eyes of the Interstellar Banking Association, and even in the eyes of almost everyone in the galaxy, the fourth group is a subgroup of the Interstellar Banking Association! For a long time before, almost no one connected the fourth group with Dawn Star, and this is the important reason.

But what is the actual situation?

After Hei Ge's death, Damask Holding Group was actually Tang Xiao's private company! And Thorn Hill has long been under the command of Darth Malthael and has become one of the core members of the Freemasonry Alliance. And the third largest shareholder and chairman, Gross Shelbya, had already had a negative distance communication with Tang Xiao, and was completely devoted to him.

Therefore, on the surface, the Interstellar Banking Association is controlling the fourth group, but in fact, it is all under Tang Xiao's control!

The fourth group is actually the tarsal maggots on the Interstellar Banking Association, constantly absorbing the resources and energy of the Interstellar Banking Association to strengthen itself.

What's worse, the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association kept sending more flesh and blood to the fourth group to suck more!

Back then, Heigo-Damasco II also used the resources of the Interstellar Banking Association to develop the Damask Holding Group, and he did not go so far!

Ever since Tang Xiao met Heige Damask II, he had made very long-term plans for this.

Who is the richest in this galaxy? The Interstellar Banking Association of course!

They can be said to have monopolized at least 70% of the financial industry in the entire galaxy!

At present, there are tens of thousands of various habitable planets with colonies in the Milky Way. The amount of funds involved in this, I am afraid that you will have to press 0 on the keyboard for a while.

Dawn Planet can develop and grow in 13 years, from a civilian mothership with only 650,000 hibernating residents and 5 billion frozen embryos to a huge force with hundreds of kilometer-class battleships. Jue Jian became the biggest hero among them!

Of course, in this process, the Interstellar Banking Association also benefited from the various industries and technologies provided by the fourth group, and also made a lot of money, but more than 90% of the profits generated by this were used in the fourth civilization. in the development.

The reason is simple, every time the Fourth Group buys technology shares, technology shares, technology shares...

What is technology investment? That is, if I don't give you a penny, but give you a memory with technology, you have to invest money in investment resources.

And what is the fourth group most? technology!

Tang Xiao doesn't spare the technologies in his hands at all, because those technologies may also require manpower and funds to integrate with the technology of "Star Wars". Now some people are willing to spend money, people and resources to transform these technologies into usable resources, and even if these technologies are realized, the final production lines and factories will still be under the name of the Fourth Group.

Such a good thing, why not do it?

At present, the close relationship between the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association is basically like this. This is also the reason why Gross Shelby also participated as one of the important members in this summit of the Interstellar Banking Association, which is related to life and death!

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