The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1221: Storm in the North (8)

1221 : The Northern Territory (Eight)

After a fruitless search, the geth destroyer had to leave.

Only then did Master Sass-Ting come out of his hiding place. The search just now was very dangerous. The total number of Geth individuals and Kali people who came to search for it exceeded 500!

Fortunately, some Kali patrols came over. He learned of the plans of these Kali patrols by using his telepathic ability, and then avoided their route in advance, so he survived.

It is really very difficult to survive on this planet where almost everyone is hostile to him.

But Sass-Tin has shown the strength and intelligence to match that of a member of the High Council of the Jedi Order, survived to this day, and has been looking for a way to get the message out.

It's just that the siege just now was extremely dangerous, but when Sass Ting used his powerful telepathic ability to link up with the Kali patrol, he got a very important piece of information.

A high-ranking general of the Kali people, Dilar, is now on the planet Kali!

Sass-Tin is a natural telepath, which is why he was accepted into the Jedi Order. Since he was a child, he was excluded because he could hear the deep voices of others, and he himself became silent because of this, but he did not give up because of this, but continued to hone his abilities and became an outstanding Jedi warrior.

In the previous siege, even though he was one or two hundred meters away from this Kali patrol, he still heard the inner voice of these Kali people very clearly!

General Kali, Dilar!

During the war between the Kali people and the Yamrui people, the one who led the Kali people to counterattack all the way to the home planet of the Kali people was Kiman-Jai-Hilal, who was later General Grievous . With such great feats, he was revered as a demigod by the Kali people.

And when Kiman Jai Hilal led the Kali struggle, he had eight right-hand men called Izvoshra. The eight Izvashra are all Kali warlords. They are not only extremely powerful in personal combat, but also resourceful. They are also the leaders of several major tribes and hold heavy troops.

After Grievous was assassinated by Earl Dooku and Thorn Hill, and the spaceship was shot down, the military system of the Kali people was directly on the verge of collapse with a fine from the Galactic Republic.

Only two of the eight Izvashras survived, Hakimi and Dilar.

After Tang Xiao started funding the Kali planet, he brought out many Kali veterans and established Giant God Security, and Hakimi and Dilar also followed Tang Xiao to Nashada, the moon of the smugglers, where There became one of the main members of Giant God Security.

With the continuous development and growth of Giant God Security, as well as the continuous expansion of the strength and influence of Dawn Star, the status of Hakimi and Dilar is also constantly improving.

Now they are also high-ranking generals of the Kali people. They are not just working as mercenaries. In many wars, they will also lead the regular army of the Kali people to participate in this battle between the Federation of Independent Galaxy and the Galactic Republic. in the war.

So if it's Dilar, he must know classified information about the geth!

Suss-Ting made an immediate judgment.

Because front-line generals like Dilar, when the war is at its most intense, generally will not return to the rear for no reason, and it can even be said to be on the planet Kali at the edge of the Milky Way.

Unless he has something necessary to attend to.

So since this is the case, no matter what he has to deal with, as long as he can start with him, he will definitely be able to make a breakthrough! And beside Dilar, there must be a large-scale hyperspace communication device that can directly transmit messages to any corner of the galaxy!

But it is not easy to get close to such a high-ranking and experienced general!

Seth-Ting looked down, he was already in a state of distress, and there were already minor injuries in many places on his body, and he had consumed a lot these days but it was difficult to find high-energy food, which made him somewhat malnourished.

The current state is very bad.

But... if it continues like this, the situation will only get worse!

Fight! The information here must be passed back to the Galactic Republic!


A day later, Sass-Tin appeared in Harima Harbour.

This is a coastal city with the best ice-free port on the planet Kali. It is one of the most important ports on the planet Kali with abundant water bodies. It was also invested and built by the Fourth Group.

At the same time, the fourth group also built a small-scale space port here, which is used to take off, land and maintain various cargo and military spacecraft, which is quite enough for the scale of Kali planet.

Haima Port has thus become the transportation hub and freight distribution center of Planet Kali.

General Dilar, right here!

Sass-Tin walked the streets of the bustling Puerto Al Khaimah, covering his horns with a cloak and wearing a bone mask of the kind worn by Kali warriors.

During the past few days on the Kali planet, although every contact with the Kali people was only fighting, he still knew a lot of Kali people's customs through his telepathy.

The most important custom among them is the animal bone mask made by Kali warriors.

They will hunt and kill the most powerful beast they can hunt with their own hands, then make a mask of animal bones, and then hand it over to the elders of the tribe for a ceremony, and finally smear their own blood on the mask. Kali warriors believed that wearing such a bone mask in battle would double their strength.

Sass-Ting also learned a lot. He found a beast on the Kali planet and killed it. He made such a beast bone mask with the Kali method, and drew a few lines on the mask with blood, so that the mask can see It looks even more hideous.

Under the cover of the mask, people around can't see his face, and although his figure is much taller than the average height of the Kali people, after all, he wears a mask, and others think he is a warrior, so tall A bit burly can be justified.

Suss-Ting carefully used the Force to pay attention to every pedestrian around him. As long as he sensed that the other party had doubts about himself in his telepathy, he would immediately use the Force to interfere with the person's thoughts, and then he would take advantage of his inattention Get away as soon as possible.

And the biggest problem is the geth.

Although the Geth can't directly scan his face through the animal bone mask, they can recognize him by his body characteristics, so Sass-Tin tries to stay away from the Geth on the road as much as possible.

Fortunately, in such a bustling city, the geth are still very low-key and rarely mix with these residents, which also avoids some unnecessary conflicts.

A Kali patrol came up ahead, and Sass-Ting walked in with a wrong footstep. At this moment, he used his force to charm the members of the patrol, making them think that he was a companion, and he also greeted the members of the patrol in Kali very familiarly.

Through telepathy, he can also know the inner thoughts of these patrols. He used the information he got to chat with them smoothly, and together with the patrols, he walked towards the barracks area where Dilar was located!

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