The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1262 Military Government

1262. Military Government

Can't stop it! Can't stop it at all!

Even if the Intelligence Department of the Galactic Republic has deployed a large number of intelligence personnel on the planet Lundili, it still cannot stop the planet Lundili from falling into chaos.

Because all eyes were focused on Daman Lopez, the mayor of the capital city of Jorgen, and among these senior officials who behaved strangely, he was the first to show his feet and make breakthroughs.

Therefore, a large number of intelligence personnel are concentrating on Daman-Lopez, looking for clues around him, and suffered heavy losses in the process.

Of course there are results. The problem detected in Daman Lopez's excrement is the result of investing a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, the result of this is that when those senior officials in other places suddenly revealed themselves like crazy, the intelligence personnel deployed in those places were simply insufficient!

At the same time, this is also the result of mental calculation and unintentional. While these high-ranking officials are acting, there are already a large number of bounty hunters, killers and agents of the Fourth Civilization's military intelligence department who have been hired by the Ulan family.

After the Wulan family started contacting Tang Xiao, the agents of the fourth civilization also entered the planet Lundili one after another.

So when the intelligence personnel of the Republic started to act hastily, their actions were immediately caught by the bounty hunters and agents hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity, and the result was self-evident.

Among those spectators, people were often dragged away suddenly by the black hand covering their mouths behind them, or their throats were cut directly! But those moves were quickly overshadowed by greater chaos.

Of course, it is completely impossible to completely mess up a planet with a population of 600 billion people. Even though hundreds of high-ranking officials and a large number of their henchmen have started to act so far, the chaos caused is still limited after all.

But... this is just the beginning!

The real function of the self-exposure of these senior officials is not to cause much confusion, but to arouse public opinion! When they listed the evidence of corruption between themselves and the Galactic Republic, the image of the Galactic Republic collapsed almost instantly among the people of the entire planet Rendili.

In recent years, especially in the past two years since the outbreak of the war, the situation on the planet Rendili can be said to have gone from bad to worse. Rendili, once the industrial center of the galaxy, has long since been surpassed by Kuat. It is only an appearance that Rendili Interstellar Power Company cannot get orders from the military, but what is involved is the entire industrial chain, as well as countless factories, companies and personnel.

Previously, what the intelligence personnel of the Galactic Republic did was to attribute all the depression to the corruption and incompetence of the Rendili Interstellar Power Company. Of course, what they said was correct, because the Lundili Interstellar Power Company headed by the Ulan family was indeed corrupt and incompetent.

What the public needs is actually just an outlet.

But now, Darth Malthael is fighting back in the same way.

He used these people who were replaced by the rebirth medical cabin to reverse the public opinion abruptly, and put a pot of stinking heat directly on the head of the Galactic Republic.

Feeling deceived, the people of Planet Lundili suddenly went into an uproar!

And is the role of these people just public opinion?

No! The existence of these people is also a screening!

As Darth Masail said at the beginning, Rendili Interstellar Power Company has no one to trust. It is bound with Rendili Interstellar Dynamics.

Their whole family may work in Lundili, they may have shares in Lundili's companies, and they may have investments. They couldn't help themselves and had to follow Lundili, but they couldn't affect the overall situation.

But it's different with these replaced people... because these people can be absolutely trusted!

It's as if you played sheep and got a sheep. Although the patterns in the second level are complicated, it is difficult to pass the level. But if you take a pattern out of it, the situation will suddenly become clear and clear, and customs clearance will become very easy.

Therefore, after these replaced senior officials aroused public opinion, they immediately started the next step.

And at this time, it was the turn of the Rendili Interstellar Power Company and the Ulan Family's turn to appear!

Bangira-Ulan immediately made a public speech. Under the control of Rendili Interstellar Power Company, all the media on the planet were broadcast live. Not only that, but also the media from other places in the Galactic Republic also followed up. This speech has almost become a live broadcast of the whole galaxy!

In his speech, Bangira Ulan deeply accused the Galactic Republic of crimes.

Including secretly infiltrating the planet Lundili, manipulating the political situation of the planet, triggering a wave of opposition on the planet, and manipulating the finance and military of the Republic at the same time, plotting to bring down the Lundili Interstellar Power Company, and taking their property to the Kuat Power Shipyard to carve up.

Not only that, Bangira Ulan also directly pointed out that this war was planned by the current Speaker of the Republic, Schiff Palpatine! The purpose is to eradicate dissidents through this war, re-arm and militarize the Galactic Republic, and then seize the supreme power of the Republic.

In the end, he declared that Rendili Interstellar Power Company would never give in, and would fight to the end with the retrograde Galactic Republic and Speaker Palpatine.

Lundili Interstellar Power Company and Lundili Planet will officially withdraw from the Galactic Republic and declare neutrality!

While Bangira Ulan was giving a speech, the Ulan family really started to act!

The 25,000-year heritage of Lundili Interstellar Power Company is fully revealed!

The major security departments on the planet stood up and responded almost at the same time. A large number of military police swarmed out and began to control the streets and routes, announcing that the planet Lundili would enter a three-day state of control.

Schools closed one after another, locked all students in the school, and then distributed the materials that had been prepared, requiring students to study intensively. The content of the study is basically this speech by Benjila Ulan against the Galactic Republic.

The major media stopped all other programs, and all channels were broadcasting this speech repeatedly. Not only that, a sea of ​​editorials, comments, and press releases poured out, supporting Bangira-Ulan's decision from various angles.

In the holographic network on the planet, strict information control has also begun. All online comments have been screened, and all kinds of public relations companies and trolls have been dispatched one after another, making the public opinion on the Internet overwhelming.

And other industries related to people's livelihood are also trying their best to maintain the stability of the society on the planet.

For more than 25,000 years, Lundili Interstellar Power Company has long been inextricably linked with all walks of life on the planet, and is closely related to them everywhere.

Under such circumstances, although there are still many people who do not agree to break up with the Galactic Republic directly, but with the previous preparations for public opinion, coupled with the swift and resolute actions of the Lundili Interstellar Power Company, these opposition The voice was temporarily suppressed.

Rendili Interstellar Power Company intends to make the matter of splitting from the Galactic Republic into an iron fact in a short period of time!

Perhaps such a result would cause a devastating blow to the economy of the planet Rendili, but it was inevitable. As long as they survive this period, they will have more opportunities to recover slowly.

After that, Bangira Ulan started a very important move—he announced the establishment of a temporary military government on the planet Rendili!

He bought some mercenary organizations on the planet, combined them with the security forces, distributed a large number of prepared weapons, and formally established the Lundili Planet Defense Force, which was also the first formal army on the planet.

After the establishment of the army, a large number of soldiers who had not had time to replace the uniforms of the previous security police immediately began to attack the administrative centers of the planet's major cities.

Fierce battles broke out in many places, and the administrative centers of many cities directly announced their participation. Among them are the cities where many senior officials who have been replaced are located.

With these cities as examples, some neutrals and fencers saw the general trend and made choices together.

Then, on the basis of these cities that announced their support, Bangira-Ulan began to build a new military-controlled government organization. A high-ranking official of black material.

These senior officials have expressed that although they have sinned deeply, at this historic moment, they still must stand up and help the planet to tide over the difficulties.

And they promised that once the planet gets through the difficulties, the military government will inevitably be disbanded, and at that time, they will also be responsible for the crimes they have committed.

These people were originally high-ranking people. With their participation, the military government established by Bangira Ulan was relatively stable.

The world of Lundili changed almost overnight!


"Immediately report the situation on the planet Lundili to your Excellency the Speaker and the Supreme Strategic Command! Immediately telegraph Jesse Dallin, commander of the planet Lundili Defense Fleet, and ask him to lead the fleet to take over the planet Lundili immediately!" After receiving the news At the same time, Armand Al-Assad, Minister of Intelligence of the Republic, responded immediately.

The situation changed so quickly, which completely exceeded Armand's expectations!

It never occurred to him that the day before, they were still struggling with what happened to those senior officials who behaved strangely, but that night, the world of Lundili Planet changed directly!

"Bangira Ulan...who on earth gave you such courage!!" Armand Assad gnashed his teeth and cursed at the void.

"Mr. Minister! Captain Jesse Darling replied that he refused to let the Planetary Defense Fleet take any action until he received the personal instruction from the Speaker of the Galactic Republic!" An intelligence agent came over and said.

"Bastard!!" Armand slammed his fist on the table, but he quickly organized his thoughts and said, "It's fine to let the defensive fleet stand still, but at least ask him to ensure that the fleet is under his control! It must not be let Gila-Ulan controls this fleet! By the way, we are on the Planetary Defense Fleet, do we still have manpower?"

"There are more."

"Let them make contingency plans, and if necessary, control Jesse Darling and forcibly take over the fleet!" Armand said.


Armand paused, frowned and asked, "Have the Supreme Strategic Command and Your Excellency the Speaker not responded yet?"

"The Supreme Strategic Command is in a meeting to discuss, and there is no response from the Speaker's side." The intelligence agent replied, "But I got the news from the Jedi Order, saying that Master Yoda is personally going to the planet Lundili. "

"Master Yoda? Go in person?" Armand Assad's face became serious. He felt that there were many things he didn't know about this matter.


The outer orbit of the Lundili planet, the berth of the Lundili planet defense fleet.

"My entrustment to you is only one thing - to control the Rendili Planet Defense Fleet." During the communication, Darth Sidious's distorted voice came.

Arden-Lin leaned on a cargo box in the warehouse, raised her mechanical right arm, and the communicator was installed on the mechanical arm, making it very convenient to talk. She glanced at Darth Sidious, who was shrouded in shadows in the holographic projection, and said coldly: "It's easy for you to say, so tell me how I can control this fleet? The person who deserves to be killed last time They were killed in the riot."

"Bangira-Ulan dared to announce the establishment of a military government so directly, he must rely on something! If he is not sure to control the planetary defense fleet, he will definitely not take this step! But now, you have to confirm , What exactly does he want to do with this fleet!" Darth Sidious's tone contained anger.

"How do you ask me to find out something that you don't even know?" Arden-Lin snorted coldly, "For me, this is still a strange world, a strange era. And you just called me like this drink?"

"Don't forget! Only I can resurrect your husband, Xin Duo! This is an agreement between us! If you let Rendili Interstellar Power Company break away from the Republic, then I promise you will never see him!" Da Sidious growled.

Arden Lin gave him a disgusted look, but he let go and said, "Okay, well, I'll go over and stare at Captain Jesse Darling. But I say, you'd better just take your sent the fleet."

"This is not something you need to worry about." Darth Sidious dropped the sentence and closed the communication.

Arden-Lin spat, put away the communicator on her arm, and casually grabbed the military cap and put it on for herself—she was active on the battleship as a mechanic.

She walked towards the hangar platform, preparing to drive the shuttle to the flagship of the Planetary Defense Fleet in the name of maintenance machinery. On the flagship side, there are naturally intelligence personnel from the Republic side to cooperate with her actions.

However, at this moment, the broadcast in the corridor of the battleship suddenly rang!

[Attention all personnel! Attention all personnel! The battleship immediately entered a first-level combat readiness state! Everyone returned to work, the engine of the battleship began to warm up, and all external communications and aircraft took off were stopped! All illegal communication and take-off activities will be directly arrested or even shot down! repeat……】

"Asshole! This guy Jesse Darling actually wants to do something!!" Arden Lin immediately reacted.

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