The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1267 The Battle of Lundili (3)

1267. Battle of Rendili (3)

Lundili planet, outer orbit.

In the headquarters of a Golan-I space defense platform, an orderly came over, saluted the commander, and handed him an envelope.

The commander opened the envelope, looked at it, and immediately said loudly: "The Galactic Republic raided the boatman's assembly, causing serious casualties to the Rendili Interstellar Power Company. Now, according to the company's regulations, our Iron Wall No. 7 defense platform will accept the approval of the emergency committee. instruction!"

He looked around for a week, "Send the order, Iron Wall No. 7 defense platform, immediately enter the first-level combat readiness state! All personnel enter the combat position! The Marine Corps immediately assembled and conducted a thorough inspection of the entire space station to ensure that there are no suspicious personnel!"


At the same time, other space defense platforms have also issued orders.

[Iron Wall No. 4 refuses to accept the order! 】

[Iron Wall No. 11 declares its allegiance to the Ulan family and immediately enters combat mode! 】

[Iron Wall No. 9 declares allegiance to the Ulan family! 】

Of the 12 space defense platforms, 5 immediately declared their allegiance to Bangira Ulan. These space defense platforms immediately enter a state of combat readiness, and all turrets are charged to deal with possible invasions at any time.

However, there are still 7 defense platforms that either did not make a statement, or directly rejected the order of the Ulan family.

For Bangira Ulan, this result can only be said to be barely acceptable. But in any case, at least now the planet Lundili has begun to have the most basic defense.

Next, Bangira-Ulan began to assemble an elite force mainly composed of mercenaries and bounty hunters, and began to eliminate all forces on the planet that opposed the Ulan family, mainly those who had just been killed. The family power of the shipyard owners.

The families of these shipyard owners have controlled the Rendili Interstellar Power Company for more than 20,000 years, and they have become a cancer that hinders the company's development. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I happened to wipe them all out and wipe them out!


At the same time, Jedi Knight Jing Fang drove the shuttle all the way to the area where the planetary defense fleet was berthed. Through the window, he looked at the huge ships and frowned.

These warships all docked quietly at the berth without any movement, and even the lights outside the battleships were turned off.

It looked like a dead fleet.

But Jing Fang knew that the situation was not that simple!

Planetary Defense Fleet, something must have happened!

The shuttle flew to the flagship of the Planetary Defense Fleet, beside the Messer-Cable, Jing Fang turned on the communication and called: "I am the Jedi Knight Jing Fang, please open the hangar platform immediately, I need to board the ship for work."

However, there was no response from the other party...

Jing Fang didn't know that under the calm surface of this planetary defense fleet, there was a tragic battlefield inside the battleship!

The crew and soldiers on the battleship were divided into fierce battles on both sides, which was completely a melee. Some people support the Galactic Republic, and some people support the Rendili Interstellar Power Company. These people may have been brothers and sisters together a few days ago, but now, they have become life and death enemies!

The crew wrestled, lashing at each other with every weapon they could find around them. There were also a few people with smuggled blaster pistols and electric shock devices in their hands, and they shot suddenly, and the crew members who were shot fell down in response!

On the flagship Messer Cable, Fleet Commander Captain Jesse Darling led a team of marines along the corridor of the battleship. His movements were relatively fast, and he took control of the Marine Corps first. With the powerful firepower of the Marine Corps, it would be trivial to deal with those unarmed crew members.

Jesse Darling held a communicator in his hand, and the figure of Darth Malthael was projected in the holographic projection, "Lord Death Angel, I have basically controlled the Messel-Cable. Now there are still There are a small number of Republic loyalists who are stubbornly resisting in some cabins, and I will wipe them out soon."

"What I need is the entire fleet! Tell me, what is the situation of the other warships?" Darth Malthael said coldly.

"It's still uncertain. After all, many people were killed in the last riot. Many of the people who remained were from the Republic, and there were many intelligence personnel from the Republic," Jesse Darling said.

"Before you completely control the situation, try to keep the fleet as it is, and don't let these warships run around! Severance Tann's fleet is on its way, and the Galactic Republic's fleet must be ready to go! Before that, we must Take the Planetary Defense Fleet into our hands!" said Darth Malthael.

"Yes! After solving the problem on the flagship, I will send marines to land on other warships." Jesse Darling replied respectfully.

"I'll be here soon, get ready."

"Yes..." Jesse Darling had just finished speaking, when he suddenly saw the message on the side, he was taken aback, "No! A Jedi Knight is coming, and he is requesting to board the ship!"

"Shoot him down!" Darth Malthael snapped.


While Jing Fang was waiting, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful sense of crisis in his sense of force! At the same time, he found that the turret of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser in front of him was steadily turning in his direction!

"Damn it!" Jing Fang turned his face aside, and immediately pushed the joystick violently to increase the speed of the shuttle to the fastest.

At this moment, a beam of powerful turbo laser cannon almost shot past the spaceship!

Without doing anything, all the near-defense turrets of the fleet's flagship Messer-Cable were fully fired, shooting wildly at the shuttle driven by Jing Fang!

Jing Fang unleashed his original force to the extreme, constantly accelerating the speed of the shuttle, predicting the direction of the attack and dodging it in advance.

But this shuttle is not a fighter after all. Not only is it unarmed, but its speed and agility cannot be compared with a fighter. The situation has become extremely dangerous.

At this moment, another Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser suddenly started to move!

The bulging device on the battleship unfolded, revealing the heavy turbolaser turret protected underneath. The turret began to turn, charge, and then fired directly!

This shot directly hit the fleet flagship Messer-Cable!

The deflector shield counteracted the power of this cannon, but the battleship continued to recharge, and soon another cannon shot passed!

At the same time, an image of a woman appeared in Jing Fang's communicator. Her right hand was a mechanical arm. It was Arden Lin, the bounty hunter!

"If you want to survive, come to my battleship first!" Arden-Lin said sharply.

"What are you doing?" Jing Fang asked.

"I'm saving you." Arden Lin looked at the bridge strewn with corpses around him and sneered.

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