The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1326 The situation is critical

1326、The situation is critical

Plop! A man in civilian clothes was dumped on an iron shelf that had once been a bed.

The Hermit and Jango Fett stood by the iron shelf, watching the man, frowning.

The one in front of him is a civilian they secretly kidnapped from Sandari City. He was originally a worker in a spaceship repair factory, and he was still wearing wear-resistant overalls and heat-resistant gloves.

And what is surprising is that this person was not knocked out, he was completely awake, but his eyes were dull, lying on this iron frame that was uncomfortable at first sight, but he didn't intend to move his position at all.

"Now let's summarize what we encountered," said the hermit. "First, weapons and attire. You disguised your armor as a death guard and entered the city. All the residents ignored you, as if you didn't exist at all. Two, it's the same when I go in directly, no one pays attention to me. Third, when we go out of the city, I take out a pistol and shake it, and then immediately people around turn their heads to stare at me, and the Death Guard came soon Yes, it should be known about things here through some way."

"So, it's supposed to be a city-wide brainwashing?" Jango Fett asked, "And it's actually not that clever."

The hermit said: "After entering the city this time, I took the time to go to the bar that I visited last time. There were death guards watching around, but they didn't find me. In addition, I noticed that the bar inside the bar The people, whether it’s where they sit or the drinks they order, are exactly the same as when I went last time.”

"You mean, the residents of the entire Sundarli City are spending the same day repeatedly?" Jango Fett said.

"That's it. And as you said, this is a city-wide brainwashing, but the level is not high, such as this person..." The hermit pulled the resident in front of him up and made him sit, and he just tossed about casually, Like a toy, "Actually, we brought him out and he didn't move because it was completely different from his actions that day. If it's just a small change, they can correct it themselves, such as turning the flip He could help up the fallen table, but when he ran to this no-man's land in Kordabe City, he didn't know how to correct his behavior at all."

"By what means? Brainwave interference?" Jango Fett asked.

"It may also be the original force. But if it is this, we can't act rashly, because once the original force is touched, the mastermind behind the scenes will immediately know." The hermit said.

"It is impossible for an entire city to be completely brainwashed all at once and no one knows about it. Even if Sandari City will not have any contact with Kordabe City, it must have contacts with other new cities. But the problem Yes, we did not see spaceships traveling between cities," Jango Fett said.

"So my judgment is..." the hermit said here, with a trembling voice, "Grand Duke Kriz Satine, who is in power in Sundar, may have been controlled, and only she can have the ability to block Sundar. Licheng. This incident has not yet caused more impact, indicating that the blockade is not long."

"So what are we going to do?" Jango Fett said. "It's such a big deal. It's hard for the two of us to turn things around."

"Can you infiltrate the death guard?" the hermit asked.

"The armor of the Death Guard has a unique identification code, and everyone's armor has subtle differences. If the two parties want to communicate with each other, the identification code will immediately provide system identification." Jango Fett said , "However, I can get in, as long as I don't meet those leaders."

He glanced at the hermit, and explained: "I have several sets of identification codes that have identities and can be used, which can be input into the electronic system of the armor. I prepared it before. I just need to adjust the appearance of the armor. But what's your plan?"

"I want to sneak into the palace of Sandari and find Grand Duke Satine." The hermit said: "The identity of Grand Duke Satine is different after all. This kind of low-level brainwashing does not apply to her, otherwise it will be easy to be seen through. But she Now she must be under the control of the God of Death Guard, this is for sure, so as long as we rescue her, we will smash the God of Death Guard's plot."

"You know this, and the Death Guard also knows this. Shatine must be heavily fortified." Jango Fett said.

"So I need you, cooperate with me from the inside out." The hermit said.

"If this is such a big deal, why not get some help?" Jango Fett asked.

"Intuition tells me that this is not an isolated incident. Now that the Galactic Republic is making a large-scale raid on the planet Semiles, and the large-scale battle broke out on the planet Semiles, it must have an impact on the direction of Mandalorian... and it makes me care more Unfortunately, the day before the Republic Fleet launched the raid, the information about the raid was leaked, which allowed the planet Semiles to make minimum preparations," said the hermit.

"You mean, in this way, the intensity of the battle between the two sides on the planet Semiles will be escalated because of the leak of this information, so that everyone's attention will be focused on the planet Semiles. And Man in the same direction Dalo, you'll be ignored." Jango Fett touched his chin through the helmet.

"That's right, the governor told me that Darth Maul was probably behind this incident, but I can't be sure if this style of behavior is really Darth Maul's way. I have a deal with this Sith Lord Even though he is extremely cunning, he still relies on his own strength to solve the problem. At least Darth Maul would not be able to brainwash the entire city... I would rather trust him It will kill all the people in the city," said the hermit.

"Then did you tell Tang Xiao?" Jango Fett asked.

"This kind of uncertain intuition tells him that it will only affect his judgment. So now, just the two of us, we need to rescue Satine first." The hermit said.

Jango Fett thought for a while, and said: "Then it's like this. I'll sneak into the Death Guard first, and then you sneak into the Sundari Palace. We should cooperate internally and externally to see what we can do."

"This is our plan," said the hermit.


In the extraterrestrial orbit of Semiles, the flagship of the Confederation Fleet of the Independent Galaxy - the Shenyi-class destroyer Invincible.

"The Galactic Republic has launched a full-scale offensive on the eastern border of the galaxy in the direction of planets such as Velasco, Ruusan, Salukami, Atahox, and Il." A T-series tactical robot used a straight Said intonation.

"Our time is running out... tsk tsk tsk... The defeat of the Eastern Region is a foregone conclusion." Admiral Trench slapped his hand with the pointer, "The most conservative estimate is that we will also lose almost everything The Central Star District... tsk tsk tsk."

"That is to say, the ritual offensive launched by General Grievous a year and a half ago, and all the achievements of the Central Battle we launched a year ago, will all be lost within a few weeks at the earliest?" Uru- Ulex frowned.

"The Republic has already carried out orbital bombing on the planet Seve-Tuk, and on the planet Semirs, if our fleet hadn't arrived in time yesterday, it would have also been bombed by orbital bombing." Asajj-Ventress looked grim, " Their human soldiers are no match for our droid legions! So they start orbital bombing to gain an advantage! These vile Jedi Knights!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... The only safe place on Planet Semirs is the capital area, which is protected by the Agniev-class interstellar base. Tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench said, "And our fleet has to As long as it is supplemented, if it continues to be consumed, it will not be able to stop the Republic's orbital bombing. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Ulu-Ulix clicked a few times on the full map of the holographic planet and said: "The Argonev-class interstellar base protects the capital area from orbital bombing and prevents the capital area from being directly landed, but the Republic is still Simultaneous landings in all three directions on the outskirts of the Capital District in an attempt to assault our Capital District head-on."

He ordered three places, namely Mengka City, New Dharan City and Tortok City. The finished products of these three cities glyphically surround the capital area of ​​the planet Semirs.

"My armored group has defeated the Republic's offensive near Menka City, and more than half of their personnel have been lost. There is no longer any threat in the direction of Menka City!" The man who spoke was a middle-aged general who was slightly fatter, and he was beside him. Participated via remote communication.

It's Lieutenant General of Star Lieutenant Army, Tank General Dai Hongkui!

"New Dharan City and Tortok City don't have the great plains around Mengka City, Fatty. Can your Scorpion tank army replicate such a victory?" Asaji Ventress cast a glance at Dai Hongkui , said coldly.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk army in three directions..." Admiral Trench said "and their fleet They are also constantly dividing troops to harass other directions of the planet, tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk

"Fleet decisive battle is impossible. Our only advantage is to take advantage of the firepower of the five behemoth-class battlecruisers to cause damage to the Republic fleet in the shortest possible time and then quickly evacuate to the range of the Argonev-class interstellar base "Ulu-Ulix said, "But if we are dragged into a long fleet decisive battle, the large number of fighter formations of the Republic Fleet will become our nightmare."

Admiral Trench stroked the chelicera at the corner of his mouth, and said word by word: "Our only chance of victory is to destroy the Republic's orbital bombing when my fleet can still stop them, the ground troops... tsk tsk tsk... …General Dai Hongkui, what do you suggest? Tsk tsk tsk.”

Dai Hongkui said solemnly: "During the transport process of the army troops of the Semirs, they were constantly bombed by fighter jets of the Republic and suffered heavy losses. As the fleet cannot protect every direction of the planet, we do not have unlimited troops." Available...We have 400,000 available troops in the direction of Mengka City, 700,000 in New Dharan City, and 550,000 in Tortok City. In addition, there are 1.3 million garrison troops in the capital region.”

He began to keep marking on the map, "And the Republic's landing troops in three directions are more than 200,000, and may even exceed 300,000. Now the air supremacy is in the hands of the Republic, and our satellites have all been destroyed. Estimate. That is to say, if we exclude the necessary defensive forces in the capital region, we have about a 2:1 force advantage."

Dai Hongkui looked at the map again and shook his head, "Depending on the level of the commander of the Republic, there are many possibilities for this battle. There is no guarantee of victory. My suggestion is to temporarily shrink the defense, strengthen the air defense force, and wait for the army of the Republic to come down." A movement."

"Hmph!" Ulu-Ulix snorted coldly, "There is more than twice the force advantage, and the supply of local combat materials is very sufficient, but you are still looking forward and backward here? I have already told you about our warships and fighter jets. The number of them is not as good as that of the Republic. Now, taking advantage of the superiority of the ground force, drive them out of space directly. This is what you have to do! You did a good job in Mengka City, General Dai, and now you need to expel them all in one go. Elimination is the right thing to do!"

"You don't know how to command a battle at all! Don't you realize that the strategic space of the Republic Army is actually much larger than ours? And they have air supremacy, as well as an orbital bombing that you will miss from time to time! Did you know that yesterday How many people did I die when that heavy turbolaser was shot down?!" Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui was also very hot-tempered, and when he saw Ulu-Ulix saying this, he pushed back unceremoniously.

"When my lightsaber strikes, you will know what fighting is!" Ulu-Ulix looked at Dai Hongkui with a grim expression, "Now the latest Scorpio tank is also given to you, the elite of the Semiers The Iron Armored Legion is also given to you! And what you think is defense? You are disgracing the governor!"

"Don't be impatient, everyone. You have to know that our planet is being destroyed like never before! The planetary shield is destroyed, and the warships of the Republic are cruising around the planet. Even if there is no direct orbital bombing, fighter jets are constantly being sent to carry out the bombing. Our own fighter jets are almost gone..." Thunbak Tula, who also participated in the meeting via remote communication, began to persuade.

As a councilor of Planet Semiles, she is also responsible for coordinating and communicating among these military leaders, and ensuring that the interests of Planet Semiles will not be sacrificed.

Thunbak-Tula opened a long list of losses, and said: "We can't afford it anymore! Yesterday, the Republic's fighter jets bombing our planet reached 20,000 sorties!"

Admiral Trench touched his chelicer. Although he was only an admiral, he also knew that although his army had a powerful armored group and the Semiles Armored Corps, in the case of losing air supremacy, In the face of the Republic's endless bombing, they would indeed suffer heavy losses if they launched a frontal attack.

Of course, Dai Hongkui also used his command skills to deal a heavy blow to the Republic Army in Mengka City. The current situation is that both the Republic and Planet Semiles are suffering.

But then... Looking at Ulu-Ulix and Dai Hongkui who were arguing endlessly, Trench fell into deep thought.

Thanks to 213teenager for the 500 starting coins! ! Thank you Xiling Material Tube for the reward of 100 reading coins! !

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