The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1340 Take the blame and resign

1340 , take the blame and resign

At the same time, the core circle of the galaxy, the planet Alderaan, the capital of the Galactic Republic's Fourth Army.

A report has been submitted to the Fourth Army Governor Plagi. After reading the report, he clenched his fists and even trembled a little, "Is the information confirmed? The seasonal hyperspace channel has been disturbed and is no longer navigable. !"

"Confirm. Admiral Davis is ready to fight to the death..." the staff officer bowed his head.

boom! Praji slammed his fist on the table, "Didn't Master Paulish-Radur personally confirm it before, according to the movement of hyperspace and the mysterious gravitational wave, this seasonal hyperspace channel has 11 to 12 days Is there a stable period?!"

"Our astronomers and hyperspace scientists have both gone to confirm that the hyperspace channel has been disturbed by unknown." The chief of staff took out another report, "According to the calculations of the astronomer Professor Dulos, the disturbance is likely to be caused by fluctuations in the stars of the Ulta galaxy."

"Natural or man-made?" Governor Pragi asked again.

"Unable to confirm……"

"Is there no way to pick them up? How about sending a special spaceship?"

"We have tried many plans... none of them work. The Semiles galaxy goes deep into the hinterland of the separatist-controlled area, and we can't reach there..."

Praji let out a long breath, slumped on the sofa, pressed his forehead with his hands, and didn't speak for a long time, his whole body was almost haggard.

After several minutes, he waved his hand lightly. The chief of staff retreated knowingly.

Governor Praji just sat here in a daze for more than an hour, and then pressed the button to connect to his assistant's communication. His voice was a little hoarse, "Help me draw up a resignation letter... I'm tired, really tired……"

20BBY, ​​March 12.

Because the entire main fleet, more than 1 million natural person legions and 20,000 clone human legions were all lost on the planet Semiles waiting to die, the governor of the Fourth Army of the Republic, Praji, took the blame and resigned.

At the same time, after receiving the communication from the fleet commander, Admiral Davis, who fought to the end, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Schiff Palpatine, personally made a decision to award Admiral Davis the rank of admiral!

Let Davis become the only current admiral of the Galactic Republic, in recognition of his great achievements in leading the fleet deep into the hinterland of separatism and fighting to the end in the Semirs galaxy.

Many congressmen have expressed their opposition to this, because Admiral Davis’ ending cannot be changed. If he is promoted to Admiral of the Navy, then for the Galactic Republic, this will be a defeat of the Admiral of the Navy who just took office. scandal!

However, Schiff-Palpatine directly used his emergency powers on the grounds that it was necessary to maintain Davis' confidence at this time so that he could really fight to the end so that the entire main fleet would not surrender. The ruling power imposed the resolution.

Admiral Davis-Holfsky was officially awarded the rank of Admiral of the Navy by the Galactic Republic!

Schiff Palpatine actually didn't care about this matter. After all, the Admiral of the Navy was defeated and died, and it was the face of your Galactic Republic. What's the matter with the Galactic Empire? He will be the emperor of the Galactic Empire in the future! A Marshal of the Republic died, is there a problem?

Not only that, the Galactic Republic also made a promise to the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army's main fleet, telling them that they don't need to worry about their families, and that the Republic will guarantee their lives with the highest treatment. In this way, they can fight to the death with peace of mind.

At the same time, Marshal Davis also sent the information he had received. Intelligence shows that the Separatists already have a genetic weapon that can accurately kill all clone soldiers in a large area. This weapon once appeared on the planet Harunkar. At that time, the Separatists wanted to use this so-called 'genetic resonator' Something to wipe out all the natives on the planet Harunkar.

But later, the weapon was destroyed by the sisters Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan who went on a mission to the planet Harunkar. Now it is clear that after obtaining the genetic data of this group of clone soldiers from the planet Kamino, the Separatists have improved the genetic resonator, making this weapon from indiscriminate killing to targeted killing of clones !

In other words, this batch of clone soldiers is useless.

And another piece of information said that the Separatists possessed an ultra-long-range laser weapon that could carry out precise strikes across a distance of at least 16 light-hours! Moreover, intelligence shows that the research and development of this technology has a great relationship with the extractor project that was previously snatched by Severance Tann.

The delivery of these two pieces of information shocked the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic! They had no choice but to be thankful that there was a plan to raid the planet Semiles this time, so the separatists had to take out these two secret weapons to save the scene in a hurry.

Otherwise, if the separatists are allowed to use these two secret weapons to conspire and calculate, and wait until the time is ripe to take them out suddenly, then this counterattack plan for the Galactic Republic will be another devastating blow!

But even so, how to deal with these two secret weapons has become the biggest problem facing the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic!

At the same time, in the direction of the Galactic Council, there is also an undercurrent. When Governor Plagi took the blame for the annihilation of the main fleet of the Fourth Army and voluntarily resigned, the issue of the governor of the Fourth Army became a key issue.

In fact, at the same time when Marshal Davis led the final fleet to launch a desperate attack on the planet Semiles, in order to compete for the position of the governor of the Fourth Army, a bloody storm had already set off in the Galactic Council.

This is the fourth army! The jurisdiction includes the planet Kuat! It can be said that as long as he serves as the governor of the Fourth Army, he will undoubtedly get endless benefits from the Kuat Power Shipyard, and he will become one of the most powerful people in the galaxy from now on!

This open and secret struggle in the parliament is no less cruel than the battle in the Semiles Galaxy!

A large number of bribes, kidnappings, threats and even assassinations, all kinds of despicable means were used, just for the purpose of allowing himself to take the lead in the competition for the position of the Fourth Army Governor.

But for Schiff Palpatine, there were other options.

"Are you ready? Take over as the governor of the Fourth Army." In the speaker's office, Schiff Palpatine showed his true colors without any scruples, and the distorted and dark voice echoed in the air.

"I am preparing every minute, every second. The position of the governor of the Fourth Army is none other than me." Standing in front of Palpatine was a man in military uniform with a dark face and a long hairline. Tall thin high school aged man.

Wilhuff Tarkin!

Former 18th Army Governor!

"I have already prepared public opinion for you. The 18th Army was destroyed because of the separatist super battleship Xuanwu, and at that time it also encountered a super stellar flare that was rare in ten thousand years. It was not a disadvantage in combat. And you, also It is true that the Separatism has been blocked in the Eliadu galaxy for a long time, and brilliant results have been achieved! The position of the Governor of the Fourth Army is none other than you!" Palpatine showed a distorted smile, "But... There is still one more chance.”

"I will prove myself, whether it is to the Galactic Council or to you." Tarkin said with his head raised, "Onderon Planet is my gift!"

Thanks to Habsburg_ for the 500 starting coins! !

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