The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1358 Upheaval in Mandalorian

1358. Upheaval in Mandalorian

Sundary City Spaceport.

A hovering car was approaching at high speed, without any deceleration, it directly crashed into the warehouse of Zane Remanufacturing Company!

boom! ! ! An extremely violent explosion set off! It's clear that this vehicle transports more than just ordinary cargo!

The violent explosion tore open the warehouse door, and the Zane company guards rushed out immediately. They came to the burning wreckage of the suspension vehicle, but found nothing.

However, in the next second, a black figure suddenly jumped down from above a pile of cargo boxes, aiming the blaster rifle in his hand at the guards for a burst of precise bursts of bursts!

Several guards fell in response, and the rest quickly scattered and ran away, looking for cover and returning fire.

But their firepower had no effect at all, and the Mandalorian crusader armor painted black was not afraid of the shooting of these ordinary blaster rifles at all. On the contrary, Jango Fett's extremely accurate marksmanship brought down several people again.

The guards hurriedly shouted for more reinforcements, and many controlled police officers also surrounded them.

And they didn't realize that at the secret entrance in the middle of the warehouse, a knife light suddenly flashed from the empty air! Then came the second, and the third!

The hastily built secret entrance gate was suddenly cut open, and the sirens blared!

"Quick! The core device has been attacked! Call for reinforcements!!" Someone shouted to the communicator.

But after they rushed here, they found nothing, except for the gate destroyed by the lightsaber, there was nothing!

Swish! The light of the knife flashed silently again, and a guard standing in the corner separated instantly, but his body was strangely held by invisible hands, and slowly fell to the ground without making any sound.

Then came the second person, and the third person!

It wasn't until the burnt smell from the lightsaber piercing the body spread that the guards realized that something was wrong!

"Someone! There is someone here!!" They exclaimed loudly.

But in that invisible, the killing became more violent!


"Woo..." The screams kept ringing out, and the guards fell one by one, but they couldn't see where each other was at all!

"It's an invisible man! It's an invisible man!!" A captain of the guard shouted, but in the next second, his head was cut in half by the invisible light blade directly from the mouth.

Whoosh! Whoosh! The remaining guards began to shoot wildly at the surrounding air, and in the chaos, more than a dozen people were knocked down by their own firepower.

In the sky, several Death Guard soldiers wearing black Mandalorian crusader armor descended from the sky with jetpacks, "Turn on the scanner! Find this invisible man for me!"

Several Death Guard fighters immediately began to search around, and they continued to adjust the scanning mode, using various imaging modes to search.

But, nothing!

Suddenly, a death guard soldier sensed danger, and he raised his gun and fired at the front! All I saw was a faint energy ripple flashing through the air.

"At..." Before he finished speaking, the invisible and soundless sword flashed, and the indestructible lightsaber directly cut his throat from the gap between the armor and the helmet!

The unknown language of "Na vazil" echoed in the minds of these people.

(We, destroy...)


At the same time, the Royal Palace of Sandari City.

"...Therefore, on behalf of the current government of the planet Mandalorian, I would like to return the power of choice to the people! Let the people make the choice! The people will not forget history! And they should not forget history! So today, the people of Sundari City , I will use my own hands to make the choice! Choose to speak out the voice of our people!" In the square in front of the Sundari Palace, the Grand Duke of the new Mandalorian regime, Satine Keriz, looked dull, but his voice was loud and clear.

Behind her, there stood four Death Guard soldiers on one left and one on the right.

However, this speech that was supposed to be full of passion, at the moment, just makes people feel like chewing wax, without emotion.

On the square, tens of thousands of people also had dull faces, and they were deaf to the speeches on the stage. They just lined up neatly and walked to the front one by one to cast their referendum votes.

Suddenly, one of the citizens fell to the ground with weak feet. When he got up, his eyes were full of confusion and confusion, "Where is this? What am I doing? Referendum? Why should I participate?"

The previous hints hit the mind like a dream, and the dream and reality were intertwined, making them extremely confused.

More and more citizens woke up from the brainwashing. They realized that the situation was not right, and clamored loudly. Some people hurried away and wanted to go home, and some rushed directly to the balcony where Grand Duke Satine Kritz was sitting. , asked her sharply what she had done in Sandari City.


At the same time, the capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant, the Galactic Parliament Building.

The speaker Schiff Palpatine, who was watching the simultaneous live broadcast, had a serious expression on his face. After the voting started, he selectively cut off the live broadcast directly, and did not broadcast the chaos that followed.

"Gentlemen, during this war, at the most difficult time for our Galactic Republic, the planet Mandalore... chose to betray." Schiff Palpatine said in an extremely heavy tone, "They seem to have forgotten who helped When they rebuild their homes, they seem to have forgotten who provided a large amount of interest-free loans, and who gave them their current good life..."

He paused, and his voice suddenly increased, "But we are the Galactic Republic! We are not afraid of betrayal! We will face the challenge head-on! The existence of Mandalorian planet with ulterior motives will not affect the unity of our real republic citizens! And now, we The Galactic Republic will unite as one and issue our most resolute answer to them!!"

All the congressmen in the audience shouted loudly.

Councilor Padmé-Amidala raised his arms in the midst of the chaos and shouted, "We need to calm down! The tragedy of the Mandalore War four thousand years ago cannot be repeated! This referendum is clearly a manipulated conspiracy !!"

But by this time no one was listening to her.

I can only hear the bewitching voice of Sheev Palpatine still ringing, "I declare that the war on Mandalore will be handed over to the Second Galaxy Army to complete! Indeed, the Second Galaxy Army will leave The inner circle defense line, but this is also the last force we can use in the most difficult and difficult times! As the Speaker of the Republic, I would rather face the enemy with a straight chest, and be the most resolute to the betrayers of Mandalore Counterattack!!"

"Occupy the planet Mandalorian!!"


Sundarli City Royal Palace.

A black shadow suddenly appeared from behind the balcony, and then a chain was manipulated by an invisible force, like a long snake, directly entangled the four Death Guard soldiers behind Grand Duke Satine! These fighters reacted instantly, but the death guards, who were disobedient to each other, naturally lacked tacit understanding, and were immediately staggered by this iron chain.

Seizing the gap of a few seconds, Obi-Wan Kenobi rushed out, grabbed Satine Kritz, and ran back!

Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Qingshan Trojan Cow and Xuntian Dingtian! !

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